Weight Loss Wednesday: Keepin’ it real…

There have been very few posts which I’m hesitant to click “Publish”, and this was one of them.  As  I hope that in some way others can relate, I’m going to be honest on my blog about my goals.  I have lost a heck load of weight in the past, about 60 lbs total.  When I look at photos, sometimes I can’t even recognize the “before” version of me.  I feel proud at how far I’ve come & by no means consider myself fat.  That being said, I want to lose a bit of weight over the next few weeks.  Nothing drastic but I’d be happy with shedding 6-7 lbs, maybe even less when the time comes.

I know I don’t “need” to & I know I look fine the way I am.  However I can feel myself becoming a bit too lax with my eating habits lately.  My clothes fit fine, but I know they could fit better.  Especially with the holiday season coming up, I rather go into it looking my best.   I am not doing it for anyone or any reason except for wanting to feel amazing every time I look in the mirror.  As for knocking off these few pounds, my approach is going to be different to before:

  •  I am not counting points/calories
  • I am not going to amp up the intensity of my workouts
  • I am not going to stay away from all desserts completely
  • I am not going to reduce the size of my meals
  • I am not going to just eat egg whites with veggies and consider it a meal
  • I’m not going to use a weighing scale as an indicator of my efforts

In other words, I am not planning to take any drastic measures.  After carefully assessing my diet, two main things stood out to me:

1) Eating out of habit: The one that comes to mind most is ending my meals with chocolate.  It became more of a habit I became accustomed to doing daily as opposed to satisfying a craving.  While I have no plans to give up chocolate or stop eating it regularly, I just want to be mindful about my consumption….both of chocolate and just food in general.

2) Too many BLTs: I’m not talking about any bacon, lettuce & tomato sandwiches, but more like a few bites of almonds here, licks of peanut butter there and tastes of everything in between.  Ultimately these all add up.  Even if I’m not consciously counting calories, it’s these little in-between, absent-mindedly eaten snacks that are hindering my efforts.

If I want to see a change, I need to make a change.  And right now that means getting these two habits under control.  Now that I know what needs to be done, it’s time to actually do it  So yeah, cheers to November :)!

What are your goals for November?

51 thoughts on “Weight Loss Wednesday: Keepin’ it real…”

  1. There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to look your best! And while I think you look great, I can relate to the whole eating thing. A goal I set for myself post-wedding was to firm up a bit – tone and tighten if you will. It’s coming along verrrry slowly, which is a bit disappointing. But I know what I need to do to see the results I want, and it’s funny because they are exactly what you stated – stop eating something sweet after dinner out of habit and stop with the mindless eating! Thank you for this post, K! I know it’s not easy putting yourself out there, but you’re being authentic and helping so many people along the way! Here’s to looking AND feeling our best in 2013 and beyond! 🙂

    1. Thanks for your comment, P..I really appreciate it :)! 2013 is definitely going to be a better year for us, especially in terms of toning and tightening 🙂

  2. I feel you! I often ask myself, too, why I want to lose more weight when I’m healthy and really okay-looking; the completely honest answer would be that I owe it to the chubby girl who craved that look for so long. Unless it’s actively hurting someone, everyone deserves to look the way they want. Good luck with the mindfulness!

    I think I’m back on track with eating well, so my November goal would just be sticking to my marathon training plan. And not gain eight pounds along the way like during half-marathon training due to overcompensation 😉

    1. “Owe it to the chubby girl”–> I couldn’t have phrased it better myself :)! Best of luck during marathon training…no easy feat but that’s what makes it such a huge achievement :)!

  3. Wow Khushboo, you are an inspiration. You have come such a long way and you look absolutely stunning in that last lehanga pic! No harm in just putting yourself up for a challenge, good luck my friend!

    I am too out of shape currently and need to get that endurance back up. 30 day shred seemed to be perfect since its at home (not away from my little one), quick (I have 30 minutes even with a baby), it got a combination of strength, abs and cardio and its tough! That is my goal this November, complete the shred challenge.

    1. Thanks so much, Priyanka! 30 day shred sounds like the perfect way to get back into shape! Especially with a baby, it’s even better that you can do at home while the baby’s napping!

  4. Amazing progress! And it sounds like you still have JUST THE RIGHT attitude about health–It’s about making manageable, reasonable changes to see a difference! Not about restriction, rules and limitations. And mm, I had that chocolate-every-night habit too–it’s so easy to fall into! I still love my dark chocolate, but not on a schedule–just when I want it. Good luck with your goals, I know you can meet them!

    1. You’re so encouraging Allie, thank you! As much as I love dark chocolate, I am sure that I will appreciate it even more so now that I am only eating it when I genuinely want it!

      1. Hey, I’m only encouraging because it sounds like you already know what to do/how to do it. And mm, I definitely enjoy chocolate more when I wait ’til I’m actually craving it–If I’m willing to drive to the store to pick up a bar, I know it’s going to be rich, dark chocolate deliciousness. And I better not be interrupted 😉

  5. WOW!!!! I had no idea what an amazing transformation you’d made girl!! You are seriously amazing! 😀
    I really love your attitude with your new gameplan too– no calorie counting or restrictions, no weighing, and eating whole nutritious foods? Sounds like a winner to me, especially with not giving up chocolate heehee! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Alexandra! Calorie counting is effective for weight loss but I trust myself to not overdo it on the calorie front!

  6. I love your honesty, Khushboo. Talking about wanting to lose weight is defintiely one of those things that almost falls into the category of ‘taboo’, but as long as you’re being healthy about it, then I don’t see anything wrong with wanting to look and feel your best. And you’re definitely being healthy about it. I love that you’re not doing anything drastic like cutting down your meals and amping up your exercise, and I also think it’s pretty awesome that you’re not going to be counting calories, just examining your eating habits and making small adjustments. That definitely helps make it more of a lifestyle rather than a diet. You rock, girl, and holy.wow congrats on all of the progress that you’ve made so far!

    1. Thanks so much, Amanda! It’s become a case that if you don’t need necessarily need to lose weight, any desire to do so is automatically linked with an eating disorder. I know I got too obsessed at one point but I have definitely learnt to not repeat my mistakes!

  7. Good luck, lovely!

    Weight is such a personal and individual topic and thought. I completely understand where you’re coming from. The bottom line is, no matter what others tell us, it’s about feeling comfortable,confident and happy within YOURSELF.
    And your plan and way of approach is healthy and realistic to sustain for life. Great job!

    At one point, I also ALWAYS ended a meal with chocolate. Now a days, I end it with a piece of fruit..because for some reason, a meal isn’t over unless I eat something sweet-ish?? haha!

    Good luck!!

    1. Thanks so much :)! I’m with you on ending on a sweet note…although lately peppermint tea seems to be doing the trick! Let’s see how long that lasts ;)!

  8. Of course you know I LOVEEE this. I especially LOVE the BLT meaning! I am going through the same thing right now, especially since the past month I haven’t been working and therefor have been sitting more than I was before. I feel like my clothes are fitting better, and I want them to stay a bit loose!! I need to stop snacking!!

    1. Thanks, Britt! I find the BLT in full force especially on those days I’m sitting at home…boredom eating gets the best of me ;)!

  9. first I have to say Congratulations. You look beautiful in the purple dress and pink lengha. And you should always look your best for you, not anyone else, you’re right. Snacking is what kills most of us… I do the same thing, nuts, or chips with flaxseed, peanut butter scoop, it all adds up. My goal for november is to workout more, with the hurricane and now a snowstorm, i haven’t been to the gym, but I try to eat less sitting on my ass. 🙁

    1. Thanks so much, Nisha! Good luck with getting back into your fitness groove! Although I am sure all that walking is keeping you active…best part about living in NY :)!

  10. As I’m a fairly new reader to your blog I hadn’t seen any “before” pictures of you. What a transformation! Congrats on getting there, girl!

    While you don’t look like you had to loose any more weight the rules you made up sound reasonable. I like how you’re not going to cut out foods, eat less in general or work out harder. Simply being more mindful is a good approach in my opinion and I like that we both agree denying oneself chocolate is a no-no.

    My goal for November actually is to gain some more weight, eat more meals instead of having a million snacks and working harder on my university projects.

    1. Thanks a lot :)! Good luck with gaining weight! I like that your approach includes bulking up your meals instead of overdoing it on snacks! It’s so tempting to use weight gain as an excuse to overdo it with chocolates/crisps.

  11. I know what you mean – as you know I’ve been wanting to lose that last 5-7 kilos for the last 4 years 😀 I’m happy with my body now (esp now that it is home for bubs for the next 6 months or so!) but I know the feeling of just wanting to feel and look good.

    Hehe you know what I’m going to say about the chocolate thing – it’s an emotional attachment and more of a ritual rather you actually wanting it. that being said – treat chocolate etc like what it is – a treat. Savour it, don’t feel guilty and you will feel so much better than mindlessly snacking (Now I need to take my own advice :P)

    I know what my habits are – it’s just a matter of breaking them or continuing with better ones. My goal for November is to move at least 3-4 times a week – it’s getting harder now but I feel so much better after doing some exercise 🙂

    1. Chocolate is such an emotional attachment…and it doesn’t help that it provides an endorphin high :)! I love that you are aiming to stay active during your pregnancy- very inspiring!

    1. Thank you, Alexis! Especially when I’m stir frying veggies for dinner, half of it goes in me munching on it raw during the cooking process- whoops!

  12. Your weight loss journey is so inspiring, Khushboo! You’re a testament to the fact that perseverance and dedication pays off; that a moderate approach to weight loss and maintenance is a HEALTHY approach. Thank you so much for being transparent and real here. <3 There is absolutely nothing wrong with striving to feel your best, and sharing your goals will help you stay accountable. Even though "putting it out there" is anxiety-inducing, please know that I'm here to cheer you on!

    Even though I'm not trying to lose weight, I can definitely relate to the two diet "pitfalls" you discussed. It's no secret that I'm a bit of a chocolate addict, and like you, it's become a part of my daily diet. I'm not even talking about one piece after dinner. I've been plowing through several bars each week! I'm plan on following your lead this month and focusing on replacing those sweets with more healthful alternatives.

    The "BLT" acronym describes me perfectly as well–there are way too many bites, licks and tastes taken over here. Plating my food is a much better way to ensure I'm eating healthy meals and snacks.

    So…now your goals have become mine. 😉 I'm also working on making sleep a higher priority. I've been running on 5 hours/night over the past few weeks!

    Hugs! xoxo

    1. Ah you’re so sweet, Sara…thank you! I am sure we will both successfully crush these goals :)! And yay for more sleep- I’m sure it’ll translate into a lower coffee bill ;)!

  13. You look amazing! What an achievement! I call them “glamour pounds” and there is nothing wrong with wanting to lose them, especially if you’re not obsessing or taking dramatic measures. And you’re not:)

    1. Thanks Jess…as much as I want to get rid of these last few pounds, I rather not to do so by obsessing and losing my mind in the process!

  14. If I haven’t said it before, i’ll say it now… AMAZING WORK! I am so proud of you for how far you’ve come!!! 🙂 Nothing wrong with wanting to shed a few extra pounds.. I’m kind of in the same boat, i don’t consider myself fat but I know there is definitely room for improvement.

    “ending each meal with chocolate” *GUILTY*
    ^ i can’t help it… i always want to “wash” down the taste of whatever i just ate with something sweet! haha!
    “too many BLT’s” *GUILTY*

    Maybe my goal for November will be to be more conscious of the above!

  15. I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to be your best self, ever. I get so frustrated when people tell me “you don’t need to work out” or “you don’t need to eat a salad” just because I’m not overweight. It drives me crazy.

    Also, I think that your story is just so amazing. You are looking fab girl!


    1. Thanks so much, Faiza! And it drives me crazy too…the reason why we look like we don’t “need” to eat a salad is because we take care of ourselves!! 🙂

  16. Oh girl look how far you’ve come!! You should really be SO proud!
    And Im SO bad with the blts. Esepcially when I bake. Gotta taste the batter, then the finished product, a few times lol

  17. You look amazing, Khushboo! Seriously, I can’t believe those ‘before’ photos are even you. But I won’t judge you for wanting to lose a few pounds – we all do! I used to have a mug that had that chocolate/quitter quote on it, haha.

    One thing that helped my daily chocolate cravings was having hot chocolate. Replacing chocolate with chocolate, say what?! Haha. I make a healthy one with almond milk and unsweetened cocoa powder. Gradually, I started phasing those out and replacing them with herbal teas. I still have Lindt twice a week (can’t resist that sea salt choccie!) but I feel much more in control of my decision now, and it’s not just out of habit.

    1. Ah thanks so much, Tara! Love the sound of your hot chocolate..luckily peppermint tea seems to be keeping my sweet tooth at bay! And you know my love for Lindt Sea Salt would never allow me to completely do away with choc ;)!

  18. This all sounds pretty smart to me, we can all want to look and feel our best.

    Except the bit about chocolate consumption. Obviously Lindt dark choc & sea salt is exempt from rules of moderation, & being sensible:), he.

  19. You are such an inspiration! I began following you later on so I did not realize how much weight you’ve lost over time! And seriously, you look amazing!! I’m so encouraged and am extremely proud of you! I know what you mean by mindless eating. I’ve been licking way too many spoonfuls of pb here and there, munching on crackers, eating little pieces of chocolate at a time (which makes me think that it’s harmless)..but you’re right. It all adds up! Your plan sounds wonderful! Keep doing what you’re doing!

    1. Thanks so much Min…you’re really too sweet :)! Same goes with cake- I’m so guilty of eating multiple slivers rather than a whole slice in one shot- mentally it just seems less but I am sure I end up eating the same amount or more ha!

  20. Pingback: Weight Loss Wednesday: Sharing the wisdom | Khushboo's Blog

  21. z @ kickingkilos

    Going through your blog as I put my boys to sleep.
    Gosh…K will I ever be this slim again…I ahve about ten kilos more to go.
    Kudos to you and your hard work.

  22. Pingback: There’s Always Room for Improvement | Live, Love, Laugh, Lift

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