Hey guys! It feels like I haven’t blogged in ages! After 2 trips in different parts of the world, it’s good to be home & back into a routine. Since there’s loads to catch up on, grab a cup of coffee (or herbal tea if that’s yor thang) and let’s chat:
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I am totally foodie’d & massaged out- I guess a week in Thailand will do that to you! I can’t say I mind one bit!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that there are no words to describe how delicious the food in Bangkok is. Pad Thai, green curry, papaya salad, multiple stir fries- I enjoyed every bite. Even the street food was so tasty & hygienic. I brought back some pastes and sauces so hopefully I can recreate some of the dishes.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you how blessed I feel for the people in my life. It was beyond amazing spending time with so many close friends in Florence and bonding with family in Thailand. Times like this really remind you what’s important in life.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I adore this time of the year. The multiple Christmas trees & gingerbread houses in Thailand totally put me in the festive spirit. Between that, eating through my Lindt Advent calendar, buying multiple red cups at Starbucks and exchanging Secret Santa gifts with a few friends, I’m totally embracing Christmas this year! I’d also ask whether you have any Christmas cookie recipes to share (please link up if you do).
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m in somewhat of a meal funk. Even though I advise clients on a daily basis what to eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner, I’ve been eating the same 5 meals on repeat. One of which is this gorgeous Broccoli & Cheddar Frittata.
I’d also urge you to make it at home and proceed with a quick recipe: Preheat oven to 180*C. In a bowl, whisk together 1 whole egg & 3 egg whites until frothy. Set aside. Place a small skillet over medium heat and sauté together sliced mushrooms, onions and broccoli florets for 4 minutes. stir in fresh (or dried herbs). Pour over egg mixture and top with 2 tablespoons grated cheese. After 2 minutes, transfer skillet to oven and grill for 12-15 minutes until the egg has firmed up and developed a golden brown colour. Remove frittata from skillet and slice into wedges before serving
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I am in love with Mumbai’s winter. It was brutally hot here in October so I’m almost amazed how well the weather has transitioned: sunny with a constant light breeze in the air.
If we were having coffee, I’d struggle to not bring my nephew Sameer up in conversation. Although I enjoyed every second of spending time with Sameer in Thailand, one week just wasn’t enough. I’d then proceed to show you photo after photo including this gem:

If we were having coffee, I’d ask whether you’ve seen the Instagram Husband video that has recently gone viral? I’d also admit that I am almost certain that my future-husband-to-be is going to fall into the club ;)!
Wow I feel like I’m doing all the talking! Your turn- what would you tell me if we were having coffee?
I am having coffee as I write this – one that is black with no sugar and without a cookie for company – I am having coffee – the way you would approve ! <3
Haha this makes me very proud <3!
Oh Sameer is adorable!!!! If we were having coffee – you can bring him up all you want! And ooh – that Broccoli & Cheddar Frittata sounds amazing! Cannot wait to see all you creations with those sauces you picked up. And yup – I’ve been baking quite a bit – and eating my fair share of cookies – I took part in The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap for the first time this year and got a dozen decadent cookies from 3 other bloggers! YUMMMM!!! One of the ones I loved so far are these Prosciutto & Apricot Cookies http://runninsrilankan.com/2015/12/04/prosciutto-apricot-cookies/ – though I also love the protein ones I just made and the molasses ones I’ll be posting on the 16th!
Oh wow thank you for sharing!! I especially love the sound of your molasses cookies!!
Oh I wish we were having coffee together! We could chat about all things Christmas and get really festive!
I feel like I am eating the same things all the time at the moment but I think at this time of year there is so much going on, places to go and people to see, that falling back on some classic meals and recipes is understandable and such a blessing!
I agree- being creative in the kitchen is the last thing on my mind during this busy period!
if we were having coffee this morning, i’d tell you that how can i travel like you? additionally, i cant believe you nephew is already that big – he is sooo adorable.
Aww thanks so much Dixya- can’t believe how quickly he’s growing up!
I haven’t had Thai food in forever…which is funny because when I used to live with my fam and visit my cousin, we would only eat out at Indian or Thai restaurants! Haha, now I kind of miss it 😛
I’m the same- in normal life, I rarely eat Thai food–> clearly that needs to change!!
My mom is planning a family trip… And part of it will be in Thailand… I guess I have ALL THE FOOD and ALL THE MASSAGES to look forward to! ha ha ha!
Oh wow you are going to love it! Where about in Thailand?