The “Best” Diet

Hey there!  I actually had another post planned for today, but decided to put it on hold after coming across an article on the “Best Diet” in 2012, as determined by US News and World Report.  Observed by a panel of 22 weight loss & nutrition experts, each diet is reviewed on 7 measures:

  1. Short-term weight loss
  2. Long-term weight loss
  3. Easiness
  4. Nutrition
  5. Safety
  6. Ability to prevent or manage diabetes
  7. Ability to prevent or manage heart disease

The DASH Diet ranked #1 out of 28 diets.  You can read more about the diet here but the basic gist is to cut out red meats, watch salt, and eats lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains.  Rather than weight loss being the primary goal, it aims to lower blood pressure and treat hypertension.  It earned high marks from a panel of experts for its safety, nutritional merit and usefulness for chronic disesase sufferers.

2012-12-14 13.45.50

Although I don’t know too much about the DASH diet, it seems to promote a nutritionally sound eating plan.  Going through the list of contenders, I was a bit taken aback to see Slim Fast ranked as #13…or being considered at all for that matter.  It was actually described as a ‘reasonable approach to dieting’.  A diet that promotes drinking shakes X number of times daily may be highly structured and easy-to-follow, but it sounds pretty sketchy to me.   Shouldn’t diets be filled with nutrients instead of chemicals?

My take on US News and World Report’s Ranking: Firstly I think diet is too personal to be evaluated on such objective measures.  It’s almost impossible to regard any specific diet as “best”.  Even for me, my notion of the “best” diet is constantly evolving.  As our lifestyles, food preferences, goals, and health status change, surely the “best” diet follows suit.


That aside, any eating plan, whether weight loss- or health-related, that has a name (e.g. Atkins or Medifast) automatically raises red flags in my mind.  More than that, any eating plan that promotes branded products or eliminates certain food groups make me even more weary.  It might sound cliché but for a “diet” to provide long-term benefits, it has to be sustainable.  And let’s be honest, a life full of bottled shakes and/or void of carbs sounds like a recipe for disaster.

What’s your take on this ranking?

What does your “ideal” diet look like?  I recently tweaked my diet and will share more about it soon.  I’ll tell you one thing though: no foods are off limits.

37 thoughts on “The “Best” Diet”

  1. No foods are off limits – AGREEEEEEEED!
    There’s so many plans out there that’s cutting this and cutting that – it’s exhausting to read about! Although I don’t know tooo much about it, i think the reason why i like something like Weight Watchers is because it doesn’t promote you to cut specifics – just watch your calories, basically!

    1. Weight Watchers is one of the few diets which actually work in the long term…at least it did for me! I don’t count points anymore but it definitely instilled lifelong healthy habits in me :)!

  2. Hah, I just always laugh, because, short of crazy diets that make you buy all of their products (so, yeah, Slim Fast??), they ALL end up saying the same thing: “Most of the time, eat real whole foods and lots of veggies.” Wa-bam, look, I just created the “best” diet! Because the specifics, like you say, are, well, personally specific, as to what fresh foods are your favorite, whether you like more fats or more carbs, etc. But it all boils down to the same basics!

  3. I totally agree! For “long term weight loss” there is no way that you can follow a strict diet. What are you gonna do, cut out carbs for the rest of your life? Drink slim fast for the rest of your life? It’s just not realistic! Paying attention to nutrition and trying to eat mostly healthy foods, sneaking in fruits and veggies when possible…for me that’s the best approach.

    1. For you and me both…so long as you eat nutritionally most of the time, there’s no reason why you won’t reap the benefits of a healthy diet!

  4. Heh… I love how they just have to throw a label on what’s basically healthy eating – let’s call it the DASH diet so that it becomes more marketable! *eye twitch* Really, eating isn’t that complicated, and I hate how the diet industry tries to make money off it by MAKING it more complicated. At the end of the day, it all comes down to eating healthy and staying active – especially because everybody’s body is different. Some people are just meant to look a certain way and no amount of dieting will ever give them the body they want… that’s just life. Instead of trying to LOOK a certain way, I wish more people would focus on FEELING a certain way – healthy.

    1. “eye twitch”–> HAHA! You’re so right- regardless of a person’s intent for eating a healthier diet, their motives have to go beyond the vanity aspect behind it

  5. I hate the word diet! It has such bad connotation behind it. The best “diet” you can do is eat clean with lots of lean meats, veggies, fruit and some refined carbs. You can basically eat everything except for processed foods.

  6. As far as diets go, I agree that the DASH diet is pretty good. How the heck did Slim Fast even make the list though? Any diet that involves meal supplements/chemicals, food group restriction or extreme calorie restriction is a big no no for me! People just try to overcomplicate weight loss. The real answer is just to eat mostly whole foods and to fuel yourself properly whole having a net calorie deficit. Voila – it’s not rocket science. 😛

    1. “Fuel yourself properly while having a net calorie deficit” – that’s sums it up perfectly. That, my friend, is the “secret” to weight loss!!!

  7. Oh, but Slim Fast shakes are packed with “nutrients!” 😉 Just read that nutrition panel and you’ll see! Haha. In all seriousness, nothing irritates me more than the diet market–especially the sale of diets that sell specific man-made “foods.” Uggh. These products do nothing but confuse dieters’ minds and bodies, making them more dependent on crash approaches to weight loss. Gah!

    I think the DASH approach is actually one of the best plans out there–for those who feel they need to follow (or are required to follow) a plan. For the rest of us, I completely agree with you–the best diet is a diet that makes us each feel our very best–physically, emotionally and spiritually. 🙂 Sounds cliche, but I fully believe that it’s true! xoxo

    1. These products are why so many people go through the vicious cycle of crash dieting, giving up, restarting, and so forth… uff!

  8. If anybody should have failed to notice a new year has started the diet adds popping up everywhere are a surefire reminder … Really, I’m waiting for the day that listening to your body and eating “real” – as in non-fatfree/chemical laden – foods is the “best” diet. Regarding how many diets have been claimed THE one right way: Who does still believe the dieting industry?

    Thanks for another great post!

    1. Thanks for your comment :)! Despite the number of diets on the market, the only “right” one is one that makes you feel best, both mentally & physically!

  9. Slimfast = nooononono!! Eat a damn steak over those nasty drinks! Better yet, people should make their own protein shakes. MUCH better idea! HAA. Can’t wait to hear about your new diet!

    1. Although I don’t drink too many protein shakes any more, I am so with you about drinking them over that bottled gunk!!

  10. Personally, one of my favorites was the South Beach Diet… the low carb thing does work.. it may be short term for some if you binge like crazy, but it worked for me. Now, it’s more about moderation. Not sure what my diet is.. but I eat fish a couple times a week, everything else is mainly veggies, whole grains. I’m sure I end up eating lots of sodium, how can you not? Chicken once a week or depends on the restaurant.
    Totally agree with you… as your food preferences, weight and all changes, your diet plan continually changes.
    Nicely written.

    1. I don’t know too much about South Beach but I’ve heard it’s much more realistic than Atkins- so it’s already a one up for me :)! Glad it worked for you…how long were you on it for?

      1. it’s just a way of life… but I did Atkins back int he day and I dropped 7 pounds really fast, and then I did South Beach because I needed healthy carbs. Maybe like for 6 months to 1 year I really watched my weight cause I had 20 pounds to lose.

        1. That’s really great that you made South Beach a way of life instead of a short-term plan…nice job on dropping the 20 lbs :)!

  11. I don’t diet at all. I just believe in eating reasonable amounts and staying away from sugar as much as possible. As soon as I start eating sugar my weight creeps up! So I limit it.

    Great post!

    1. That’s interesting about sugar! I think it’s the after-effects of eating sugar that wreck havoc for me- it throws my cravings all over the place!

  12. Pingback: Changing up my eating style | Khushboo's Blog

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