Pay it forward

These last few days of December are probably the most bittersweet of them all.  On the one hand, the prospect of a fresh start in the new year is exciting, but at the same time it’s sad that all the festivities are coming to an end.  Fortunately there’s one aspect of December that we can continue even after the month: spreading the love.

Earlier this week, I came across this link on 26 Random Acts of Kindness in honor of each person killed in Sandy Hook Elementary School and it really touched me.  The idea is make a stranger smile and hopefully he/she will be moved and continue to “pay it forward”.  It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture- even buying your porter a cup of coffee, complimenting a stranger, or feeding the homeless all count.  For more ideas, check out the link.

When this post comes up, I’ll either be:

  • En route to the airport
  • Kicking myself for overpacking
  • Sighing of relief that I didn’t exceed the luggage allowance 😉

As sad as I am to leave London, it’s been an absolutely wonderful trip- good times with greats friends/family and plenty of yum food.  Although I shared a few pictures of the restaurants & foods I ate over the past 3 weeks, some went amiss…yet definitely deserve a mention:

2012-12-08 13.27.08


2012-12-15 17.30.29

2012-12-24 16.53.51

photo 1

2012-12-22 20.44.02

 photo 2

I’ll catch you from the other side of the pond.  Two fingers up…peace out, London!

How are you going to “pay it forward?”

What’s the best thing you ate this past week? 

29 thoughts on “Pay it forward”

  1. Pinkberry – soooooo good!
    I hope you’ve had a safe flight home – by the time you read this. WHERE did the time go btw?? seemed like you were just talking about going to London!

    I get pretty affected to walk by homeless people – I find it hard to do so and ignore them. So, I try and give what I can – whether it be change or snacks that I have on me.

  2. I love the idea of paying it forward! It’s actually something I try to practice on a regular basis because I know the impact that a random act of kindness from a stranger can make. I’ve had strangers offer to pay for my coffee and give me compliments before, and for some reason, it always seems a lot more meaningful when it comes from someone you don’t know, so I always hope that I can make the same difference in another person’s day.

    Safe trip home!

    1. Totally agree about it being more meaningful when it comes from someone you don’t know…it’s also much more genuine and so unexpected which is always nice!

  3. Looks like you had a awesome time in London and all those food pics are making me very hungry right now. I have been eating alot lately, holiday excuse but slowly trying to get back on track but not going very well. I had abundance of sushi, too many cookies and lots of warm stew. Have a safe flight 🙂

    1. I know what you mean about getting back on track…I feel just the same! I find writing my eats down makes me all the more mindful about what I put in my mouth.

  4. I love the concept of “paying it forward,” and try my best to make a random gesture of kindness at least once/week. However, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the stresses of my own world, that I frequently forget. Thanks for the reminder, as well as the inspiration to take part in the Sandy Hook movement!

    The best thing I ate this week was definitely seared scallops (and excessive amounts of chocolate) on Christmas, however last night’s sushi roll comes in a very close second. I hadn’t had one for several months!

    I hope you arrived home safely! Your trip to London looked incredible! Someday, maybe we can meet there? 😉 Have a wonderful (and restful) weekend, Khushboo! <3

    1. Sushi and scallops sound perfect! Hope we meet someday in London! I had coffee with Tara while I was there which was lovely!

  5. I walked by L’Eto today and reminded Ali that we still have to make a visit there! Love all of your other suggestions and pictures…you make everything look so delicious.

    I love London and will be so sad when we leave next week! Hopefully I can move here one day. Can’t wait.

    Happy New Year Khushboo! I hope you have a fantastic start to 2013.

    1. Wishing you all the best for 2013 too, Ameena! How is your trip? Hope you are having a wonderful time and the weather is holding up for you :-)!

  6. The idea of paying it forward is such a fantastic one… and something I should really do more often! Not just should, I actually want to! As I “recover” or whatever the heck you want to call it, I try and be less selfish and actually pay more attention to other people, in a way like this. Anyway thanks for the reminder 🙂
    Have a SAFE trip home pretty girl!

    1. That’s quite interesting about the selfish nature which inherently comes with eating disorders- never really considered it! I’m glad it’s no longer an issue for you :-). Hope you’re well, Tess!

  7. I was just in London last spring! I did not get to try Pret a Manger, but I wanted to! I like the idea of paying it forward. It is always nice to know that there are many kind people out there in the world. I usually just smile at strangers… but sometimes they probably think its creepy… whatever. Have a safe trip home!

    1. Ohh is there a Pret in the US? If so please try the hot choc! And smiling at strangers only to appear as creepy has definitely happened to me on a few occasions 😀

  8. Hey girl! Just replying here to make sure you get it!
    But yes, i moved to the UK when i was 17 – scotland specifically! That’s where i got my masters in pharmacy. I’ve been to london and manchester a few times. Loooved them both!

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