Taking my own advice

Do you ever find that we expect more from ourselves than we would reasonably expect from others?Β  I know I did for a long time when it came to exercise.Β  After reading countless articles and hearing various pieces of advice, I developed a workout standard which I regularly strived to reach or surpass.Β  I had it mentally ingrained that I had to hit a certain number of cardio and weight training sessions each week to reap the entire benefits of exercise. That’s not to say I didn’t always want to do these workouts.Β  I loved, and still do, the rush from exercise as well as the opportunity to zone out.

mind v body gym

However over the past 2 months I noticed that I was completing my weight training sessions without the same vigor.Β  I continued going through the motions because of the fear of turning β€œlazy” or not meeting my self-imposed expectations.Β  Two weeks ago, I was in between leg press sets and all of a sudden, I had a β€œWhy the feck am I here” moment. My lack of enthusiasm meant that I was doing the same workouts & using the same weights over and over…and hence not seeing any progress. Β Call it a breaking point or call it an epiphany. Β Whatever it was, I couldn’t bare the idea of going through one more lunge or plating up another barbell. The funny thing is that if a friend told me he/she started to hate doing a particular workout, my exact advice would be:

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to fitness.Β  If you’re not enjoying ____, try something else.Β  As long as you’re moving, that’s good enough.

I’m finally taking my own advice and only doing workouts that make me feel good both mentally & physically.Β  It feels oddly liberating to not follow a formal workout routine and instead just go with the flow i.e. without any expectations. Lately I’ve started to really enjoy running again, but nothing crazy e.g. 3-6 kilometers tops.Β  I don’t even know who I am anymore: I look forward most to my swimming workouts and more than that, it seems I’ve traded in weight training and protein shakes for yoga and coconut water. Β There’s a yoga centre nearby which offers sessions all day long, Monday to Saturday.Β  Maybe I’ll lose some strength without weight training but at least I’ll achieve another fitness goal in the process i.e. boost my flexibility.Β  And if I can master my own body weight, I’d sure write home about it :).Β  Some weeks I’m working out 4 days a week, others 6 but whatever it is, one thing remains constant: I’m Β doing them out of choice, not obligation.

Yoga- what i think i do

In a very long-winded post, I guess my point is: Don’t do a workout or particular exercise because you feel like you should. Β Although you might physically be present, that won’t matter if you’re not mentally feeling the workout.

What’s your current favorite exercise?

Do you follow any particular workout schedule?

59 thoughts on “Taking my own advice”

  1. walking. whole lot of walking. and some running thrown in.
    yes, you are totally right about it not being an obligation. no point killing the fun.

  2. It’s definitely important that people do things– and workouts that they enjoy! Sure, weightlifting maybe better for maintaining your figure and health in the long run but if you enjoy running and yoga, why not!? You’re happy doing it and there’s nothing wrong with that!

    Personally, I prefer weightlifting and super intense Crossfit style workouts and I always have.. I’ve NEVER gotten in to running and yoga .. and trust me, I tried! I still occasionally do it (social runs + hot yoga) but rarely and I have to drag myself to do it. I do love cycling though so if I need a cardio fix, I will hop on a bike!

  3. My exercise is life! Lol I don’t follow any plan- I cook for my family, work, go to uni and have a little brother who is very sick so life feels like a work-out sometimes πŸ™‚ but I am amazed that so many people follow plans- I swear it’s not talked about and almost taboo in most of Europe to officially exercise- I think your laid back attitude is awesome- xo Sophia

    1. It sounds like you have a great approach to life and staying active- it’s always great to find ways to stay fit in your day-to-day life, not to mention efficient!

  4. I couldn’t agree with you more! I’m definitely guilty of working out because I think that I should even though I really don’t want to… Some days it’s hard to determine whether I don’t want to workout because I’m being lazy or truly need a break. Regardless, workouts where your mind is elsewhere are almost a waste – there are plenty of other things that are worth your time!

    1. So true about the difficulty in differentiating needing a break and laziness- I tend to use the “10 minute trick” to trick my mind into doing it: if I’m really not feeling it after 10 minutes, I can leave!

  5. I am with you on this. I change my exercise routines regularly, because I get bored easily. Since I am still trying to lose weight, my body needs a ‘shock’ once in a while or its gets used to a particular routine.
    I initially started with running, but did not really enjoy it in this heat, moved on to Jillian Michaels home workouts. But my current favourite exercise is swimming.

  6. Definitely “guilty” of expecting more from myself than others. A friend recently told me she hadn’t formally worked out other than a short run every now and then in half a year. Obviously I told her not to worry and that she’d get fit again in no time – but: “obviously”? Not what I’d tell myself if I had taken a break that long. So yes, I could surely take it down a notch at times. It’s not like I was following a real workout schedule – just going for runs that aren’t extremely long. Lately, I’ve been making a bit of progress in swapping these runs for walks when I just wasn’t feeling them.
    Your approach sounds like a very good one because exercise should be about the fun first not the progress. If you’re not into what you’re doing then how much joy will you get out of your workout?

    1. It’s great to hear that you have started to scale your workouts back as you need to- it makes them that much more enjoyable πŸ™‚

  7. I totally agree. If you’re not enjoying whatever it is that you’re doing, what’s the point. I used to think that the only way I was ever going to be healthy was if I ran. So I ran my little legs off. Nowadays, I’m really enjoying strength training and small bursts of cardio. And who knows, next month I may take up more yoga. As long as you’re having fun…it’s all good. Love this post, K! Thanks for sharing – I think a lot of people will be able to relate.

    1. Thanks so much :)! Exercise aside, I think we all impose huge expectations on ourselves to the point that they do more harm than motivate. I think we all need that reminder that it’s okay to scale it back as needed! πŸ™‚

  8. Love this Khushboo! I’m happy you’ve decided to take your own advice when it comes to exercise. We might as well make it as enjoyable as we can! I’ve been noticing that by listening to my body when it comes to exercise, I’ve been enjoying it a lot more. Right now, I’m loving weights 3-4 times a week, cardio 1-2 a week (and nothing too extreme) and a smattering of yoga. It could change in the future obviously, and even change week to week, but we’ll see what happens!

    1. Thanks Sam! It sounds like you have a great approach to workouts too especially as you’re meeting the the number 1 criteria: i.e. enjoying them!! πŸ™‚

  9. I can so relate to this post esp. recently now that I have started doing weights and treadmill which I hated in the past..If I am not in the mood or if there is no excitement of working out – it doesn’t do it for me. Instead of running outdoors, I now enjoy yoga mainly using home videos though.

  10. z @ kickingkilos

    I used to loveeee Zumba when I was in Delhi. Fir now Iam sticking to myvdreadmill and lesli sansone walks.

    1. Especially with the days getting lighter earlier, morning walks are that much more pleasant! πŸ™‚

  11. Although I wish everyone could love lifting as much as me, I know there are some that prefer running or yoga. That yoga picture made me crack up because that’s exactly what I do – I only do yoga for savasana!!!

    Even I have been running more lately. I went for a run today in fact. But no more than once a week, and never more than 20-25 minutes. The weather is just too irresistible to stay indoors – it was 24 degrees today!

    1. It’s almost criminal to sit indoors when the sun is out in London! Here’s hoping the sun is here to stay :)!

  12. Argh, this is SUCH a well-timed post! I’ve caught myself “doing the motions” with weightlifting lately too, and had to give myself permission to NOT just grind through with the same ol’. I’ve been going into the gym with no plan and just doing what sounds good at the time as of late–and yup, even JOGGED the other day. Woah, not my (usual) style πŸ˜‰ There’s a time and place for every type of fitness, so YES, do what feels good and is fun–moving is moving, you might as well enjoy it!

    1. I’m so glad you could relate, Allie :)! High five for running (sorry-o but the word ‘jog’ makes me cringe πŸ˜‰ )!

  13. Good on you! So liberating to realise you don’t “have” to do certain things. No doubts you’ll come back to lifting at some stage when you want to and if you want to! It will always be there. Yoga is awesome, I’ve been wanting to find ways to have more of it in my life, lots of yoga involves isometrics and strength training too, so you’ll see benefits! πŸ™‚

    1. I’ve definitely noticed that yoga is using muscles I forgot even existed so I have no doubt I’m getting a good workout :)!

  14. Awwwr yay πŸ™‚ Before I gave up on structured workout routines, I was definitely wondering “why the heck am I doing this” more often than I would have liked. It got to a point where exercise became a chore and I was dreading my workouts big time pretty much every single day, and not even getting the results I wanted because my heart just wasn’t in it and my body was exhausted. Now I walk, walk, walk, and I love it πŸ™‚ I try to just be active in general instead of working out, and I feel 199x better this way. Some people may love the rush they get at the gym, but I find that a relaxing walk is what makes me feel my best.

    1. I hate to say it but I used to be one of those people who devalued walking as exercise and used the phrase “just a walk”…definitely eating my words now- it’s such a great workout both mentally & physically! πŸ™‚

  15. I love a good workout, but it’s easy to get into a rut and suddenly you’re not enjoying yourself and it feels like a chore. When that happens, I try to switch it up and find the passion again.
    Swimming is one of the best exercises you can do and yoga is challenging and peaceful all at the same time. I bet you don’t lose muscle mass at all. In fact, you may even gain some.

    1. I definitely think that the decrease in mental stress of trying to meet certain workout standards will translate into physical benefits eventually- time shall tell :)!

  16. “Don’t do a workout or particular exercise because you feel like you should.” <—Amen amen amen! It's taken me a long time to accept this, even though I've intuitively known it for years. I've set a wide variety of rules over my "exercise career," ranging from X number of cardio minutes/week to X number of calories burned to X number of reps and strength-training workouts/week. Even though I love structure when it comes to fitness, I've learned that pressuring myself to stick to rigid rules only hinders my physical and emotional development. What works best for me (right now<—strong emphasis there) is following a loose plan, giving myself permission to stray when my body and heart are telling me that's what they need. It sounds cliche, but it's what truly makes me feel my best.

    Happy Monday, my dear! Hugs! <3 xoxo

    1. It might sound cliche but not everyone can give themselves permission to take a step back when need- so glad you’ve now reached a great place mentally with exercise :!)

    1. I haven’t done kickboxing in so long but it’s always such a laugh! I used to love the Billy Blanks Tae Bo videos!

  17. I need to definitely start taking my own advice in all aspects of life! Work, schooling, working out! I love to cycle, and went for the most amazing bike ride tonight. If I get burned out on running, a spin class helps.

  18. Great post! Sort of like intuitive exercise…do what you actually want to do, despite what you think you “should” do. I think adding more yoga and coconut water to your life is an excellent idea. Everyone is different, you have to find a workout routine that works for you and keeps you engaged! I really want to go to yoga this week too. Like reallyyy need to. Friday hopefully. Fingers crossed.

  19. Great post. I’ve definitely been there, where Im just going through the motions and not truly feeling it. Sometimes when I’m running, I think, “OMG….I hate running…why am I doing this?!” I think we could all benefit from taking your advice!

    1. As much as I am enjoying running these days, I have definitely experienced that “I hate running…” thought plenty of times in the past :)!

  20. Pingback: Za’atar Quinoa | Khushboo's Blog

  21. It’s so easy to get caught up in the “exercise trap” in this community…feeling like we’re not doing enough if we’re not going balls to the wall all the time, but one thing I learned after having knee surgery and having the opportunity to workout taken from me temporarily, is that we should never take movement for granted…whatever it may be. I’m still working with my physical therapist to get back to 100% but now that I can manage without pain, I’m walking, cycling (indoors…don’t really trust my balance on a real bike right now), and just the other day realized I have the strength to swim again. I’ve slowly started to get a little motivation back (I got pretty depressed right after my surgery…it really sucks not to be able to do anything without help for weeks on end!) to do more with weight training for my upper body but this time I’m going about things differently…instead of feeling like I “have” to do a certain amount of exercises or reps, I just go in and do what I want when I want. When I’m done, I’m done. It’s amazingly freeing.

    1. Sometimes it takes something as serious as an injury to make us regain perspective..I’m so glad that you’re on the mend and able to get active again :)!

  22. Thanks. This is good to hear. I used to be a hard core gym weight person myself. But for the past two years, I stopped as I just wasn’t enjoying it any more. I do more of cardio now – spinning, running, swimming, or just plain walking. And I enjoy it much more.

    It doesn’t feel like exercise as much. The gym trainers though scold me all the time because I stopped weight training.

    1. I couldn’t help but laugh at your comment about your gym trainers…sounds a lot like the ones at my gym!

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