The Internet is one of the biggest oxymorons out there. Given the amount of knowledge available at our fingertips, the Internet is like an information superway. It also allows for things to get done faster than we could have even imagined 20 years. Er anyone remember fax machines? On the flip-side, the Internet has so much going on that each day it slowly, yet surely, sucks away at my time and productivity levels. Yes, I’m looking at you Mr. Zuckerberg and the founders of Twitter, Pinterest and now my latest obsession:
What exactly are these?
According to a highly reliable source (read: Urban Dictionary), First World Problems refer to problems from living in a wealthy, industrialized nation that third worlders would probably roll their eyes at. Apparently the politically correct term would be “White Whine”, although I’m not sure how politically correct that sounds coming from a brown girl 😉 .
If you need an excuse to procrastinate even more, check out the site. In the name of a bit of reality-checking and self-mockery, here are some of my first world problems* which I have embarrassingly enough voiced/thought about over the last few weeks:
- All the treadmills in my gym reset after 32 minutes, which means I have to manually add up the total distance I run
- I’m hungry for breakfast but it’s so hard to decide between a smoothie and waffles
- My BBM signal is stuck on GSM but I need it to go on to Edge so I can send out an E-mail
- Autocorrect changed my “lol” to “LOL”…now I just sound overexcited
- I let my egg cook for 1 minute too long and now the yolk isn’t runny.
- I’ve eaten all the Malteasers, Twix & Galaxy from my box of Celebrations and only the crappy ones are remaining
- I want to go for a swim but I just washed my hair yesterday.
- I want to go for dinner at 9 pm but the restaurant only offers 8.30 and 10.30 reservations
- I need to pay for my taxi ride but don’t have bills smaller than Rs. 500.
We have too much food in our freezer so when we open it stuff falls out.
- I drank too much water and now I have to get up from my comfy bed during the night to pee!
- I’m fed up of clicking “Update Later” every time I open up iTunes.
- Why are X’s only worth 8 points while Q and J are worth 10 (Words With Friends).
- My Wi-Fi at home doesn’t reach out to my living room.
- I slept too much last night and now I just feel sluggish and lethargic.
- I have to walk to the end of the road because there is no parking in the compound where I work.
No one said being a privileged person in a developed nation was an easy job but somebody’s gotta do it ;)!
*Please note that the sarcasm behind this post; it was all meant in good humor*
What “struggles” have you been facing lately? It’s a hard knock life for all of us!
Hahaha overcooking eggs makes me whine especially when they explode in the microwave! This is really a great post, we have so much to be thankful for! 🙂
Bahaha, these crack me up. If you like those, you should check out White Girl Problems at!/whitegrlproblem.
Noooooo not another distraction ;)!
Hhahaah this made me laugh… Tracy is right, the #whitegirlproblems hash tag on twitter is hilarious 🙂
I hate that awkward distance when you have told a door (or not!) for someone too!
Haha we have some similar problems for sure- particularly the ‘having to get up to pee’ one…always happens in the middle of the night- ugh.
Some of my FWP:
-I really want to wear my cute new high heel boots to work, but that means I have to drive in flats then change into them
-Ugh, I have to drive a mile to the nearest ATM so that I can have cash to pay my parking
hahaha and what’s worse is when the ATM machines charge you for cash withdrawals!
Haha, I love “first world problems.” They make me laugh, and also put it all into perspective. I mean, when I complain, do I REALLY have the right to complain about whatever the issue is? But grrr, having to get out of a warm bed to pee in the middle of the night IS a problem… 😀
Love this post, haha “autocorrect changed my lol to LOL” – I feel you! Autocorrect can be the bane of my existence sometimes. And I can never decide what I want for breakfast especially after I’ve been grocery shopping and there are just so many options!
One of my white girl problems is that I have waaay too many TV shows to catch up on and can never decide what to start with. 🙂
Where meal planning is concerned, grocery shopping really makes matters difficult! Love your white girl problem- it’s a tough choice, rite!
LOL @ the “I have to go pee, but Disney Channel doesn’t have commercial breaks.” I totally thought that… My bf and I were watching a movie last night on HBO… They didn’t have commercial breaks and I didn’t want to go to the restroom because I didn’t want to miss anything. LOL
The worst is when you forget to pause a DVD when you go to the bathroom and then have to rewind!
hahah first world problems make me laugh. The other day my dad was complaining about how a local cafe doesn’t spread the cream cheese on the bagel for you, and he was annoyed because he has to do it in the car and it just takes extra time and it’s a little cramped. He had never heard of “first world problems” so when I said that everyone was confused!
I don’t blame your dad for complaining- if you’re going to get served, it may as well be right :)!
great post chickie!!!!!! 😀 love it!
I really try not to complain 🙂 but my latest complaint would probably have been about my wisdom teeth coming through 🙁 pain!
Hope you’re feeling okay…and for what it’s worth, I know ice cream won’t hurt to eat 😀
Haha crap – I think most of your list literally came out of my mouth. During my run tonight, I was debating whether or not I wanted to spend an extra $50 I won (in a bet) on a new Lululemon tank or put it towards something bigger. Tough 🙂
Decisions, decisions!
Hahaha I felt just a slight bit guilty because I do the “can’t go swimming, I just washed my hair” line ALL THE TIME. In my defence I only wash it once a week so it’s a pain to do it more than that,
And now I just added one more 1st world problem to the list 😛
Washing hair with clean water too many times a week is definitely a problem 😀
I love complaining about my first world problems 🙂 It’s sort of my thing…
Love this. I often need a reminder of how great my life is…despite my last post: #whitegirlproblems. 🙂
For what it’s worth, I more than likely would have complained too 🙂
I love it! My current whine today is that I had to get my oil changed in my car and it is just so darn inconvenient!
These are hilarious. I often say silly things like these, but then feel incredibly guilty!
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