Kodak moment

When people ask me ‘what I eat’ I am kinda lost for words. Do they really expect me to list it all?? It could take a while!!  To somewhat answer that question, I’ve documented a regular day’s worth of my eats.

Just to clarify, I don’t count calories/points anymore and instead focus on eating balanced, wholesome food.  Although I haven’t really posted any pictures of drinks, I drink about 2-3 liters water daily and 4-5 cups of green tea.  Yes, I’m in the loo a lot :D. Here goes nothing:

First up, breakfast:

Cold banana oatmeal made stovetop with oats, banana, raisins, chia seeds, soy milk and water and then refridgerated.  As for toppings, we have: peanut butter, sprinkle of granola, fruit preserves and  applesauce…you’ll soon realise I like variety!

You know I love breakfast for all meals so this was a fun one:
Leftover grilled cauliflower and mushrooms from Wednesday’s dinner and some chickpeas added in, all tossed in truffle oil and salt.  Simple yet gourmet!

As for the protein/carb portion of lunch:

Applesauce mixed with Greek yogurt, a few choc chips and BEAR Granola Nibbles. Love the minimal ingredient list:

  • wholegrain oats & maize
  • baked apple pieces
  • coconut
  • cinnamon
  •  apple, grape and carob extract


One of my all time all-time favorite meals: fettucine in homemade marinara sauce with broccoli, mushrooms and peppers mixed in.  Because I can’t get enough of these, I topped it with an egg sunny side up…which by the way gives cheese a run for its money

An After 8 to round the meal up, which I admittedly forgot to snap.  That’s nothing Google can’t help with! 🙂
And finally, because no night is complete without some dessert:

An apple with peanut butter and 2 squares of Lindt 70%.

Whoosh, I really give credit to those bloggers who photograph and post all their meals! Finding the perfect lighting isn’t an easy job, especially for camera newbs like me!  Anyways there you have it- one day’s worth of meals por moi!  😀

What’s the best thing you ate on Thursday?

3 thoughts on “Kodak moment”

  1. Pingback: The deal with my meals

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