Losing it

Ugh I’m losing my mind..well actually I’m losing my hair, and hence my mind in the process. Does it make me want to pull out my hair? YES! Well no…well you know what I mean :D.  When I was younger, I always used to wonder which of my parents I should blame for being born with thicker than thick hair. At this point, hair straighteners, blow drys and Frizz Ease were all a foreign concept to me.

Now, however, the tables have turned. I am sitting here wondering which of my parents I should thank for such hairr-efic genes. I have no idea why but lately I have been shedding hair from my scalp like it’s my job. Maybe it’s the hardness of the water in Mumbai, maybe it’s my shampoo, maybe it’s the climate…who knows. Fortunately I can afford to lose some hair.  But that might change if I don’t sort out the situation pronto!  

Before I trade my bottle of Pantene for a specific hair loss shampoo, I decided to search online for foods related with hair loss. Whenever any bodily mishaps occur, I prefer to tackle it nutritionally first.  If that fails, then I’ll pump myself with a bottle of chemicals and book in a few conditioning treatments 😳 .  If you too are experiencing something similar, or have recently had a bad haircut and need your hair to grow out ASAP, you may want to try and incorporate the following foods into your diet. Apparently they are ‘the top 10 foods that should be the foundation of healthy hair’ and also help to promote hair growth, so says the Master i.e. Google.

  1. Salmon (Omega 3’s , high-quality protein, vitamin B-12, and iron)
  2. Dark green vegetables (Vitamin A & C)
  3. Beans e.g. lentils/kidney beans (Protein, iron, zinc, and biotin)
  4. Nuts (Selenium, omega 3’s, zinc, alpha-linolenic acid)
  5. Poultry (High-quality protein and iron)
  6. Eggs (Biotin, vitamin B-12, and protein)
  7. Whole grains (Zinc, iron, B vitamins)
  8. Oysters (Zinc)
  9. Low-fat dairy products (Calcium & protein)
  10. Carrots (Vitamin A)

Shucks, looks like it’s a shampoo change for me! 🙁


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