I’m glad to read I’m not the only one with social media ADD ;)! On the note of social media, chances are you’ve seen this floating around if you follow me on Instagram, scrolled down the right side of my blog or if you’re friends with me on Facebook:
I thought it’s time I explain more about K Weigh…
Nine years ago I decided to overall my eating habits…and ended up changing my life completely. Up until the age of 16, I was always overweight…or if BMI terminology was anything to go by, “obese”. After trying out a number of faddy diets like the Kellogg’s Cereal Diet and then Atkins, I realized a quick-fix approach wasn’t going to cut it. With over 30 kilos to lose, I settled with Weight Watchers which focuses on a lifestyle change. Long story short, I lost a majority of my weight through WW and then finished it up on my own.
The first thing that comes to mind with weight loss is seeing the numbers going down and looking better. While both certainly happened, I also gained a lot as a person. I feel better in my skin and I’m more confident as a person; I built up a hefty amount of knowledge about weight loss and nutrition and figured out what works for me; I developed a healthy relationship with food. Most importantly, I finally regained control of both my health & life. To say it has, and continues to be, an empowering experience would be an understatement.
Changing about my eating habits lit up a passion in me for nutrition and overall wellbeing which only intensifies each day. Although I qualified as a Nutrition Specialist a couple of years ago, I waited until the start of this year to set up K Weigh. Before advising others, I knew I had to be in right state mentally i.e. have a healthy relationship with food without crossing the line of being “obsessed”.
After experiencing the powers & benefits of quality nutrition, I want to help others do the same. With K Weigh I hope to empower others in their journey to better health & fitness through sound nutrition. With customized eating plans that suit unique needs, our primary goal is to help clients achieve a healthier body, attitude and lifestyle. Struggles surface during any kind of change, which is why we offer unlimited emotional and motivational support and advice with every step along the way. It’s not a quick-fix diet eating plan…it’s a way of life.
For those interested, plans can be carried out both face-to-face or online. For more info about the plans we offer, please leave a comment or send an email to thekweigh@gmail.com.
And even if you’re not interested, please do “like” us on Facebook or follow K Weigh on Instagram for more tips on meal planning, motivation, recipes and more! Your support would mean the world :)!
What’s your ideal job?
Oh how exciting!!! Congratulations!!! This is going to be fantastic for you!
Thanks so much, Jess :)!
Absolutely liked on Facebook
So excited to see where this goes for you Khushboo! And as for an ideal job…I’ll get back to you on that one. Still trying to figure it out!
Loved getting the notification “Samantha Lynn Koplin” likes K Weigh
You have such an inspirational story, Khushboo, and I love that you’re using your experiences to help others regain their lives back
I completely agree that the only way to make long-lasting changes is to adopt them as a way of life rather than a quick-fix diet, and you really do have such a level-headed approach to diet and exercise, so I’m happy to see you sharing that with others!
Your words & encouragement mean the world, Amanda- thank you
Congrats girl!!! I’m so excited about your new endeavor – you’re the perfect person for this.
My ideal job is definitely being a dietitian – I’m still trying to figure out exactly what field I want to work in though. Sports nutrition and general nutrition counselling both really appeal to me!
I think you will excel in both areas, Chelsea! Nutritional knowledge aside, one of the biggest requirements of the job is being able to communicate well and empathise with clients, both skills which I think you possess :)!
this is just amazing! I am so excited for you. My ideal job is dietitian which I am right now but currently I am doing clinical dietetics but in couple years I would like to have my own private practice and provide outpatient counseling, cooking classes, and education.
Love that you’re already thinking of ways to branch out while still staying in the dietetics field- the amount of potential is HUGE!
CONGRATS!!! I am so proud of/happy for you!!! You’re going to do amazing things. I know it!
Thank you so much for your confidence in me, P
This is awesome news Khushboo! Congrats
Thanks, P
Congratualtions KT!! Am so proud how far you have come. You are truly an inspiration. Know this is just the start of many many great things for you.
Your support means the world to me, KC – thanks
VERY cool!! Congrats!
Thanks Hannah
This is so exciting, Khushboo! I love seeing people take huge strides towards their dreams
I have no idea what my dream job is, I’m in the process of figuring that out. It’s a long, hard process.
Thanks, Rachel…I’m excited to see what the future unfolds :)!
I was wondering what this was when you posted on IG!! I am SOOO excited for you and SO proud of you!! This is amazing, and if ANYONE knows how to do this the right way it’s you!! I know you will have amazing success with this! Cannot wait to follow you on this journey!
Ah you’re too sweet, Britt…THANK YOU
This is great, Khushboo! I’m so excited for you
Thanks Tara..it seems like just yesterday when we were sitting in that tea shop and I was telling you that this is what I hoped to be doing eventually :)!
Oh my gosh, you are going to be SO good at this! I know I’ve said it before, but you just have the best and most reasonable attitude toward food and fitness–YES, healthy, but more importantly? YES, balanced and realistic! Best of luck starting this up!
Thank you soo much Allie….your comments are always so encouraging, and I can’t tell you much I appreciate your support
Your story is so inspiring, and a testament to the fact that sustainable weight loss—and overall health—can really only be achieved through a moderate, balanced approach to nutrition. I’m really excited for you to embark on this journey, and know that you’re going to transform lives! KWeigh sounds like a fantastic program; I can’t wait to learn more about it via Facebook (and you, of course!). Speaking of Facebook, I’m heading over there now to give you a huge LIKE.
My dream job would be exactly what I’m pursuing right now: small business owner offering personal training as well as nutrition and life coaching. I’m knocking down the PT part right now, and have half the nutrition credential…Hopefully by next year, I’ll have things up and running.
Again, I’m so excited for you! Congrats! <3 xoxo
Thanks so much, Sara….and also for all the FB love :)! If I can help at all with any advice closer to the time you plan to set things up, I’m more than happy to!
Wow go Kushboo! Health is so important and is a life long commitment- I have no doubt you will help so many people
My dream job would be to work for the united nations- as a human-rights lawyer that actually influences policy in regard to refugees and human- welfare around the world. I am so passionate about the inequality of the world- ever since I was young my dream has been to seek justice for the unspoken- hard to express in English sorry I hope that makes sense
Congratulations Kushboo xo Sophia
I love the sound of your dream job- it’s so noble! Even though I’m sure it will be frustrating some days, you will be changing the lives and making a huge impact to so many others!
Khushboo, this is amazing. So proud of you… you’re so young, but you know exactly what you wanna do and are doing it. That’s excellent. My ideal job would be to do something related to food, just haven’t figured out what exactly.
Have you looked into going to cooking school, Nisha? You definitely have the skill and I’m sure cooking school will only push you in the direction towards a food-based career.
Congrats Khushboo! I am so glad you are doing what you want to do. I am sure you and K Weigh are going to be a big success. Way to go!! (pun intended)
You’re way funny
Dear K,
This is awesome news… congratulations my friend. Wishing you all the best in your and KWeigh’s future…
Thanks so much, Vandana
Congratulations! What exciting news and what a perfect venture for you. I know you’re going to do fabulous with this. I liked your FB page as myself and also as Clean Eats, Fast Feets. Good for you; this is so well deserved.
Thanks a bunch, Meghan…your support is so appreciated :)!
That’s a wonderful idea! I’m so glad you found something so exciting like this to have for your career. An awesome adventure ahead for sure!
Thanks Alyssa :)!
Way to go!!!!!!! Kudos!!!
Iam ‘proof’ that K weigh rocks!
So glad you are enjoying the plan, Zainab
love it
and liked it on facebook. the start of a remarkable journey 
way to go!!
Thanks a million, Ritika
Good for you!!! I’d love to hear your thoughts on my post today. I think we have similar beliefs.
We definitely do Laura…diet is so personal and it’s about time people realise that a plan which works for one person doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to work for someone else! Different strokes for different folks- so cliche but so apt!
I think you are meant to do this…I am thrilled for you! I just liked you on FB.
I always thought I wanted to work in entertainment and I am. And I LOVE what I do!
Thanks, Ameena :)! I would love to hear more about what you do..working in entertainment sounds exciting!
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