I completed a marathon!!!…

Psyyych…well not exactly!   I completed a marathon but it sure didn’t involve me running 26.2 miles.  I think it’s safe to say that I’m obsessed with Suits.  Between Sunday & Monday, I finished around 10 episodes…and that number probably would have been higher if I had any more episodes on hand to watch.  For your viewing pleasure (and more mine):

You are welcome!

TV junkie aside, I wanted to post about my workout motivation…or what has been the case lately for me: lack of workout motivation.  Don’t get me wrong: I am still working out regularly, I still leave the gym on an endorphin high but I couldn’t be any less enthusiastic about my workouts.  Since I’ve gotten back from London, I’ve been completing my workouts but it’s more a case of me just going through the motions: I am doing the workout without any inner drive to lift heavier weights, run faster & set new PRs .

Health & vanity reasons aside, I exercise for a sense of achievement and entertainment.  The minute those two are absent, something has to change.  There are a lot of things in life which can be be a burden to do, but I refuse to let exercise be one of them.  After discussing it with my trainer, we are going to switch up my workout schedule completely.  Currently it looks something like this:

From next week onwards, it’s going to look more like this:

While I know that my new schedule will be more intense due to an increase in the number of sets per body part, I am looking forward to a new challenge.  I imagine my workouts will also improve as there is more time in between sessions for repair and recovery.  As for the extra rest day, I’d be lying if I said that part of me wasn’t glad to have an extra day to sleep in ;)!  Whether or not I enjoy this workout split, time will only tell!  But for now, I can’t wait to shake things up!

How do you snap out of workout ruts?

42 thoughts on “I completed a marathon!!!…”

  1. We’re the same way but with The West Wing. Talk about obsessed!

    And I really find that by switching things up regularly on the cardio front, I maintain my motivation to workout. I guess that’s why I love tabata workouts – short and highly varied!

  2. I’ve completed a few of those kinds of marathons myself, and I do believe that Dexter was my most recent one 😀 I used to get stuck in workout ruts all the time, and while switching up my routine or playlist helped, they’d almost always come back. These days I focus on staying active in my daily life as opposed to doing structured workouts, and I find that works a lot better for me. I do things I enjoy, like biking, walking, hiking, etc. and so I never really get bored, and always enjoy myself. So I guess the most important thing would be doing things that you enjoy, whether that’s taking new classes or being outside, or just being active without worrying about a routine.

    1. So many people have been recommending Dexter to me recently- I might have to check it out! I love your attitude towards fitness: the main thing is to keep active, who cares how you do so as long as you enjoy!

  3. You have to find a way to get the remaining episodes of Suits – its sooo good.

    You’re new work out routine sounds great! Ever since I cut back my workouts from 6 days to 4 days a week I feel I am able to push myself a lot more that before and I ook forward to all the sessions
    I’ve been in a workout rut for the last 2 weeks, ever since London. Still trying to get motivated to push myself in the gym like I did before the holidays. Now I kind of wish I worked out with you in London atleast few times. Any tips to snap out of a this work out rut would be appreciated!

    1. The fact that you still make an effort to go to the gym regularly alone will help you snap out of it I think- sometimes the “going” part is the hardest bit! Have you spoken to your trainer about changing up your workouts?

  4. That’s MY kind of marathon ;D And if I get in workout ruts, I just completely change it up! I go to the gym with absolutely no plan and just wander around and do the exercises that seem fun. No, it’s not as intense of a workout, but it shakes things up and makes me more eager or interested in going back to a plan.

    1. Intense or not, at least you’re making the effort to complete some exercises. I think we just have to remember that not every workout needs to be high-intensity or leave our muscles feeling completely fatigued!

  5. I think fun work out classes get me more motivated and back onto track – like Zumba! New music that you want to work out to helps also and maybe watching the paraolympics? That should keep us inspired 😉 So, have you finished season 2 already? Now such a long wait until January…..!

    1. I am dying to try Zumba- there’s a class nearby our place here but I’m just being lazy about not going! I have 4 more episodes to watch of Suits, slowly savoring each one of them! But waiiit why January??? New seasons usually start in September!!

      1. I love suits – discovered it last summer, and they’ve made the 2nd season awesome. It’s a summer show, thats why new eps in Jan 🙁 I workout at home using the youtube vids of a trainer called Hamelin D’abell. He has lots of different challenges which has kept it interesting for me, and easy to stay consistent

  6. I was so ready to shower you with congratulations as i clicked on your blog title! haha! But a marathon of Suits is just as good! I haven’t started watching it but it’s all i’ve been hearing about lately!

    As for workout ruts… i’ve been in and out of ruts b/c of my injury. As soon as discouraging thoughts creep into my head, i just stop and think about why i’m doing this. I’ll usually talk to my husband too who’ll knock some sense back into me. Haha!

  7. Sable@SquatLikeALady

    I am so lame – I haven’t watched a marathon of a TV show in years! =( We don’t have cable (too $$$ – I’d rather save that $ for school) so I am tooootally out of the pop culture loop!

  8. I always go through workout ruts but luckily they never seem to last long. I just make sure to do things I enjoy doing like biking. On days where I feel like I have no energy to do intense metcon or plyo workouts, I’ll just hop on the bike first for a warm up and that’ll get my pumped for a more intense workout later on because I’m already at the gym.. might as well do it!

  9. Haha you had me laughing in that opening paragraph! Your new routine looks like so much fun. When I started doing body part splits I became hooked on weight lifting!! It took it to an all-new level 😀

    1. Haha I am glad you appreciated my corniness! Your comment has gotten me all the more pumped about starting this new workout sched…and I won’t lie, this split makes my lifting feel that much more legit ;)!

  10. Your new plan looks fantastic!! I think that mixing up your routine will definitely bust you out of that rut. Definitely keep us updated us about your progress!

    I’ve actually been in a major workout slump lately as well. I still go to the gym 5-6 days/week, but the motivation is missing! I usually enjoy my workouts because they provide an hour of “me time” during the day, however lately, I’ve found that the only way I can finish them is by thinking about what I get to do AFTERWARDS (like eat, haha!). Tara is designing a much different program for me right now, and I can’t wait to see what she has in store. I’m already excited just thinking about it. 🙂

    I’ve actually never heard of Suits! I must be living under a rock. The lead character sure is cute though! 😉 xoxo <3

    1. Haha you and me both! On the days I work out first thing, my main motivation is the breakfast I have waiting for me! Can’t wait to see what Tara comes up for you- she really knows her stuff! And PLEASE start Suits- you would love it 🙂

  11. Group classes definitely get me out a rut and back to it! Zumba for sure and any other kind of dance class. Cardio kick/kick boxing is fantastic too- you get a tough workout, and some rage out! haha. I have also tried a new kind of yoga lately, vinyasa power, and I really enjoy it, more than I ever have with yoga!

  12. My boyfriend is in LOVE with Suits too! I just haven’t gotten into it for some reason…probably because I’m too busy watching Bravo & E! 😉

    My advice for the workout rut-use pinterest/other bloggers for your inspiration! When I got bored with my routine, I looked around at a couple different bloggers to see what they were doing, and used a combination of their workouts to spice up my routine!

  13. OH boy..I haven’t been working out at all due to my insane schedule…I really need to make some time for myself…good luck with your new workout challenge!

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