Confessions of a Nutrition Specialist

Whether you know me in real life or just read my blog, chances are you know I eat a pretty healthy diet…and absolutely enjoy it.Β I am constantly reading up on ways to improve my diet and recipes that incorporate wholesome foods. Β Given the focus of my blog and the fact that advising people on their diet is part of my job, I often receive the question:

You eat really healthy, don’t you? Β Β 

Damn right I do! Β If I’m eating something society deems as β€˜unhealthy’, I tend to get the β€œYou’re not going to eat that” or β€œI can’t believe you’re eating THAT” comment. Β They used to do my head in, but truth be told I get a kick from these kinds of comments now. Β In fact I’m sure some people would be mortified to see what I eat in between all the oatmeal, salads, grilled chicken, and quinoa.Β  And because I have no qualms of speaking the truth, here goes:

  • As much as I enjoy natural peanut butter, I really love real butter on hot toast

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  • If a packaged food tastes yum, I sometimes turn a blind eye to questionable items on and the length of certain ingredient lists
2013-03-11 21.54.27
Thanks Veerals! πŸ™‚
  • Sodium might raise my blood pressure but when it comes to eggs, the saltier the better

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  • I eat chocolate every single day….and sometimes it’s not 70%


  • I have no desire to make homemade salsa…even though I go through jars of these like it’s my job:


  • I can’t resist vanilla bean ice cream 99% of the time
Hand me a spoon!
Hand me a spoon!


  • If you’re not my client, I am not evaluating what you eat….I really don’t care (and I mean that in the nicest way possible πŸ™‚)

What do you do/eat that society would deem as “unhealthy?”

49 thoughts on “Confessions of a Nutrition Specialist”

  1. Haha I love this! People assume that as a nutrition student I eat super healthily 100% of the time… heck no! I totally agree with you on the buttered toast and salty eggs – that’s the only way to eat them! Also I really love salty, fatty cured meats like pancetta and prosciutto.

  2. haha this is awesome! I am 100% with you on the buttered toast (if I’m having toast, I just want butter on it. Soooo good), daily chocolate, and bottled salsa.

    I also drink diet coke at least once a week, have “bad” chocolate sometimes (AKA: Aero, Crunch, Caramilk, Reese’s) and think that cheese is one of the greatest things in existence.

  3. story of my life. I find it funny and annoying (more annoying) because people just assume you wont eat this or that. I struggle with this at work, home, among friends pretty frequently but as a matter of fact, I eat all of those things you mentioned every now and then. Its annoying when people comment at your plate – look at that pile of greens-wow or oh my god, shes eating a donut- like really people? I m totally venting Khusboo right now because I just had a similar incidence last week!!! Happy Friday friend.

    1. Hahah vent away, my friend…I can more than relate :)! Some people still don’t get that being healthy can mean having your donut and eating it too!

  4. Buttered toast is a must. And not just on any old bread – I love thick, hearty multi-grain! And as much as I love my “healthified” pizza, sometimes you just have to go all out and eat the real thing…live a little!

    Great post, K! Somtimes it irritates me that people think I eat healthy 100% of the time. While I do think making good choices is important, I could never cut out certain foods from my life.

    1. Haha so true about pizza! I love the healthified versions but I need the real deal every so often…and greasy or not, the latter never fails to hit the spot!

  5. And this is [part of] why I love you :mrgreen: I genuinely enjoy eating healthy, but I also genuinely enjoy eating a good number of things that aren’t. The way I see it, even if they’re not benefitting my body in any way, they’re definitely benefitting me mentally/emotionally. I went through WAY too long of a period of denying myself the things I loved and I definitely wasn’t any healthier for it. My favorites? Milk chocolate, ice cream, salsa (!!!), McD’s fries, and gummy bears <3 <3

  6. Isn’t there a 70/30 rule on healthy eating? Eat well most of the time and then the odd biscuit, ice cream, chocolate lets you have a diet that doesn’t deprive you of anything! Right? I’m totally with you on the lindt and vanilla bean ice cream!

    1. I used to be about the 90/10 approach…then the 80/20…now it’s looking more like the 70/30 and it definitely makes life all the more enjoyable!

  7. Something that I eat that society would deem as “unhealthy” is my FAVORITE Greek yogurt. It is the Dannon Light ‘N Fit Greek yogurt and tastes AMAZING. It contains artificial sweetener, though, and therefore would be considered “unhealthy.” Oh, and I also enjoy the occasional Diet Coke, too!

  8. Love this!! I HATE when people comment about my food. At my last job I thought it was funny to show people I ate unhealthy food occasionally, but now I feel so much pressure as a PT – everyone is so healthy all the time, and I feel like the pig (haha).

    I have buttery toast every Sunday morning and I could never not put salt on my eggs. That caramel sea salt chocolate is awesome – Sainsburys was out of my usual sea salt so I tried that one and now I don’t know which one to buy haha. I still haven’t tried the coconut one though!

    1. I love your Saturday morning tradition :)! And pleeeease try the coconut Lindt next- I am 99.8% sure you will love it!

    1. Are you more of a “straight-out-the oven” or “refrigerated” type when it comes to choc cake? I’m the latter!

  9. butter on toast is amazing, and i love it when i’m sick. omg, what don’t i eat that society may think is wrong… mrs.smith ‘full preservative’ apple pie, cupcakes, tortilla chips (but a healthy brand), eat cheese like there is no tomorrow, samosa, and jalapeno poppers.
    those are my weaknesses, i don’t eat this stuff everyday though, i do eat dark chocolate daily, that is if there are no cupcakes in sight. have a great weekend K.

  10. Jarred salsa is the norm at my house. We’ve even gone as far as canned salsa…but it was really spicy and very much worth it!

  11. These are fantastic and goodness woman, we are so on the same page with your choices here! Vanilla bean ice cream? Forever and always, you literally cannot go wrong with such a simple, tasty flavor! Also chocolate that is not always 70% or above? Uhhh yeah, I like milk chocolate the best, THERE I SAID IT πŸ˜‰

  12. I lovee this. I am like you 99.9999% (you eat meat and I don’t so we have a .01% difference) haha. I eat clean like..all the time. But on my blog I blog about the TREATS mainly. People don’t see the stuff I eat the majority of the day. In real life too..I don’t drink out of plastic, but on the rare occasion I do..I get the..”WHOA you’re drinking from plastic!?” Uhh..yes..that’s all there was. Let’s not get our panties in a twist.

    1. Hahah if drinking out of plastic occasionally is the worst thing you’re doing, I’d say you’re doing pretty okay ;)!

  13. Yes, yes, yes! Thanks for this refreshing and light-hearted post! Sure, I do enjoy a largely healthy lifestyle but honestly, life really is too short to live “just” healthy. Denying oneself true cravings is much unhealthier than having them when you feel like it in my opinion. Even if that means more than once every blue moon. Whichever new diet fad society comes up with: I’ll never give up real ice cream, chocolate or whatever else I can sneak at my parents’ house ;).
    Now hand me the tortilla chips and salsa, please.

  14. Love love love this! I did a similar post back in December, and made many of the same confessions! Like you, I use real butter on my toast; I prefer real vanilla bean ice cream to low fat/soy/almond/coconut etc (although it may be a very very special treat from now on); packaged foods are definitely not off limits; and I eat both dark AND milk chocolate (especially when Reese’s are available). πŸ˜‰ Other confessions: I drink Diet Coke occasionally; I buy Cool Whip every now and then; I love mayonnaise (I know–major HLB faux pas! πŸ˜‰ ); and I always buy jarred pasta sauce. I could go on and on!

    As you know, I have to clean up my diet a bit over the next few weeks, but once that experiment is done, I’m sure I’m sure I’ll resume enjoying these “treats” on a semi-regular basis–stomach woes or not.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and THANK YOU again for all your support over the past few days! Hugs! xoxo

    1. COOL WHIP?? Shame on you…KIDDING ;)! You are most welcome and again, if you need any more advice I’m happy to help!

  15. Hahaha I absolutely loved this post! <> ME TOO! Literally every day. So funny that you said sometimes it’s not 70%…I always look for that as well but hey, if it’s coconut or sea salt or raspberry…I can take on 50%! I’m with ya on the jarred salsa, too. Totally necessary.

  16. I just found your blog and I like it already πŸ™‚ This was a great first post!!! And I often get the “wow Nicole I can’t believe you’re eating that!” comment when I eat ketchup or ice cream… But I learned to ignore those types of remarks πŸ˜‰ I eat way healthier than most people so unhealthy food once in a while I think is actually good for me!

    1. Thanks so much Nicole- I’m glad you are enjoying my blog :)! And a bit of “unhealthy” food every now and then is definitely essential!

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