No Longer Dread the Tread

Although I haven’t mentioned my training plan in the last couple of weeks, I’m still completely on board with it. I can’t believe that I’ve actually reached the last stretch of the plan.   I always knew I could achieve the distance physically if I trained for it.  The bigger obstacle for me was mental: how would I run over 90 minutes on a treadmill without losing my mind?!

I’m not sure whether it’s due to the motivation from successfully completing my past 5 long runs, the reward of buying a new pair of jeans once I achieve my goal, or because I’ve finally found ways to squash the monotony of running forward yet moving nowhere.  Whatever it is, I am pumped to crank out those 10 miles on Monday morning, and hopefully I will walk out that gym a sane person.

If the idea of running on a dreadmill treadmill fills you with dread, here are some tips that may help overcome the boredom:

  • Load up your iPod with podcasts/audiobooks: Between Jillian Michaels and Tina Fey, listening to podcasts/audiobooks during my long runs make me feel like I’m running with a friend.  And the best part is, I am entertained yet don’t have to speak back.
  • Aim for intensity instead of time: On those days where I really cannot fathom the idea of being on the treadmill for more than 20-30 minutes, I don’t…but I make sure every minute counts.  Put your big girl panties on, run fast, run hard, and you can cry about how exhausting it feels once it is over.
  • Cover up the screen with a towel: Seeing the numbers increase actually motivate me to continue.  However I know clock-watching can also have the opposite effect on some, and so if you are one of them, nip it in the bud: the more you look at the clock, the slower time will pass so don’t torture yourself unnecessarily…just don’t!
  • Opt for a pyramid interval workout: Time flies with any interval workout because you need to pay so much attention to your interval times.  The idea behind these runs is that you’re going up and down a ‘pyramid’: slower speeds are run for longer periods of time whereas harder, faster speeds are run in short bursts.  Check out my personal favorite pyramid workout.
  • Try something new: If running is usually your thing, switch things up by lowering the speed and amping up the incline.  Walking may seem ‘too easy a workout’ but let’s talk once the incline is hiked up to 15%.
  • Ralking“: Running + walking.  In terms of increasing my overall speed and distance, this has been my saviour.
  • Don’t do it: Just because others enjoy the treadmill doesn’t mean you will to.  Opting for the cross-trainer/cycle or swimming will also get your heart rate up.
*For treadmill workouts, you can check out my Workout Page*

How do you beat the treadmill blues? 

13 thoughts on “No Longer Dread the Tread”

  1. I love this because as much as I love running outside, I find myself on the treadmill more often then not. I think changing things up and going for intensity versus distance or time is a good one. I’ve found myself doing that more and more. That way I can fit in some strength training afterwards as well! Win – win!

  2. This is an amazing post!! Thanks so much for the tips 🙂 personally I hate running so I try to swim, bike, or do plyos for my cardio, but I do get the urge to treadmill it up sometimes 😉 love the “if you still look pretty” pic, so true haha

  3. I actually enjoy the treadmill for the most part. I did all of my running for the first 1.5 years on the treadmill, so it’s no big deal, plus where I live in the winter you only have the gym from Nov-April.

  4. I just went back to read your post yesterday on weight loss and loved it. I was always a chubby kid. That chubbiness soon turned into overweight, and ultimately obesity. I was 10 years old whe my doctor officially diagnosed me as obese. I was 131 lbs. That was more than my mother weighed. Over the years i managed to lose weight to a point where i am an ideal weight for where i am now. It was mostly exercise, portion control, and cleaning my diet of refined sugars/carbohydrates. I am now a teenager. One problem i had was my obsession with weighing myself. I would weigh myself after eating or after using the bathroom. But i have to say my greatest weight loss weapon is visiting Kerala, India! I always manage to lose weight there. It’s quite a change from the much more luxurious life here in America. Though i can NEVER refuse kulfi or gulab jamun from my ammachi (grandmother) 🙂

    1. Wow well done on the weight loss- that’s great that you were able to take control at such a young age! For what it’s worth, I weighed more than my mom for many years..good thing times have changed :D! Thanks for your comment on my blog and good luck with keeping the weight off!

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