My dirty little secret

My run this morning confirmed just how grimy low-maintenance I can be:

I love being soaked in sweat (with the exception of when my hair has been professionally done 🙂 ).  I get immense pleasure out of finishing a workout with a damp t-shirt! Even though many females find the whole ordeal ‘gross’ or ‘embarrassing’, I wholeheartedly embrace it.  After all, it’s merely one of the body’s most natural (and perhaps most wonderful) responses.

I know that sweat is due to a combination of factors (e.g. environment, climate, genetics, exercise intensity, etc) but for me it does signify a great workout.  To me, sweat feels like success (and also tastes overly salty 😳 ). It feels like a challenge accomplished. It’s also a free form of detoxification.  Sweat flushes out toxins and fat from body, which explains why we ‘break’ a sweat whilst recovering from an illness.  On the topic of secrets, here’s another one for you: rather than fancy schmancy, expensive facial products, my complexion purely relies on what I put inside (food) and what comes outside (sweat).

Just for curiosity sake, try weighing yourself before/after a schweaty workout.  Chances are you’ll be 1-2 lbs lighter.  Believe it or not, sweating helps with weight loss.  No I’m not delusional.  I know that the loss on the scales is merely water weight.  I know that saunas and Bikram yoga don’t initiate long-lasting weight loss.  Instead I’m referring to the indirect effect of sweat on weight loss.  Contrary to popular belief that ‘overweight’ people are more likely to sweat, the truth is that the fitter you are, the quicker and more likely you are to sweat.  Sweat is the body’s inbuilt air conditioner. As fitness levels increase, the body becomes more efficient at cooling itself down.  By keeping you cool, the sweat allows you to train harder, and for longer. Outcome? You burn more fat.

You can call me ‘gross’, you can call me ‘unladylike’.  But I’ll say it loud and proud: SWEAT IS SWEET!  

**End-note: I hope this post has not changed your opinion of me 😉 .  I’m a very hygienic person and live up to my name all day, every day (FYI: ‘Khushboo’ means ‘good fragrance/aroma’ in Hindi).

Tell me one thing ‘gross’ about you…you know you wanna…all the ‘cool’ kids are! 😉

2 thoughts on “My dirty little secret”

  1. Me loves some sweaty workouts too 🙂 I have this fixed notion in my head that my workout is not good enough if I have not sweated worth a bucket load.

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