Post-wedding blues

I’m baaaaack :)!

As I mentioned earlier, I took a blogging break over the past 10 days while attending a special friend’s wedding.  Between celebrating from morning to night, being surrounded by loved ones, and getting repeatedly blown away by Udaipur’s beauty, last week was undoubtedly one heck of a week!  The only problem with attending such a fun wedding is the inevitable post-wedding blues #firstworldproblems 😉

2013-02-24 14.15.07

Attending weddings always remind me why I love being Indian (amongst other reasons).  If Greeks think their weddings are big & fat, they ought to attend an Indian one!  Apparently less more is more for us because one wedding means 5-6 functions spread over a few days.  Along with the partying, I’m a sucker for the traditions behind our weddings.  Two of my favorites are:

1) The Pheras a.k.a. the actual wedding ceremony whereby the groom & bride walk around the fire or holy book 4 times.  Each phera (a.k.a. round) symbolises a specific vow of love, duty, respect,  fidelity, and a fruitful union between the couple.  Although this ceremony is typically carried out in Hindi, sheets with a translation are often handed out beforehand (thank goodness)!

2013-02-24 14.03.09
The Leela Hotel

2) The emphasis on marriage being a union of 2 families rather than just the bride & groom

Cue in the awwwww’s 😉

Despite playing catch-up all weekend, my list doesn’t seem to be getting any shorter.  That probably means I should round up this post and get back to work ASAP.  In the meanwhile, here are a few of my favorite pictures from the wedding, courtesy of my iPhone & Instagram:

2013-02-18 14.20.42
View from our room
2013-02-21 04.53.44
My sister and me with the gorgeous bride
2013-02-19 13.23.50
Retro baby!

2013-02-24 14.07.55

2013-02-24 14.03.24
At the ghari ceremony
2013-02-21 00.11.51
The Malhotras 🙂

Cheers to Mr. & Mrs. Malhotra!! 

Fill me in: How was your week/weekend? What fun things did you get up to?

44 thoughts on “Post-wedding blues”

    1. Thanks so much Shreya! Just when I think I’ve met all my relatives, a new one seems to pop up- brown girl problems, eh ;)!

  1. I’ve never been to an Indian wedding, but do they sound kind of amazing… and not to mention beautiful! When you get married, be sure to send an invite my way, okay? 😉

    My wedding wasn’t anything all too exciting. I did a lot of shopping for my upcoming trip to Hawaii, and threw some baking in there for good measure as well, but for the most part, it was just quiet time with family and friends.

    PS – I’m glad you’re back!

    1. Errr consider yourself already on my guestlist ;)! And your weekend sounds great- sometimes the low key ones are my favorite!

    1. Hahah if you ever make it down to India, I’ll definitely see that we go to one- even if it means crashing a wedding 😀

  2. Swoon! What a gorgeous celebration–I love that Indian weddings are spread over an entire week; they represent one of the most important events in life, so that’s how it should be! Everything looks absolutely beautiful–the colors, the flowers, the gorgeous dresses! I also think it’s really neat that there’s an emphasis placed on the merging of two families into one. That’s something that I feel is often overlooked in American weddings.

    I’m so happy you had such a wonderful week, Khushboo! I’m glad you’re back! xoxo <3

    1. Thanks Sara :)! While the focus on family (even when you’re not married) can get a bit claustrophobic at times, I wouldn’t want it any other way! Hope you enjoy your wedding this weekend!

    1. Thanks, Laura :D! It was my first time in that part of India but I’m almost certain it’s where I want to get married ;)!

  3. Welcome back Khushboo :)!

    I always get that post-blues feeling after a really amazing event/spending some quality time with people I enjoy being around with for several days.

    Indian weddings are the best! I had the chance to go to two and an engagement over the years, and enjoyed the festvities, family, food, etc. It was also great being a young kid and going to these functions since all the kids that ended up tagging along with their parents would manage to conglomerate together and we would find ways to make even the “boring” parts fun ;P!

  4. The photo of the bride and groom looks very similar to my brother and his wife’s photo. They had a small Justice of the Peace wedding in America and then a big wedding in her home city of Jarkarta, Indonesia.

  5. BEAUTIFUL pictures!!

    Ok, i absolutely very seriously love different cultures and learning about them – especially wedding traditions! I have a few very close Indian friends and always love to hear about the weddings and backgrounds and meanings of things!

    1. Thank you so much :)! I’m sure your Indian friends could talk your ear off about our traditions- they are almost never-ending!

  6. Oh my goodness what STUNNING colors, outfits, decorations… ahh I love it all! I am so loving hearing about different cultures and weddings, please give more and more details! If you would like to 🙂 Glad to have you back deary!

    1. So glad you enjoyed this post, Tess! I have quite a few weddings on the agenda this year so more details will definitely be coming up soon :)!

  7. Looks so great Khushboo.. wow, a wedding in Udaipur. That must have been some wedding! The Leela anywhere in India is stunning. I hope you can share more pictures from the wedding and Udaipur in general. Nice to have you back again! 🙂

    1. It was my first time staying at the Leela but I can’t say enough good things about the hotel & staff- they truly treat each guest like royalty!

  8. Wow – that wedding looks GORGEOUS! Love all the bright colors 🙂 I was just talking about Indian weddings with some friends at the gym because one of them knew someone who was getting married… They were talking about how elaborate and grand they are – truly stunning!

  9. I love Indian wedding. The colors, the flowers, the multiple days of festivities. Hats how it should be done. I went to a Muslim before and it was really cool from the initial henna party to the final brunch four days later. These pictures are great; it looks really beautiful.

  10. What a stunning hotel! And bride, of course 🙂 Glad to hear the wedding was so fabulous–and I’m with you, an emphasis on families coming together is such a great message for a wedding!

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