Five Favorites For Friday

How about we skip the chit-chat and just get going with some of my faves from this past week:

1) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake:  After ice cream, cheesecake is my all-time favorite dessert…I can rarely resist it.  As Cheesecake Factory just opened in Dubai, my mom brought back a slice for me earlier this week.  For curiosity’s sake, I looked on their site for the nutritional information and read:  At this time, we do not provide nutritional information for our menu selections on our website.  In other words, ignorance is bliss.  Was it worth it? Abso-fricken-lutely!  And because being transported on a plane took away its photogenicity, here’s a picture of what it looked like when she first bought it, courtesy of the restaurant’s site:

2) When I really like a song, I tend to listen to it 42,324 times (or until I get can’t bear it any longer)!  This week, that particular song for me is Stay With You by Avicii f/ Mike Posner. If you haven’t heard, download it…just do it.  I promise you it will find its way onto every playlist on your iPod.

Click on the image for the song!

3) Coconut Extract: Up until last week, I had no idea this even existed. Between my love for coconut flakes, cocoa body butter & coconut chocolate (Lindt, M&M’s  & Bounty to name a few), it’s kind of a no-brainer that I am a fan!  I’ve only added it to yogurt, but I bet it would taste great in smoothies & baked goods.  If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain, chances are you will love this too!

4) Dior Polish Shade Black Plum: One of the perks about living in Mumbai is that flip flop season lasts all year long…but that also means pedicures are an ongoing necessity.    Although I usually go for reds and pinks on my feet, I am loving darker shades for fall, especially purples & greys.  A big thanks again to one of my oldest friends Mini who works at Dior in Dubai for hookin’ me up 🙂

5) Despite my love-hate relationship with post-workout soreness, I know that it’s no indication of a good workout.  It’s a bit like sweat: neither of them are necessary for a good workout yet both feel great in some twisted way.  Tara wrote a great post on this notion of DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness):  Provided you are continuing to push yourself in the gym and fueling yourself correctly, you should still be on track to reach your goals – regardless of whether you experience DOMS or not. That being said, I do kinda love the fact that my butt & lower body in general is still experiencing all kinds of soreness from Wednesday’s workout!

What are you lovin’ this week?

35 thoughts on “Five Favorites For Friday”

  1. You left me drooling over the Dior nail polish…that colour is gorgeous!! Indeed, sweating like a pig and pushing yourself when working out means you are doing something good. (Sighhhh, I’ve been quite lazy in this department).

    I am sort of addicted to PSY “Gangnam Style”, the beat and the dance enough said LOL

    Enjoy the weekend!

  2. DUDE I love coconut extract in stuff too! It give waffles and pancakes such a nice flavor, especially when you pair it with coconut butter and coconut flour mwahahaha I love me some coconut!! 😀
    Lately I’ve been lovin puzzles– I cranked out a 500 piece one the other day in like 2 hours. It was so much fun!

    1. Ohh good call on adding it to waffles- totally going to try that! Jigsaw puzzles make my head hurt but I always feel so accomplished when I finish it…what was the puzzle of?

  3. Don’t tempt me with cheesecake at 9 AM! At least not unless you’re planning on sharing a slice with me over some coffee 😉 And that plum nail polish is gorgeous. I love bright nail polishes, but I think I’m ready to put them away in favor of some richer Fall colors. Bring on the golds, reds, plums, and grays!

    As for what I’m loving this week, sleeeeeep. After being sleep deprived for most of my vacation, it’s nice to finally catch up 🙂

    1. You bring the coffee, I’ll bring the cake :)! Hope you’re caught up on sleep by the end of this weekend..I am so looking forward to not having to set an alarm tomorrow!!

  4. That cheesecake looks divine – would love to have a slice of that. So excited you’re finally trying new shades of polish – love the color you’ve picked. Am loving watching re-runs of Everybody Loves Raymond this week. Nothing like ending the day with a cup of chamomile tea and 30 mins of the Barons!

    1. Can’t wait for you to get your butt here- I promise I’ll spoil you with cake :)! And you need to get over ELR- so last century, buddy!

  5. Sable@SquatLikeALady

    I will have to try coconut extract! I have JUST jumped on the coconut bandwagon (better late than never)! I was supposed to be having coconut oil all the way through contest prep but I was sick early in prep & gave myself a negative association to the taste… BUT I just had a tablespoon in oats last night and O…M…G. SO good.

  6. I just gained like 5 kgs just drooling over that cheesecake pic haha! Yum! I love anything coconut as well! I’m still on the hunt for coconut extract, I have recently found caramel and pineapple extract and been going to town with those, delish! I loved the article by Tara that you linked, great reading! Haha sheesh you worked your ‘lil behind to still be sore today! I secretly love the feeling of being sore I know its so wrong to think that’s an indication of a good workout! I agree with you! But I’m not quite so sore these days as I was when I first started working out, I sometimes wonder if I should work out harder or for a longer period than normal ?! I love the e-card and the onions pic haha you always have the funniest stuff 🙂 Gonna youtube that song asap, snap I also play a song to death when I like a song! I am loving peanut butter, banana & milk all whizzed up into the yummiest smoothie…it’s been my go to brekkie for the past 2-ish weeks, I think it’s a keeper! 🙂

    1. Wow caramel extract does sound amazing- that’s next on my “to find” list! Love the sound of your breakfast…peanut & banana totally trumps peanut butter & jelly!

  7. Oh lordy that cheesecake… looks divine that is for sure! Coconut extract is also something that i need to find, and right now. My love for coconut has steadily been increasing these past few months so yep, I am sure this would be a product I would adore!

  8. I am SO on the cheesecake lovin’ train too. It’s by far my favorite dessert, and by far one of the most indulgent desserts out there! :-p Enjoying a slice of the real deal every now and then is 110% worth it though! I’ve never tried the Cheesecake Factory’s chocolate chip cheesecake, but I LOVE the peanut butter cup fudge ripple and white chocolate macadamia nut! Yumm.

    Dior nail polish is awesome. I’m starting to warm up to darker colors, but I still tend to gravitate towards bright pinks! It might not be summer, but it can always be summer on my fingers. 😉

    I need that coconut extract in my life! I bet it’s fantastic in yogurt (topped with coconut flakes and chocolate chips, perhaps?). Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend! xoxo <3

    1. Apparently one slice wasn’t enough because the sound of peanut butter cup fudge ripple & white choc macadamia nut has me craving cheesecake all over again! And good call about the adding coconut flakes with the extract – I actually have some at home :)!

  9. Cheesecake Factory is one of my favorites! I love most everything on their menu but definitely stay away from their nutritional information. Ignorance is bliss for sure in this case. 🙂

  10. I’m glad they don’t have a cheesecake factory here because I would be a LOT bigger!!!! Love it so much!!! Also I have a tendency to listen to the same song 20000 times. And I love post workout muscle soreness makes me feel like I’m going to see improvements.

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