Quick & dirty workout

In reference to the post title: Mind out the gutter, guys ;)!  

Hey guys!  How was your weekend?  I am currently writing this on board…I’ll hit publish when I reach home & am connected to Wi-Fi.  Especially after my disastrous journey last trip, it has been smooth sailing so far touchwood!  Aside from writing this post, I’ve been keeping busy watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S – some shows never get old!  Chances are I will park myself at Pinkberry during my transit in the Dubai airport as per usual.

 Other than being fun hobby, one of the best things about writing a blog is that it acts as a reminder of various experiences, recipes, meals and workouts.  In midst of cringing at some of my posts from back in the day, I came across a few posts from early 2012 when I did Body for Life. Although I no longer follow the program, I really enjoyed the workouts’ efficiency- the weight training workouts required around 46 minutes whereas the cardio sessions lasted 20 minutes.  Quick? Yes! Easy? Not so much!  The BFL cardio sessions are in the form of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).  Each 20-minute workout involves 4 repeated sets of high & low intensity intervals, and is structured around individual RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion). You can read more about it here.

Yum lunch from last week: Homemade oatmeal wraps with avocado & eggs plus a side of mushrooms & zucchini
Yum lunch from last week: Homemade oatmeal wraps with avocado & eggs plus a side of mushrooms & zucchini

Although Sundays are usually a rest day for me, I wanted to get in some kind of exercise before my flight i.e 10+ hours of little movement. I found myself bursting with energy when I reached the gym, so I decided to turn my light workout into a BFL-style run.  It resembled this:


Twenty minutes well spent!  I ran to a throwback playlist, which got me SO pumped.  Anyone remember Nelly’s Ride With Me & Jagged Edge’s Let’s Get Married? They just don’t make music like they used to!

Anyways I’m going to tuck into some dinner.  If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you probably know that I don’t “do” plane foodick.  I packed an egg & avocado sandwich and some carrot & cucumber sticks this time round.  As you can see from the picture above, the former has been my go-to combo all week- so.freakin.delicious!

Have a great Monday!

What’s song(s) have you working out to lately ?

 What’s your go-to sandwich combo?

47 thoughts on “Quick & dirty workout”

  1. Um… firstly, that homemade wrap- please tell me there is a recipe!

    Argh, these are reasons why I wish I had gotten into blogging sooner- you miss so many older blog posts which are great and info you didn’t know about the blogger- never knew you did body for life! So much variety! Hope the trip goes well and you land soon in london towwwwn

    PS really enjoyed reading your soy debate post linked recently- really informative!

      1. Thanks! Well, I’d read in mens health that soy was not the best for guys because of its ability to mimic female hormones- and as someone who enjoys tofu regularly, I was abit skeptical but didn’t put too much thought. After reading your post, I’m now more concerned…so maybe need to limit it to twice a week max as I don’t think the brand I get is organic!

        1. I’ve heard that too and again it’s so difficult to determine how accurate these claims are. Sometimes precaution is just the safest option!

  2. I do love HIIT workouts! There’s this site called the Daily HIIT that sends out challenges and workouts -for free- that are quite effective. Awesome “HIIT” pre-flight run!
    Britney’s Workb@@@@ is my current fav to work out to 🙂
    And sandwiches…hmmm…I think currently anything with marmite, though peanut butter and marmite and chocolate – “eek”!
    Hope your trip was wonderful – Happy Monday lady!

    1. Ooh I will have to check out that site- thanks, girlie! And PB, choc & marmite….hmmm I need to try it out before I decide my thoughts about that ;)!

  3. Now that’s a song I haven’t heard for ages! You’re right, though — they definitely don’t make music like they used to. Confession: sometimes I’ll even throw on some old Britney Spears. Her music isn’t exactly my type, but it’s what I grew up with and I’ll probably always have a soft spot for her in my heart.

    Hope you had a safe trip, Khushboo!

    1. Since we’re confessing and all- I will admit that quite a few Backstreet Boys songs made their way onto my throwback playlist ;)!

  4. I’ve started doing more HIIT in the past couple months and I really enjoy it! Sometimes I’ll finish a weights workout with 30 seconds of balls-to-the-wall sprinting and 30 seconds of rest, repeated 10 times and it seriously gets my heart rate up.

    Lately I’m loving Troublemaker by Olly Murs and Back in Time by Pitbull for my workouts but I also have so much older stuff too, like the Spice Girls haha.

  5. I love HIIT workouts for many reasons, but the one that stands out is because they are so time efficient! And at first glance, I thought those speeds were miles per hour! I was like dang K, you are fast!! Ha!

    Hope you have a safe and uneventful trip! 🙂

  6. Hope you had an easy flight! Don’t you love those days when you show up at the gym bursting with energy? Nothing better! My workouts lately have consisted of walking, walking and more walking. Injuries are fun, eh? On the bright side I’ve made some awesome walking playlists that make them so much better.

  7. Love HIIT workouts! Pretty much the only way that I can be on a treadmill these days :-p And ohmygod, that song. Takes me back to grade 7-8 when Nelly was popular. I’ve been listening to a lot of my high school music lately and really enjoying it!

  8. Quick workouts like these are definitely some of my favourite. It makes time FLY by compared to steady state.
    Which is probably why I love spin so much since it’s always different.
    Hope your trip was safe and fingers crossed nothing happened like the last trip!

  9. I second Arman’s comment – I’ve been reading your blog for, what, a year now and I never knew you did BFL! Welcome to London!! You just missed the most glorious weekend – it was 25 and sunny yesterday! I was wearing shorts and a tank top. So weird.

    1. Gah don’t tell me these things! Although I can’t complain- yesterday’s weather was ideal…hopefully it only gets better :)!

  10. I love the egg/avocado combo so much! I need to do this more. Favorite sandwich combo is anything with cheese… tomatoes, anything really, mushrooms and onions rock.
    Have fun in London!

  11. Your lunch from last week looks amazing! Nothing wrong with getting some Pinkberry to help with the jetlag that’s to come 😉

  12. I don’t blame you for wanting to get some activity in before sitting for that amount of time! I would have gone a bit bonkers without movement before. Your food on the plane sounds like a much better plan than what is usually served… gross indeed!
    I would say my go-to combo for a sandwich is turkey, spinach, tomato, cucumbers, slices of avocado, and honey mustard on some kind of hearty wheat/multigrain bread. Delicious. Oh and some chips to stack in there, love the added crunch!

    1. Ooh your sandwich sounds fabulous- I might have to recreate the same for lunch today! Have you tried adding in hummus to that combo? It tastes yum!

  13. I’m not a fan of plane food either, i usually bring my own snacks to make up for it! As for sandwiches, my go-to is usually egg salad sandwich…. quick, easy, and delicious! You’re right about music nowadays that’s why i’m currently hunting for my old collection of CD’s from my high school days!

  14. Oh man, that breakfast plate looks delicious! Any sandwich with either cheese or avocado is good in my book…even better with a drippy egg! I haven’t been working out lately, but I did rock out to some Bon Jovi while cleaning the man-friend’s kitchen the other day. Yeah, he went to work, and I completely reorganized his kitchen cabinets and fridge! Oops?

    1. Just for the record, it’s totally okay to make that kind of mistake in my kitchen :)! Your man-friend is one lucky guy!

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