Protein is overrated

Michael Jackson wasn’t the only one pro-teen.  Ok that was borderline lame but on a serious note, we are a protein-obsessed society.  Compared to all the other food groups, protein seems to be placed on a pedestal.  A guy at my gym actually suggested I take protein shakes post-workout because of its whey protein content.  Errr thanks but no thanks, buddy!

Like vegetables, protein is a must in any diet.  It’s an important source of energy and for growth & repair in the body, and some sources of protein provide the body with iron and vitamins.    Government guidelines recommend that only 10-15% of our diet be made up of protein.   Rather than eat our body weight in protein, we only need to consume 0.8g protein for every kilogram that we weigh.

Unless you’re training for an athletic event, chances are you can easily meet this intake without sipping on protein shakes or popping supplements.  And contrary to popular belief, vegans and vegetarians can certainly consume enough protein as long as their calorie intake is adequate.   Relying on your diet is a lot more realistic and natural approach.  It’s also a heck of lot cheaper ;)!  Here are some examples of foods high in protein:

  • eggs
  • low-fat cheese
  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • skim milk
  • low-fat yogurt
  • tofu
  • soy milk
  • black, pinto, soy, kidney and lima beans
  • lentils
  • peanut butter 🙂
  • peanuts
  • almonds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • flax seeds
  • fish
  • chicken breast (skinless)
  • steak
  • quinoa
  • pork chop
  • oatmeal

I do make a conscious effort to include some form of protein in every meal as it keeps me fuller for longer.  At the end of the day, a calorie is a calorie but protein is harder to digest, and hence stays in the system for longer.  However bear in mind that there is only so much protein your body needs.  After a certain amount, any excess will be broken down by your kidneys. That being said, going overboard with your protein intake may actually be harmful to the body, by causing strain to major organs.

3 thoughts on “Protein is overrated”

  1. Pingback: Cookie dough for breakfast! « Khushboo's Blog

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