Yummus Hummus Burgers

Happy hump hummus day guys! I’ve been on a burger kick these past few days but not just any burger…hummus burgers to be exact.  Before we get to it, let’s talk about hummus for a second.  Is there anything better than warm pitta bread dipped into hummus? I think not! Hummus is one of those few foods where the vast majority will agree that it’s foodie crack.  I believe the most apt adjective is “finger-lickin’ good”…literally!  Considering the many other potential addictions, I’d say I’m doing pretty okay if pureed cooked chickpeas is mine ;).

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Back to these burgers…

Do they contain hummus? Not per say.

Do they taste like hummus? Yep!  It’s essentially all the same ingredients (plus a few more thrown in) nicely sealed into a patty.

If you’re skeptical about how good they taste, put it this way: it was both lunch & dinner on Sunday. And as much as I repeat meals , it rarely happens on the same day.  As simple as making these burgers is, I cannot take credit for them.  I have loosely been following this recipe, but with a few changes along the way:

  • 1 cup cooked chickpeas instead of half
  • Oats instead of quinoa flakes (2 tablespoons ~ 20g)
  • Addition of ½ teaspoon cumin
  • Tahini is not optional
  • Chopped veggies of choice: red pepper, mushrooms & onions

Obviously the smart thing to do would be to dip these in more hummus. But if you’re looking for an alternative, tzatziki is a great option.  I say tzatziki, but that’s just fancy for yogurt mixed with garlic powder, parsley and finely chopped cucumber.

And since we’re on the topic of hummus, I couldn’t not share this link: Hummus- Betches Love This.  Think about it, what word precedes ‘goddess’ almost all of the time? Greek. And what comes from Greece? Hummus.

…true story!

What food(s) are you addicted to?

37 thoughts on “Yummus Hummus Burgers”

  1. Hummus is dangerous! Given the proper dipping tools, I can go through half a tub without even noticing! Those burgers look great though, especially with the garlic yogurt 😉 And speaking of yogurt, that’s definitely what I’ve been addicted to lately. That and bananas. OH! And watermelon. Those 3 foods (not necessarily all together) are things that I just can’t get enough of.

    1. Forget dipping tools…I’m all about the fingers when it comes to hummus ;)! I am with you on yogurt- I can’t get enough although that addiction seems to be never-ending!

  2. I love homemade burgers! I just made a navy bean dip the other day that was finger licking good – reminded me of hummus but not as thick. Recipe coming on the blog soon! 🙂

  3. Sable@SquatLikeALady

    I loooove hummus. I put it on everything!! I always have a couple of flavors in the fridge =D I will have to try this recipe!!

  4. OH yes hummus, you can never have enough! I can’t even buy the store stuff, I’ll eat the whole tub in a day. Or an hour. Although homemade is arguably better (and definitely cheaper).

  5. this looks amazingggggggg K. i’ve never had a chickpea burger… wow! i’m gonna have to buy some tahini to make this and some hummus on the side. delicious. i still can’t get over the fact that you have a cook and he probably is like “why is she always in the kitchen?” too funny, but cute!

    1. Haha I guess the kitchen is my happy place ;)! Luckily our cook picks up fast so after showing him how to make this recipe once, he is able to make them without me loitering around….sure is convenient!!

  6. Khushboo! I’ve missed you!!! I haven’t had much time lately and am very behind in following your blog! Time to change that.. I have an hour to relax right now 😉 And I love hummus! And as you know, I’ve been eating a lot of burgers lately..so this sounds perfect! I’m actually going to make this for us soon!

  7. This burger looks soo yum and soo easy to make! Going to get them made asap, luckily even have tahini at home so will be able to!

  8. Oh gosh me and hummus have a love hate relationship. Meaning I love to eat it, and hate having to stop lol. I could eat an entire box of crackers with a good tub of hummus! These are a terrific idea, I will totally have to bookmark this!

  9. I’m so excited about these burgers!! Seriously. I don’t think I’ve ever typed the ingredients for recipe into my phone immediately after a reading a post, but that’s what I did before beginning this comment. Maybe it’s the name (‘Yummus Hummus’ is too cute to ignore!). Maybe it’s the fact that I too am a hummus addict. Maybe it’s because I’ve been on a major burger kick lately. But the reason doesn’t really matter; what matters is that I make these asap. 🙂

    I think my favorite hummus is an unconventional variety sold at Trader Joes: Tomato & Basil. It’s literally crack. I’ve also had some amazing caramelized onion hummus. As for other current food addictions: tofu (I know…WHO in their right mind is addicted to tofu?), Parmesan cheese and sliced avocado with a dash of sea salt (so good!).

    Happy Friday! xoxo <3

    1. Hope you love them as much as I do, Sara! And that bit about the tofu made me laugh- I feel the same way every time I say I crave a salad….people must think I’m nuts! That tofu combo sounds absolutely delicious though :)!

  10. God, you’ve made me hungry for hummus burgers… what is that tzatziki? sorry. wrong spelling but going into my dipping collection right now… cucumber, garlic powder and yoghurt… never ever thought i would mix all but now it seems logical….

  11. Pingback: Whole Wheat Cranberry Muffins & Dutch Oven Bread | Food Prep

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