How I roll

Having previously lived in London for 8 years, people tend to be shocked when I say that life in Mumbai is great and that I’m really enjoying it.  I can understand their surprise for a number of reasons:

  1. The culture differences between Mumbai and London are huge
  2. I absolutely hated coming to Mumbai when I was growing up
  3. I can barely speak Hindi

I still love London and miss certain aspects about the place, but for now  I couldn’t imagine moving back  While I do sometimes wonder why on Earth I ever decided to Mumbai, this city is filled with perks.  Focusing on its plus points has made the adjustment so much easier and more enjoyable.   For starters, life in Mumbai is more luxurious than the West.   Whereas I wouldn’t think to regularly spend £50 pounds on massages in London, I have now grown accustomed to them.  It’s the most glorious one hour of my week and every Sunday (or Wednesday morning before work) I look forward to my malish (a.k.a. massage lady) coming home.    For those days in between where my muscles are overly sore, I fall back on my next best alternative:

I know many runners/athletes opt for a foam roller but a rolling pin also does the trick – and it’s available in Mumbai.  By rolling it over  certain areas, the rolling pin applies pressure to stiff areas and kneads out muscles.  As a result, it helps remove the lactic acid build-up and reduces pain and soreness across my muscles.  Especially since I started running more, I’ve been using it daily for 5 minutes over my quads, calves, back and it really feels like a deep tissue massage.  I’m guilty of ‘forgetting’ to stretch so this definitely helps solve that issue somewhat.

When I suggested this alternative use of this chapatti-making tool to my brother, he laughed.  After running a half-marathon a few days later, he cried complained about ‘sore legs’ to my mom.  Guess who had the last laugh then? 😉

For a better understanding of how to massage with a rolling pin, check out this video.

What do you love about the city you currently live in?

16 thoughts on “How I roll”

  1. I wish I had my own personal malish! I love that in India it’s just easy to get things done. I can’t wait to visit again.

    And the thing I love about Boston is that you get to experience all 4 seasons. As you know, I’m moving to FL next. I’m really really really looking forward to living 15 minutes from the beach!

  2. I just found this blog. You replied to my comment on PBfingers about my messing up the lyrics to desi girl, so i decided to come over and visit. I mean, i didn’t think that any of her readers knew that song. Well i live in Frederick Virginia and I absolutely LOVE it! So much to do and the people are so nice! It is really pretty here and everyone has 3 acres of land! I moved here from NY City, where i was born and brought up,and it was quite a switch from the noisy, bustling ” city that never sleeps”!

  3. I agree that Mumbai is verrrrry luxurious- I had intended to get a massage at either the Four Seasons or Taj spa while I was there but ran out of time (I did get the hair oil massages etc…so wonderful!)
    Hmm well I live in Portland; it’s a funky city and one I never would have guessed that I would love so much, but I love the food culture here. We have a ridiculous amount of local/seasonal/organic/overall healthy produce and foods available to us whether through the hundreds of non-corporate grocery stores, farmer’s markets, or the hundreds of incredible restaurants. I also think the people here for the most part are very very down to earth…and we don’t have any sales tax 😉

  4. I like your alternative use of the rolling pin! I have a small foot massager that I also use to roll out my legs. It’s travel size!
    I live in the city I grew up in, and, although I would like to move away most days, I do have a ton of hometown pride. It’s great to see my city grow and expand. I also like to point out the houses my parents grew up in to pretty much anyone who will listen. 🙂

  5. Tell us more about Mumbai! Honestly, that is a place I know absolutely NOTHING about!

    I live in Orange County, California. I love it and I probably will never leave…it’s hard to ditch lovely weather 90% of the year and having everything at the tip of my fingers. I know I’m lucky, that’s for sure!

  6. LIving in Mumbai sounds like it would be an amazing experience! And weekly massages sound pretty darn nice, too. I like the rolling pin idea! I see people using foam rollers at the gym fairly often, but have never tried that out, either.

  7. I am getting a massage tomorrow! Though not for relaxation – for injury purposes. I wish I could get relaxing ones more often! I have this device called “the stick” which is basically beads on a rolling pin type stick. I like it because it’s a little more flexible than a rolling pin so I can get different areas, but I have used the rolling pin trick before!

  8. Ah, I love that you’re using a rolling pin to massage your muscles! Resourceful! One of the reasons I love reading your blog is because I know you’re in a different country. I think it’s interesting to see how others deal with food and exercise in other places!

  9. my work colleague here in delhi is from mumbai and she keeps telling me how much she misses mumbai. her life there was much more luxurious since she is literally doing nothing else but WORK here. i have only been to mumbai for 1 day to drive to Goa and didnt like it, i think one must live in a city to like it. i like delhi now and i used to hate it! i am having a massage a week here too.. plus i got a supernice snapdeal last week (INR 600 for an 40mins long facial, half hour head massage, haircut and styling). amazing!

  10. Massages every week? Girl I’m jealous! But I love your rolling pin idea! I never thought of doing that, but I’m definitely going to have to give it a try. My legs always get so sore from running!

    I love my city’s downtown. It has tons of amazing restaurants, cute little boutiques and my favourite place: an indoor farmer’s market. 😀

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