Mumbai Marathon Mode

It seems like there were a quite a few races taking place across the world this weekend.  The annual Standard Chartered Marathon took place in Mumbai yesterday.  Along with the half & full distance, they also organised a “Dream Run 6 km.”  Last minute (i.e. Friday), I decided to run the latter with the charity Life Trust– the marathon spirit was too contagious to ignore!


Believe it or not, I’ve been running for 7 years, yet this is the first official running event I’ve taken part in.  I was amazed at how well-organised it was: plenty of water stations along the way, live bands, floods of crowds cheering…and apparently it was even better for the half & full marathoners.  Along with ending with a case of the obvious runners’ high, here are some other tidbits from yesterday:

  •  Sleeping for less than 5 hours the night before probably wasn’t the smartest idea
  • I’m pretty sure the clock ticked slower during the one-hour waiting period before the race started
  • Always look at the racecourse beforehand.  When I saw that we were approaching the Princess Street Flyover Bridge and suddenly had to start running uphill, three letters came mind: FML

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  • 6 km is currently my favourite distance to run
  • Roadside running is so much more pleasant without car honks or the fear of getting “run” over
  • I have no clue of my exact finishing time…just that it was under 37 minutes
  • Running makes me hungry RUNgry

marathon eats

  • If I could find a way to bottle up the feeling after a run, I would be cashing in some serious bucks!

I can’t end a post about the Mumbai Marathon without giving a shout out to my friends Maneka & Ria who killed the half marathon- SO  proud of you both 🙂

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What was the highlight of your Sunday?

What’s your favourite distance to run/walk?

44 thoughts on “Mumbai Marathon Mode”

  1. Hi!! I did the dream run as well yesterday and I saw you! You looked familiar, but now that I saw this pic with the orange t-shirt I am sure it was you. hehe! but if you noticed someone with a purple t-shirt staring at you, it was probably me! hey don’t get creeped out or anything :), I was staring in a really.. i admire you kind of a way!
    Anyway you were way ahead of me..i finished in a little under 50 mins.
    But it was fun wasn’t it?

  2. Congrats on your run! I’m glad you enjoyed it so much – I started running about 5-6 years ago, but I’ve only ever done one race as well (a 10k). I definitely understand what you mean about wanting to bottle up the feeling afterwards – it’s a high like nothing else. I prefer shorter distances for sure though, I’m accepted the fact that it’s extremely unlikely that I will ever be a marathon runner.

    1. Thanks, Sam! Like you shorter distances are much more up my alley! I’d like to do a half marathon at least once but I can’t see that happening anytime soon!

  3. Congrats, K! You did great! My favorite distance to run walk is about 4 miles. I actually (mostly) ran that distance this weekend. Quite an accomplishment for me since it’s been a while…AND my knee didn’t act up! And you’re right, running makes me so hungry – unlike any other workout!

    1. Thanks so much :)! And way to go on “ralking” the 4 miles this weekend- definitely something to be proud about!

  4. If you could bottle up that after-run feeling, I’d definitely be requesting some of it! I’ve tried to get into running a few times in the past, but I’ve never felt the fabled runner’s high that everyone seems to rave about. Maybe I just need to try my hand at racing 😉 Until then, I’ll keep walking and loving my 3 miles.

    Congrats on your run, Khushboo! You did really great. Are you going to be participating in more races now that you’ve had a taste of one?

    1. Thanks so much, Amanda! As much as I enjoyed yesterday, I don’t see another race in my near future…for now, I prefer being able to run according to when the urge hits rather than feel pressure that I need to be in training mode!

    1. I love it too- long enough to feel like you have had a good workout but not too short that you feel like you need to sprint the distance!

  5. Hey girl!! Amazinggggg – congrats on your first racing event!! Isn’t it fun?!?!
    the feeling after a run is very seriously priceless! I think my fave distance might be 6ish miles or so.
    I get some extreme hungry the DAY after a long run..but not the day of, weird?? haha!
    Have a GREAT day!

    1. Thanks so much! When I was running longer distances, the same would happen to me- I guess it took a while for my hunger to kick in 🙂

    1. I don’t mind running in the cold…but actually mustering up motivation to get out there is a whole different story ;)!

  6. My favorite running distance right now is 10K. It’s in the middle for me and usually easily accomplished as long as I keep my running/cardio consistent!! Awesome job on the run!! I get the FML thought too anytime I see killer hills haha.

  7. Wa-hoo! Way to run! And oh man, those hills are killer! My favorite distance to run is…hmm, I really like alternating walking/running, and just jogging along until I feel like taking a break. No, not the most physically demanding, but I lift weights for that! I like to just enjoy running on the occasions that it sounds fun!

    1. I like your approach a lot: Running for fun! From past experience, I know that taking the pressure off makes me enjoy it SO much more!

  8. Congrats on the run! The running bib looks awesome, haha.

    I also heard about the Mumbai Marathon but the “runners to watch” according to the article were some Kenyans/Ethiopians. I’m sure there were some elite Indian runners but the article didn’t mention them :/

    1. I actually saw some of the elite Kenyans running and I was amazed- they were at the tail-end of the marathon yet still SO speedy.

  9. Hey congrats on finishing your dream run….I have ran 3 half marathons in last 4 months and Mumbai Marathon was the best of 3. The crowd the atmosphere and the cheering is something which only Mumbai can have. I have taken up running since past 6 months and my daily training distance is 6kms in 35 minutes. I finished SCMM2013 in a tiring 2hrs and 43 minutes…but i guess it was worth it…congrats to you again for your run and the blog….Inspiring…

  10. Congratulations on completing your first race!! Cheers! I was a long distance runner in high school, so I participated in quite a few races for my school, however I’ve never run an official public race. It’s definitely on my bucket list, though. Maybe I’ll plan on visiting you in Mumbai next year, and we can do this one together?? 😉 Right now, I’m focused on building muscle, which means only one run/week (if that). However, I think I’ll be ready to give a 6k go again next year at this time. Nothing more than that, though. Since tapering my running, I’ve realized that I don’t need to log super long distances in order to feel that post-run high. A few miles definitely does the trick!

    Again, congrats, Khushboo!! <3 xoxoxo

    1. I used to have to hit a certain number of miles before I’d feel content with my run. Now even 10 minutes leaves me with a runners’ high- I’ll take it :)!

  11. Hey Khushboo,

    Well come to the world of Road-Racing 🙂
    Good part is you enjoyed it. There are various events (read : Races) conducted by local runners through out the year and at various places like : BKC, National Park, Thane, Navi Mumbai….

    I had my share of luck to finish Full Marathon (2nd SCMM) in 4:30 Hrs. I don’t have a fav distance, I just go out and run it down…

    Take care.

  12. OH MY GOODNESS woman CONGRATULATIONS on this!!! All of those caps are needed, trust me 😉 But seriously, what an accomplishment to say the least Khushboo! Be warned now though, you will officially become addicted to doing road races, not a bad thing though!

  13. Rungry?? I love that!! 🙂

    Well done on doing your first race! Sounds like it was well organised which is definitely good.

    I actually did my first half marathon yesterday and there were a number of hills in it too where I definitely thought FML too!

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