Hey it’s OK…

When it comes to magazines, I tend to be a backwards reader…especially when the magazine in question is Glamour.  I always first flick to the Hey It’s OK! section on the last page of the magazine.  Each tidbit either makes me smile or nod in agreement.  More than being 100% spot on, it’s a light-hearted reminder to take it easy on yourself every so often, whether or not you want to admit it.

So in honor of validating some of the things I may or may not do, here’s my list:

Hey, it’s OK to…

  • Refer to celebrities on a first-name basis
  • Say hello to someone you think you recognize….and then realize you have never met before in your life
  • Take photos with the hope of clicking at least one with profile potential

  • Still not understand what the fuss is about Instagram…and refuse to get sucked into another time-wasting trend (famous last words)
  • Justify unnecessary purchases on the fact that you just got paid
  • Wear the same outfits repeatedly despite the number of clothes in your cupboard with tags still on
  • Set your alarm knowing that you are going to snooze for least 30 minutes after the first ring

  • Refer to Mumbai as Bombay….even after its name change in 1995
  • Wake up remembering your dream…and wish it wasn’t a dream
  • Accumulate five multiple workouts worth of sweat in your hair before you wash it
  • Finish an entire container of Tic Tacs within one hour

  • Read countless articles on mindful eating…yet still eat a majority of your meals in front of the television/computer
  • Not recall the last time you washed your favorite pair of jeans
  • Be in bed before midnight on a Saturday night
  • Load new music onto your iPod yet still listen to songs from last century



Finish it: Hey it’s OK to _________

39 thoughts on “Hey it’s OK…”

  1. …read blogs while your daughter pours her own Cheerios and milk. 🙂

    Funny how we wear the same clothes because it’s just easier than trying to think of how to put together new outfits! I do the same thing.

  2. YES to all of the above, especially the profile pic one. I do that all the time, and it annoys those around me to no end (although I bet they’re secretly hoping for the same thing)! Have a great day, K!

  3. I am guilty of almost every single one of these. This was a fun post!

    For me: It’s ok to go out of your way to keep your pets comfortable, even if that means you sleep in a distorted triangle.

  4. I’m going with the two things I’m doing right now:

    It’s okay to take the afternoon “off” from uni work the day of a big deadline


    It’s okay to eat copious amounts of dates and in lieu of cooking dinner!

  5. I only love instagram because it lets me be lazy and not use a real camera–it turns iphone photos into something halfway decent. Great post–and yup, I’m a-okay with all of those things as well. Especially the buildup of hair sweat. Except ew, sounds grosser when I put it that way, haha.

  6. onehealthymunchkin

    LOL I nodded my head in agreement to so many of these – especially eating it front of the computer. 😛

    Hey it’s okay to skip a workout/save it for later in the day because I’d rather make oatmeal for breakfast and read blogs.

  7. Your Tic Tacs have ilttle faces on them?! So jealous.

    It’s ok to stay in your PJs for 3 days because you’re working from home. Despite the fact that you’ve also exercised in them for 3 days.

  8. LOL… You start reading magazines from the back!? I do too… People think I’m odd when I do that.

    I’m pretty much guilty of all of those things… Made me laugh pretty hard. Except for the Instagram one… I downloaded the app… LOL

  9. omg, i don’t get the point of instagram either.. seriously? with facebook and twitter, if i need to upload, i can do it on fb or twit, why go to instagram? makes no sense.

    I have so much stuff hanging in my closet that i barely wear, i need to clean out my closet.. i have issues throwing stuff away cuz as you know, western brands NEVER go bad.. they still look great years later. not sure if that’s always good or bad.

  10. Pingback: Hey, it’s OK! — Amazing Asset

  11. I know it’s ok, but I’ve done almost everything on the list!! haha.
    Nice to find out I’m not the only one 😛
    I love tick tacks!! (the orange flavored ones…)

  12. Pingback: Hey, It’s Okay… (June Edition) « Khushboo's Blog

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