Let’s get high!

Running: one of the cheapest drugs on the market. Besides a few wardrobe essentials, it’s practically the only way to get high for free! Running, for me, is such a cathartic and euphoric experience. Whether I’m pounding away on the treadmill or outdoors I feel strong, confident, and satisfied. I finished my run this morning more than 9 hours ago yet I’m still buzzing. Every run completed brings a renewed sense of pride and accomplishment.

I know a lot of people ‘hate to run’ or ‘can’t run’ which is such a shame. Alternatively there are some people who want to run but feel intimidated or assume they don’t have the ‘running gene’. Take it from me: ifI can run, anyone can.  Back in the day, the thought of me running during gym class eventually became a joke- my PE teachers finally accepted that I was flat-out NOT going to run. So while everyone was running the monthly “Mile Run” and trying to beat their previous time, my friend and I (shout out to Rids 🙂) would walk the 5 or so laps…who am I kidding, we strolled :oops:. Fast forward 12 years later and I’m addicted.

Getting my trainers on is sometimes an effort but whether I run 2 miles or 6 miles, I know those endorphins will be running right behind me. And that alone, is enough motivation for me. So if my professed love for running isn’t enough for you to re-think your aversion to running, here are a few tips to help you get started. Once you start, I promise you won’t look back:

  1. Invest in a good pair of running shoes.  I like Asics as they provide both comfort and support without costing a bomb.
  2. Google ‘running programs for beginners’.  There are some great walk-run schedules which help ease you into running.  From starting off with running a mere few minutes, you’ll be running for 30 minutes before you know it. 
  3. Be consistent:  Vowing to do your new program at least 3 times a week will massively benefit your stamina and determination. 
  4. Run for time, not speed.  Focus on the time spent on your feet first and then worry about speed.
  5. Go slow: if you can’t manage a few words without being out of breath, you’re going too fast.
  6. Change your mindset: I hate the term jogger, it’s plain derogatory.  Whether you’re running a 7-minute mile or 12-minute mile, the fact is your legs are lifting off the ground which makes you a RUNNER!
  7. Gradually increase distance/speed (preferably not together).  No more than a 10% increase per week will reduce the risk of injuries and the amount of stress put on your body
  8. Challenge yourself.  Whether you want to run 3k, 5k, or 10k, having a goal to work towards is an excellent source of motivation. 
  9. Be your own benchmark.  There will always be someone faster than you and someone who can run further than you.  Rather than worry about how you measure up, focus on the progress YOU have made over time.
  10. Don’t be a slave to numbers: I am a math geek so I have a fetish for numbers.  I have OCD when it comes to ending my runs on a round number.  That being said, it’s sometimes nice to ignore time and speed and just enjoy the experience.  It takes the pressure off and lets me enjoy running for the pleasure that it is. 


3 thoughts on “Let’s get high!”

  1. Pingback: Potayto/Potato, Runner/Jogger « Khushboo's Blog

  2. Pingback: Getting results: diet versus exercise « Khushboo's Blog

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