Something unBEATable

One of my favorite car games is saying a word and the other person has to say the first thing that comes to mind. For example: 

  • Will Smith–> Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  • SAT exams–> HB2 pencils
  • Las Vegas–> Slot Machines
  • Dollar bill–> George Washington

And finally

  • Beetroot–> anonymous friend

For the sake of this post, we will call this friend Hypo Chondriac. One morning a couple of years ago, Hypo called me up frantically. I was still half asleep but the panic in her voice was enough to jolt me out of bed. She was going hysterical because of the color of her pee: bright red! Naturally I asked her whether it was her time of the month but that wasn’t expected for another 2 weeks. Her only other explanation was that she was bleeding internally and suffering from ill health 🙄 . Hypo has a history of assuming the worst so I didn’t really think too much of it. We hung up and then 45 minutes later, Hypo called me up cheerily. Naturally I was dumbfounded. After a phone call with her mother who, by the way, was in a different country, it turns out the origin of Hypo’s discolored pee was…wait for it…the beetroot juice which she drank the day before– GO FIGURE! You heard it here first: asparagus makes your pee stinky whereas beetroot juice can make you question your health 😆 .

Don’t let this scare you off beetroots. Given their unbeatable benefits, I actually urge you to increase your consumption. Check out these stats:

  • Strengthens nerves
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Aphrodisiac: bring out yo inner freak after some beets 😉
  • Relieves constipation
  • Breath freshener: peace out garlic/onion breath! 
  • Helps with skin diseases: boil the pieces of beetroot in water and then use this water on pimples, inflammation, and boils on the skin
  • Weight reduction: helps in healthy liver functioning and helps remove fats present in the body

Normally I eat them cold atop of salads but after yesterday’s attempt at this recipe for Beet & Goat Cheese Risotto*, I am definitely going to be warming those babies up more often. Despite how glamorous this recipe sounds, it was incredibly easy to make, and not to mention delicious. In fact you might want to add it to your go-to list of recipes to make for your beau.  Oh and just for the record, my pee doesn’t seem to be affected…at least not yet! 😉

*The only changes made were the use of olive oil instead of butter and I added in garlic at the start.

6 thoughts on “Something unBEATable”

  1. fyi. They taste awesome cut into chunks & roasted as a side dish or cut into thin strips (with a veggie peeler) & grilled for crunchy munchies with red wine!

  2. I have a real problem with beets, I don’t like them. I know the benefits of eating beet, but I just cannot get myself to like this woody thing.

  3. Wow, I didn´t know beets were soo healthy, I only know I love them:)I like beet chips and I add beets in various stir fries and such or I just cut them in small chunks into my salads.

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