Pick your joys

Good afternoon…or depending on which time zone you’re in good morning/evening! Β Even though Friday is still a few days away, I’m feeling extra chipper today.Β  Someone must have spiked my coffee or oatmeal :)!

At the start of the year, I posted about the Jar ofΒ 365 Days of Good Memories , whereby I planned on taking note of a happy memory or something that made me smile for every day of 2013. Β Although I’m still yet to buy aΒ jar, I have an ongoing “Notes” section in my phone labeled as “Good things“, which I add to every night.Β  It might not be as crafty as I hoped but I still consider this “project” a success: It’s made me see the good in each day of 2013, including things I previously may have overlooked. Β Some days that even means highlighting small things like:

  • Waking up to completely open schedule

Enjoy the little things in life because one day you'll look back and realise they were the big things

  • Realizing that there is truth in the clichΓ© “Find a job you love & you’ll never have to work a day in your life”Β 
  • Successful last-minute plans
  • Arriving at a new place without getting lost
  • Eating a meal which was well worth the waitΒ 
2013-02-06 21.55.34
Fillet Mignon (Sundance Cafe)
  • Someone else valuing your opinion
  • Not having to wait in a queue

But on other days, they feature slightly bigger moments like:

Mumbai Mirror - 6th Feb 2013
Mumbai Mirror – 6th Feb 2013

The point is…big or small, there’s nothing like ending my day on a positive note. Β While I hardly consider myself the ‘philosophical’ type, I truly believe that the universe is listening and that positivity breeds more positivity. Β Sometimes a change of perspective & attitude can be all it takes to change your day for the better.

What little thing made you smile recently?

43 thoughts on “Pick your joys”

  1. 1. I definitely started a jar (bedside drawer full of folded up post its) after that post of yours πŸ™‚

    2. The line outside the flower shop next door has kept a smile on my face all morning.

    3. I want to read your article. Link/scan/SHIP ASAP

    4. I miss you.

      1. z @ kickingkilos

        Pls can u email me the copy of the article or scan it and post it :).
        Thanks and Kudos to you once again. I did read the your story in Shape magazine–posted in your blog.

  2. Congrats on getting featured in the paper! I agree with the first commenter – I want to read it! πŸ˜€

    And mmm that filet mignon would have made me smile too. I love a good steak every couple of weeks!

    Something that made me smile lately was getting really positive feedback from my boss at work.

    1. Thanks Chelsea- I’ll forward you a copy of it :)! And way to go on getting praise from your boss- it’s always nice to hear your hard work being recognised!

  3. Congrats on the article, K!!! That’s so exciting – I want to read it!!

    And something small that never fails to make me smile (cue the cheesiness) is seeing Vishnu’s face when I wake up in the morining! πŸ™‚

  4. Congrats on getting in the paper! And yes – I am adding myself to the list of requests to see a copy. πŸ˜€
    I have to confess…I did the jar thing (well, file on my computer) for about 9 days in January…then I completely forgot about it. Ooops. Next year!

  5. !!! Well, seeing your inspirational story in print definitely made me smile πŸ˜€ Congratulations, Khushboo! And I really love seeing that you’re still keeping up with the 365 days of good memories – I am too. You’re absolutely right that some days just end up being filled with lots of small, seemingly trivial things; but those small things really do add up to make a huge difference, and being able to recognize them and see the positivity in every day really makes a big difference in terms of attracting more positivity. Hope today is full of more good memories for you πŸ˜€

    1. Thanks Amanda- for both the praise and the idea of doing the jar…it’s crazy what a difference a small act can do! Would love to read some of your good things from 2013 :)!

  6. Ahhhh, i started this the first time you posted about the jar but i forgot all about it after a week! πŸ™ At least it’s only February so I can hop back on. Congratulations on your feature!!!! What made me smile recently is related to the quote you posted: β€œFind a job you love & you’ll never have to work a day in your lifeβ€œ – Yesterday, i quit my job to pursue my dreams full time! πŸ™‚

  7. OH MY GOSH you’re famous!!! That is so freaking exciting!! OK this is going to sound TOTALLY ignorant, but do a lot of people in Mumbai speak English?? Or is that a special magazine/article. Very cool either way! I am going to feel so stupid if English is totally normal there. Wow I’ll need a geography lesson.

    I love paying attention to the little things, arriving somewhere without getting lost is like GOLD!

    1. Hahah I’m not sure about the famous bit but thank YOU! And your question doesn’t sound ignorant at all. If you go to the slums/suburbs, English is less prominent but for the most part, it’s commonly spoken in the city…fortunately!!

  8. OMG.. that’s amazing! YOU GOT PUBLISHED! In India, even if 1% is reading, that’s a whole lot of people. πŸ™‚ Post your article.. it would be fun to read. What an accomplishment? Well today I went to a different office and laughed my ass off with my friends at work. It’s so fun hanging with my girlfriends. Those are the little pleasures in life.

    1. Thanks Nisha! Will e you a copy of it :)! There really are few things in life better than having a good chat/laguh with girlfriends!

  9. Oh my goodness, Khushboo, I squealed inside when I scrolled past the final image in this post! How exciting that you were featured in the Mumbai Mirror! Like a few others mentioned, I’d love to read the article! You’re an inspiration not *only* because of your weight loss story (which is definitely in and of itself inspiring!), but because you write posts like this one–posts that make me think and reflect. You’re so right–shifting our focus towards the small moments that light up our days (even if just for a second or two), and giving thanks to all the blessings in our lives, is what makes life fulfilling. Every single day is filled with good, and it’s reminders like this one that help me peel back my blinders and see it. <3

    Today I received a hilarious Valentine in the mail from my brother, which not only made me smile, but made me laugh out loud as well. πŸ˜€

    Sending hugs your way! xoxo

    1. Ah thanks so much for the excitement Sara..really appreciate it! I’ll be sure to send you a copy of the article! Your brother sounds like a gem for sending you a Valentine….even better that it was a funny one too! πŸ™‚

  10. Love love this! And as much fun as having a list to look back over with, I feel like just taking that moment at the end of the day to appreciate it would have so many benefits! I need to start doing that!

      1. Soo, I meant to do this last night…and then fell asleep with my face in a book. How do you remind yourself? Do you just have it scheduled into your day?

        1. Haha I am guilty of forgetting some nights too so I just make up for it whenever I remember and try to recap the past few days. Otherwise I tend to do it right before I sleep at night when I’m lying in bed.

  11. Khushboo I Love this post so much! I keep saying that I will do the jar thing but i’m definitely going to get it out today and start because there is so much to be happy about πŸ™‚ CONGRATULATIONS on being published! That is a huge accomplishment, and girll you look great πŸ˜‰

  12. Congratulations on your article! It’s so inspiring to see you do so well for yourself and share that passion with everyone! Email me the article – am gng a little blind trying to read it as is ;p

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