Let there be light

With Diwali in full swing, I’ve lost track of what day it is…I can’t say I mind though ;).  I’m loving how everyone is an overly great mood these past few days, including my building’s lift-men who otherwise walk around with morose expressions.  The last day of Diwali is tomorrow, and I’ll tell you one thing that I am relieved to soon be done with: fireworks.   From the minute I wake up to when I go to sleep, all I can hear are fireworks setting off.  Sure they’re pretty to look at but each time a firecracker goes off, I feel like an ear drum is about to pop and my heart is going to explode.

Before I continue to sound like the Diwali Grinch, I promise that I actually do enjoy some parts of the holiday.   I am only now understanding the meaning behind some of the customs, and hence want to engage in them all the more:

1) Emphasis on family time, especially when that includes going for the new Yash Chopra movie Jab Tak Hai Jaan.  If you’re thinking of watching it, stop thinking & just GO!

2) The tradition to eat a 7-vegetable casserole: The idea behind eating so many veggies in one shot is so that your “crop” is good all year round and this abundance continues to be in your home.  The number 7 is also auspicious in Hinduism, as at times it is thought to be the combination of the 5 elements (air, earth, fire, water and sun) and 2 senses (taste & smell) which grant us tolerance, patience, and strength to face adversity.

My 7: zucchini, mushrooms, broccoli, green beans, cabbage, aubergine & cucumber

3) Shopping is encouraged: Especially as the Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi is believed to enter homes during Diwali, people usually wait buy silver, gold or household items around this time.  I think a trip to Zara is in order ;)!

4) Gift exchanging, which me makes me wonder if Diwali is more like our Christmas than New Years.

5) Decorated homes & office:  The purpose of adorning workplaces & homes with candles, burning diya lamps, hanging flowers, and drawing brightly-colored rangolis on the ground is to welcome guests and to encourage Lakshmi inside.

6) Kaju Katri:  Despite my sweet tooth, I have never been fond of Indian sweets/desserts.  These, however, are an exception.  The most apt way to describe them is as cashew-nut fudge…in the shape of a diamond.  I only remember them during festive holidays and they never disappoint.


Oh and clearly the red cups at Starbucks are so passé…it’s all about the Diwali cups here 😉

What’s your favourite holiday?

36 thoughts on “Let there be light”

      1. Thanks for that, interesting to read the reasons behind all the above rituals. in lagos all of the above is in full swing too! but woman when did you become a bollywood buff hahah you enjoyeddd the sappiness??? now im dying to see the movie 🙂

        1. Love seeing you comment on my blog, Hami! You would be so proud of how into Bollywood I have become…I’m so on the ball when new movies release now ;)!

  1. Well fun! I didn’t know anything about Diwali–but I think I’d like it! Especially that fudge–and I’m usually not even a fudge gal! Family, excuses for giving gifts and shopping, fun mugs (too cool that Starbuck’s goes seasonal to match!), yup, sounds like it has all the best parts of a good holiday!

  2. Happy Diwali K!! My family and I celebrate Diwali as my dad is Hindu and mom is Christian. We went over to my uncles friends place last night for dinner…ahh so much food LOL I helped my dad make kheer yesterday, that’s my fav 🙂

    My favorite holiday is Christmas!! Got to start decorating soon 🙂

    Have a good rest of the week girl!!
    Btw, you have to watch this Indian movie “English/Vinglish”, it’s really good and realistic.


  3. Great post, K! I love how you broke down all the elements!

    Diwali is such a special time. Makes me miss Atlanta a lot!

    Jab Tak Hai Jaan is actually playing in American theaters here. Is it really good? The previews are really dramatic!

  4. DUDE I’d never even heard of Diwali before this post! Now? Well, I HAVE to come out here to visit to celebrate, it seriously sounds like so much fun!!! 😀
    My favorite holiday is totally Christmas– celebrating God, being with family, awesome music, and of course…EPIC food! 😀

  5. Confession: I had no idea what Diwali was, which is why I loved hearing (reading?) more about it. I love that it’s focused on family and having a good time… sounds like Christmas, which is definitely my favorite holiday. Eeee! And it’s coming up so soon 😀

    1. I’m not surprised Christmas is your favorite…even though we don’t celebrate it per say, I always love getting into the Christmas spirit as it nears :)!

  6. Happy Diwali!! Like Amanda, I knew very little about this holiday until I read this post. I think I’ve learned more tonight than I have in…months? I’m officially intrigued, and will probably spend the next half hour reading more about it (yep, I already Googled it. Major nerd alert). 😉

    Kaju Katri sounds like a candy I’d love, and I’m certain that I’d enjoy a seven-layer vegetable casserole as well (do I spy cheese in there, too?!). The decorations are so colorful; I love the pretty lamps, flowers and door adornments. And an excuse to go shopping is always welcome in my book…I hope you found something wonderful at Zara!

    My favorite holiday is definitely Christmas. Stores are already fully decorated, yet it’s still more than a month away! However I LOVE the early preparation; the anticipation, the parties, the songs, the smells, the food—ahh! It all makes me so excited!

    Enjoy the rest of Diwali! I’ll be thinking of you! xoxo <3

    1. You do indeed spy cheese…feta to be exact :)! I think it’s safe to say that Christmas really is one of the greatest holidays…and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t even celebrate it! The spirit is all-round contagious!

    1. Haha I am sure the weather has something to do with it! I always get in the Christmas spirit when I’m in London yet Mumbai is a different story- scorching temperatures don’t really scream “Winter Wonderland’!

  7. so any Yash Chopra movie is a must-see.. i saw it last night and loved it. love like that is so rare. really good movie. the kaju barfi looks so good, i wanna make it at home. your diwali seems more like xmas. my favorite holiday is Christmas, i’m sure you can understand that since you lived in London for so long, you know how christmas is so done up in the western world, you can’t help but LOVE it.
    Happy Diwali once again!

    1. I am a HUGE Yash Chopra fan…although he has definitely enforced unreal expectations of love ;)! I completely agree with you about getting into the Christmas spirit when you’re so exposed to it…I am going to be in London during and I cannot wait to bask in the festivities :)!

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