Friday Favorites: 08/09

Howdy :)!   This is my last week in London for a few months as I’m heading back to Bombay early next week.  All good things must come to an end, eh?  I might just keep Friday Favorites as a regular fixture around here, especially as they’ve become my favorite post to write- what do you think?  Some highlights from my week include:

  • Although frozen yogurt & ice cream sales have probably gone through the roof during summer, its other frozen counterpart doesn’t get nearly as much attention: gelato!  I certainly got my fix over the weekend at Scoop on Brewer Street while catching up with an old friend.  As a luxury gelato parlour, Scoop offers  LOADS of intriguing flavors like Tiramisu, Biscotti & Amaretto, as well as various sorbet choices.  I kept it classic with a mix of Madagascan Vanilla &  Chocolate Hazelnut.  Aside from its creamy deliciousness, I have to big up the staff at Scoops.  Midway through, I went to the counter to buy a cone to crush over my cup of gelato, and was pleasantly surprised when they insisted it was on the house.

photo 1

  • I’m not 16 going on 17 but I LOVED The Sound of Music musical at the Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre.  I’m probably the only person around who never watched the movie as a kid so I didn’t go in having high expectations at all.  Let’s just say, I get what the big deal is!  The performance was outstanding and the songs have been stuck in my head since ♫♫Theeeese are a few of my favorite things♫♫.  If you’re in London this summer or any other, I’d highly recommend checking out the enchanting open air theatre- it’s a perfect way to spend a summer’s evening.


  • Have you heard of the Stop Phubbing movement?  I first heard about it on the BBC at the start of the week and couldn’t help but laugh.  Phubbers are those guilty of snubbing in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention.  The No Phubbing movement encourages respect for the food, the music and the company you’re in.  I know my girl Henna is 150% on board with it :).

Stop Phubbing

  • I downloaded the PinQuotes for Instagram app which I have been flicking through more than I expected e.g. while getting my hair done, while waiting for the bus, whilst trying to fall asleep…you catch my drift.   In a nutshell, it’s a collection of user-submitted quotes and graphics arranged in a number of categories like funny quotes, relationships, swag, sayings, inspiration, etc.  A few of my favorite include:

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photo 4

Are you a phubber? I’m trying not to be!

What’s your favorite song from The Sound of Music? 

36 thoughts on “Friday Favorites: 08/09”

  1. Oh god that phubber movement would never work here! Hahaha! I don’t use social media that much when I’m out – it kinda annoys me when my friends keep using their phones to tweet and Instagram when we’re out/all together!

    And just to let you know, I’ve been making your blueberry cheesecake smoothie almost everyday for the past 3 weeks 😉

  2. I am trying not to be a “phubber” too!
    16 going on 17 by leisel and rolf has gotta be one of my favs from the Sound of Music – it’s my dads fav movie, so we grew up with it – quotes and all 🙂
    Gelato is so so yummy! Great idea to crush a cone on it!
    Hope you have a great weekend Khushboo!

  3. I just want you to know that I’m holding you fully responsible if I end up waking around all day singing “These are a few of my favorite things.” I wasn’t huge on the movie when I was younger, but that song is pretty nostalgic nonetheless.

    And I had no idea it was called phubbing, but I really try to avoid busting out the cell phone when I’m with someone in public… I just think it’s kind of rude not to give a person your full attention.

    Happy Friday love!!

    1. HAHA if the songs are stuck in your head, join the club :)! I completely agree about phubbing- it’s basically telling your company that you rather be with someone else than them at that point in time!

  4. That ice cream place looks amazing! We have several here with some quirky flavours (my favourite place has a burnt fig and walnut one- amazing)!

    Phubbers get on my nerves so much, and since this year has been peak job interviewing period for graduate positions, there has been an influx of phubbers everywhere!

  5. I loove the True Love Story! So beautiful.
    Oh, amd sometimes I am guilty of phubbing. Especially when I need tot ake pics of food and upload on IG when everyone’s ready to eat…..other than that I try to leave my phone in my purse when with someone else.

  6. I had no idea that ‘phubbing’ had a name! I try to avoid bringing out my phone while I’m out for dinner or in a conversation with someone…it just feels so rude to me.
    Confession: I’ve had gelato once in my life that I can remember. Something that needs to change, apparently, I remember it being fantastic!

  7. aww that last quote totally hit me right in the heart strings this morning 🙂 love 🙂 and now i have a craving to watch the sound of music again. i havent watched it in years, but its SO good. and lol- “phubbing” – im so glad it finally has a name! i’m normally pretty good about not phubbing, but i do have my moments! i’ll have to work on that

  8. I love gelato too! It’s SO delicious.
    I’ve totally never heard of phubbing in my life.
    Haha, I like it though.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  9. “These are a few of my favorite things” gets stuck in my head all of the time! I love that song and movie. I bet the musical was fantastic. “I am sixteen going on seventeen”…. Please tell me they included that song too! 😀

    #1976 about auto-correct. Haha. Story of my life. Or those words that you write out correctly but for some reason they look incredibly wrong. Haha. Like “would.” What’s with the L?

    1. Haha yes they did include “16 going on 17” :). Broccoli is another word which always looks wrong after auto-correct (it needs 2 L’s)!

  10. You should definitely keep Friday Favorites going! They’re so much fun to read. 🙂
    Gelato is definitely just as good as ice cream and froyo, but I admit that I’m guilty of forgetting about it! The best frozen dessert I’ve ever had though was chocolate gelato in Greece. I need to go back there JUST for that gelato! 😉
    And The Sound of Music is such a good movie/story line. I would love to see the play someday!

  11. oh back to bombay? can I come too ! I miss it so much !
    They do shakespeare in the park in central park here – I’ve been meaning to go but I haven’t yet. Open air theater sounds so perfect on a summer evening.
    I love the song “doe a deer , a female dear” – we were taught that in school (all the SOM songs actually) even before I watched the movie.
    I’ve been eating gelatos and frozen yogurts like nobody’s business. More yogurts than gelatos though – but I really need to cut back on those calories.
    Hate phubbing – know someone who does it a lot and can’t stand it. I think recently I’ve done a bit of it, but very consciously catching myself.

    1. Tis the season to eat yogurt…I’ve been eating it even more than normal over summer, which speaks VOLUMES haha!

  12. I think I will be back in London at the end of this month…not sure why we always miss each other by weeks?

    I love The Sound of Music so I’m excited to take Maya to this show! Thanks for the recommendation.

  13. I love the quotes; a little visual inspiration never hurts.
    Phubbing is totally a thing and I wish people would stop doing it. I myself make it a point to put the phone away if I’m in a conversation with someone so I’m not tempted to do it.

    I love The Sound of Music and am jealous you got to watch it an open air environment like that. I still re-watch it every year, around the holidays, while doing my Christmas baking. It’s become a tradition.

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