If you want to…

…turn that frown upside down: wear a bright color.  Initially I was in 2 minds about buying bright orange pumps.  However every time I glanced down today, I couldn’t help but smile (and wish I had my shades on me ;))

…complete one exercise move: Try the deadlift.  My current strength training program is predominantly made up of compound exercises like the deadlift. In one move, I’m working my back, glutes, legs, arms, and shoulder muscles. Helllllo efficiency! 😆

…look at one site: http://kthadani.wordpress.com.  Haha okay, that’s a given but check out Awkward Family Photos.  I love my family but I’ll be honest- we don’t have a history of good family portraits.  Check out a photo from way back of my cousin, sis and me from the days when our moms thought we were dolls and wanted to play dress up! 😐

…buy one condiment: get your hands on some truffle oil. Yep it is relatively expensive but oh SO worth it!  You only need to add a tiny bit to completely change a meal’s flavor and take it to the next level.  Don’t believe me? Try roasting potatoes in truffle oil…just try it! 🙂

…do one thing for yourself: book a massage! I replaced my usual pre-work workout with a massage this morning and wow, my muscles are thanking me! Screw sleep phase cycle alarm clocks, THIS is the ideal way to wake up!

…drink one thing: although I can’t vouch for it yet, this green tea smoothie sounds fabulously refreshing! It’s on my ‘to make list’ which is ever-growing 😳

…download one song: Give me Everything Tonight by Ne-Yo.  Sure it’s old by now but whatever, I’m obsessed

…spice things up: try a piece of Lindt Chilli Dark Chocolate.  I’m all for weird combinations but this was too much for even me!  It definitely had a kick though!

…laugh hysterically: watch Hangover 2.  It’s the most brainless movie with the exact same storyline as the first one yet I was cracking up for the whole 90 minutes.  Clearly I have a mature sense of humor ;)…oh and Bradley Cooper is mega eye candy!

Finish this sentence: If you want to ­________, do ___________ .

7 thoughts on “If you want to…”

  1. karina chattlani

    Loving the quality of the pics with your new camera!!
    If you only have time for one quick exercise move do burpess – gets your full body moving.
    I think i need to listen to and do one thing for myself and get a massage – its wayyy over due!

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