Four for Friday

Hey guys!  What’s going on?  Because there’s no coherent way to tie together any of the points below, I’m not even going to try:

1) Two-Ingredient Gluten-Free, Flourless Banana Pancakes: Fortunately I tolerate flour & gluten well, but that doesn’t stop me from trying out recipes which don’t contain either.  When I first heard about these minimal-ingredient pancakes, I was skeptical.  A dish that contains only 2 eggs & 1 banana and no flour/grain hardly sounds like a “pancake”!  Fortunately with each bite, I also ate my words:

banana pancakes

If you’re a fan of banana bread, or just bananas in general, please try these pancakes over the weekend.  They were dinner last night, breakfast today, and probably breakfast again tomorrow!

2) Crossfit-esque Workout:  Remember how I said I was enjoying longer sessions of steady-state cardio?  I still am, but decided to switch it up on Tuesday in favor of a more efficient workout.  Courtesy of Sam, I got my sweat on & heart rate up at home and in under 10 minutes:

Crossfit at home

Looks pretty straightforward but I’ll tell you one thing: Burpees are a bitch!

3) I’ve found myself at Starbucks quite a few times over the past week.  I say “found myself” but I may or may not be strategically setting up all my meetings at Starbucks when possible ;)!  In efforts to not overdo it with coffee, I’ve occasionally been trading my soy cappucinos for Green Tea on Ice and it’s really grown on me- very refreshing and let’s be honest, there’s something about those Starbucks cups which makes drinks taste that much better!

2013-01-21 17.02.18

4) Let’s talk about social media for a sec…what’s your favorite?  As much as I use/love Facebook, I’m leaning more towards Instagram.  If you too are an #InstaFan, check out this article on The Top 6 Worst Kinds of Instagrammers– it definitely warrants a good laugh.  And if you’re not an #InstaFan- weirdo alert!  KIDDING 🙂 !

instagramHave a great weekend!

What’s your current Starbucks order?

What’s your favorite social media platform?

36 thoughts on “Four for Friday”

  1. SO much fun stuff to comment on, K!

    1. Love that breakfast. Vishnu and I tried it once and I fell in love. So simple and pretty tasty – esp with some PB smeared on top!
    2. I HATE burpees. Period.
    3. That last picture cracked me up. I skimmed through the article and all of those points are so valid. I’ve unfollowed people because they violated one of those rules one too many times!

    1. 4. The list-maker in me loves the format of your comment!
      5. One of the most irritating ones is when people treat Instagram like Facebook and upload like 50 photos is one go…quality always beats quantity on Insta!!

  2. I’ve always been super skeptical of the 2 ingredient egg and banana pancake – I just don’t see how it can resemble a pancake! But I trust your tastebuds, so maybe it’s worth a shot after all. 😉

    I love getting iced green tea from Starbucks in the summers! I haven’t been to Starbucks lately, but I’m always a big fan of decaf Americanos with soy milk in the winters.

    1. Haha I’m glad my taste buds have some credibility :)! Honestly though I am 99.8% certain you will love these…do it for your love of bananas!

  3. OMG I’ve seen those pancakes pop up everywhere and the thought of them grosses me out…. however, if you like them, then they must be okay! Considering I have a banana with my eggs most mornings, it can’t hurt to try them. Happy weekend 🙂

    1. I actually wanted to email you about these after trying them because they are Paleo-friendly. You know my take on “Protein cookies” that are anything but cookies…trust me these are LEGIT :)!

  4. I’ve yet to try those banana and egg pancakes. I’m still in the skeptical phase, but they seem to be getting rave reviews from everyone who tries them so I’m thinking that I’ll bite and see what all the fuss is about myself. I’d hate to waste a good banana, though 🙁 And girrrrrrl, you KNOW I love me some Starbucks. I’m in there so often that I don’t even bother trying to hide my addiction. Current favorite? Cappuccino. But I’m looking forward to the warmer days where I can enjoy an iced latte without having to worry about freezing to death. As for social media… I love Instagram, but I’m a complete mess when it comes to social media in general… I can’t seem to make heads or tails out of it!

  5. I’m so glad you loved the pancakes! Aren’t they addicting?! I highly recommend adding peanut butter next time–it’s a pretty dreamy combination. 🙂

    I sure wish it was warm here so that I could justify ordering an iced green tea at Starbucks, however 10-degree F temps mean I’ll be sticking to soy cappuccinos for a few more months. 🙂 I occasionally treat myself to mocha, too!

    Happy Friday, Khushboo! <3

    1. Ohh topping them with peanut butter is definitely a necessity! As much as I love PB & J, PB & B is even better in my books!

  6. Uh yeah I am definitely obsessing over Instagram right now..wayyy too much haha. That pancake is awesome, if I ate eggs I would be all over that. I loveee Starbucks. OH so much.

  7. Looooooooooove the vibe in starbucks. I usually just lame it up with regular coffee. I’m there mostly to catch up with friends, do some work regular coffee it is! haha!

    I don’t have instagram, everyone loves it though eh. Can I pick blogs as fave social media since I don’t have any others!

  8. I don’t find myself as an avid Starbucks brick-and-mortar customer, but I do have some of their VIA instant coffee packs at home in the mornings which I split with my Dad.

      1. I think they’re pretty good. Not sure how they compare to the “real” cup from a Starbucks cafe, but they’re my go-to in the mornings 🙂

  9. I just checked out the instagram thing.. that was too funny lol. I do have it but don’t use it often, yet I can notice the different people they have listed! Mmm starbucks, but ONLY the specialty drinks, I really dislike their plain coffee!

  10. I will have to try those pancakes. Bananas and eggs sounds a little questionable, but so simple!!! And I love both separately.
    That workout looks hardcore!

  11. Once in a while I make the egg/banana pancake and it’s pretty delicious, must say. And normally I don’t even like bananas!

    I am a huge fan of Instagram! Not sure why? But I love it.

  12. I have to try those pancakes, I’ve bookmarked them. Wow, no flour.. that’s super healthy. Looks so good… I’m gonna see about making them super fluffy after trying the original. I love instagram.. especially now that I linked it to fb, it just posts instantly on instagram, twitter, and fb. Hope you had a great weekend K.

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