Turning 2-5

Hey guys!Β  Long time no speak!Β  It feels like ages since I last sat down to write a blog post.Β  Although 2013 is flying by, these past 2 weeks especially seem to have passed by in a whirlwind.Β  Between celebrations for my cousin’s official engagement and me turning 25, June sure has started with a bang.


It makes me laugh when I hear people refer to β€œquarter life crisis” or proclaiming that they’re turning old at 25.Β  Although the life β€œtimeline” I set back in the day is far off from reality, I can’t say I’m disappointed in the least. Β I’m no longer part of the 18-24 age bracket when filling out surveys but I definitely don’t feel like time is running out.Β  If anything, I feel like it’s just getting started.Β  I’m still waiting for the day I wake up feeling like a grown-up…does that ever happen??

Rather than any OTT celebrations, my birthday involved a bunch of my favorite things…which is exactly what I wanted this year:

  • Leisurely breakfast
  • Surprise deliveries

photo 4

  • A quickie run
  • Food Coma as a result of copious amounts of pizza, cake and an unconventional cake:

photo 5

  • Spa day with my favorite person a.k.a. my sister
  • Time with friends…


…And family

photo 1

Between all the wishes, both via social media and offline, I sure felt like the most special (and grateful) girl.Β  It’s too bad birthdays only come around once a year!

What’s the best cake you ever had? Β Chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake comes to mind πŸ˜‰

51 thoughts on “Turning 2-5”

  1. Shreya @ rushofendorphins

    Happy belated birthday love – Looks like you had an amazing one! πŸ™‚

    I cant recall any particular or special cake at the moment so I guess I’ve yet to have a cake that’ll blow my socks away!

  2. Happy belated birthday girl!! Happy that you had such a great day!!
    And let me tell you, at least for the next 10 years that day whrn you feel like a grown-up won’t arrive. I am 10 years older than you and still waiting πŸ™‚ which is totally fine I guess.
    My favorite cake is my Mom’s chocolate cake. HEAVEN.

  3. Happy [belated] birthday, amazing girl!!! Your day sounds like it was absolutely perfect… and conventional or not, that cake looks amazing.

    I’m definitely with you on not feeling like I am where I thought I’d be at this point of my life, but at the same time, where I am isn’t exactly somewhere that I can complain about. Even though things didn’t go quite as I had planned, I’m happy with what I did accomplish, and I’ve got some exciting things in the work, so I’m really looking forward to the future as well.

    Oh, and to answer your cake question… I’d have to say Black Forest Cake with fresh whipped cream. My mom makes a homemade version that’s just to die for, and it’s kind of a birthday tradition, so it always brings back warm and fuzzy memories.

  4. “I’m still waiting for the day I wake up feeling like a grown-up…does that ever happen??” <– SO true! I still feel like I'm 16.

    Happy belated birthday girl! It sounds like you had an amazing day. There's nothing like getting flowers on your birthday. πŸ™‚ And that cookie looks fantastic!

    Oh gosh, I don't think I could pick just one cake! My mom's carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, her triple chocolate cheesecake with dark chocolate ganache, a salted chocolate mousse cake I had at a restaurant once… damn, I could really go for some cake right now. πŸ˜›

  5. Happy birthday (again), K!! 25 is such a fun age!

    In some ways, I’m where I thought I would be, and in others, I’m not even close. But I think I’m where I’m supposed to be…if that makes sense. πŸ™‚

    My favorite cake is from a restaurant in Atlanta – banana chocolate chip cake with dark chocolate frosting. YUM!

  6. Happy belated birthday Khushboo! It sounds like you had a fabulous celebration. And I feel you on the growing up thing – I’ll be 24 in October and I don’t feel anything remotely close to adult πŸ˜‰

    Favourite cake is a challenge…the one I just made for my mom’s birthday is definitely a contender. Although, I feel like cookie dough cheesecake would have the ability to change my mind… :-p

  7. Happy (belated) Birthday, Khusboo! Between lovely flowers and spending time with your favourite people it looks like you had a great celebration.
    Like you I used to think that “at [add any age older than 20] I’ll be grown up, no longer feel like a child and know where I’m headed in life”. Well, that has yet to happen but I’m semi-okay with it right now. Having family who encourages me to trust in things falling into place helps and it sounds like you had just that, too.

    1. As long as we’re heading in the right direction (wherever that may be), I’d say we’re doing okay πŸ™‚

  8. I love your outlook on turning 25! Honestly I am SCARED shitless to turn 25 hahaha. I feel like I agree with that e-card about having my shit together. I do know that things will fall into place though haha. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!

  9. Awww, happy belated birthday gorgeous!! Sounds like it was a wonderful day…and I’m totally envious of your table of flowers! Lol I don’t necessarily feel “old” but I can completely relate to that eCard…ha! I know when I was in high school, I thought by the time I turned 28, I’d have everything figured out. I also thought I’d be married with at least one kid by now, but eh, right now I’m content with my little furball son! πŸ˜‰

    Not much of a cake person, but I could be ALL OVER some chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake!! My mind is absolutely BLOWN!

  10. Happy happy belated birthday, my dear!! It looks like you had a FANTASTIC celebration surrounded by friends and family! That unconventional cake looks pretty fabulous, too. πŸ˜‰ I’ve never been much of a cake person (when I was little I always requested ice cream cakes and only ate the ice cream), so I’d say that the best cake I’ve ever had is definitely cheesecake. More specifically, peanut butter chocolate cheesecake or creme brulee cheesecake. Can’t decide. πŸ™‚

    I’m 27 and have yet to feel like a real adult, too. I’m not sure that those feelings ever come, though…My mom claims she’s still 18 on the inside. I sure hope that I feel the same way in 25 years!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! <3 xoxo

  11. Happy birthday dearest Kushboo!!! With age comes wisdom- you are a beautiful and wise person already, I can’t imagine the person you will be as time goes bye- but I know she will be full of beauty and joy!! Have a wonderful weekend and an another amazing 25 years!! On to cake- yours sounds perfect!- my best was a lovely Italian genoise sponge with strawberries in the middle and dark chocolate icing πŸ™‚ lots of love Sophia

    1. You are too sweet Sophia, thank you so much for your kind words :). Your best cake sounds too good to be true..YUM!

      1. Oh my gosh, I just realised I have been miss-spelling your name for ages! I’m so sorry πŸ™‚ you have been so gracious not mentioning it! So much love Khushboo! Happy birthday week again! We will feast on cheesecake and genoise sponge when we meet one day πŸ™‚

  12. Oh yay! Happy belated! 25 was a big one for me, a little scary. I think it’s just because I don’t want to grow up ever so every birthday is just a painful reminder that I’m not 8 years-old anymore. (I wish I was).

  13. Happy Happy Birthday K! 25! Dude, you make me feel old. And no, you’ll never feel like a grown up, TRUST ME, I still act like I’m 27 in my head, that’s my age for life. 27! You’ve got time… just realize that and live without any regrets. Truly live life and do everything you want because it’s now or never. That’s what I have learned… I wasted a lot of time in my 20s just sitting at home and not realizing time was passing me by, and now in my 30s I’m going crazy doing everything I want to.

    Best cake – Red Velvet Cake from Cake Man Raven in Brooklyn! Hands down!

    1. Thanks for your words of wisdom, Nisha! Although you wasted much of your 20s, it’s never too late to get things done πŸ™‚

  14. Wishing you a beautiful year ahead. Yours is an inspiring blog. I am yet to turn this inspiration into some sort of an action.

    You seemed to have had a lovely day. Wishing you many more of these precious moments with family and friends.

  15. Happyyy belated birthday Khushboo! πŸ™‚ I’m glad you had such a great time with lots of surprises and that cake looks amazing, is it a giant cookie? YUM. Hope the rest of your year is even better!

  16. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday with a spa day and everything.
    Your flowers are incredible and you’re right. I can verify life does get better as you get older. So far, my thirties are my best years. I feel more healthy and energized and I’m confident in myself and my body. I can’t wait to see you in your thirties. It’s gonna be great.

  17. Aww, I missed your birthday–happy belated! And I love a good, calm birthday with good friends and food (such as cookies…). My interest in partying hard is behind me, but other than that–nope, haven’t woken up feeling like an adult yet…and I kinda hope I never do πŸ˜‰ Wishing you the best for your 25th year!

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