Seal The Deal
The complete 180 experience where we make consistency a no-brainer i.e. you naturally become someone who is able to follow through with the habits, adopt the thought patterns & identify as the person who has already manifested her desire SO THAT you can finally:
manifest the financial freedom that allows you to spend money whenever you want on whatever you want…without *ever* again needing to ask for permission
be surrounded by people who you’re able to have open & vulnerable conversations with & not feel any hint of judgement
lose the weight you’ve been battling for YEARS with without you needing to give up eating out with your friends and/or counting every last calorie
Ya know...
All of the above happens when you master consistency. Ya knowww….
The kind of consistency that takes you from eating clean during the day but then turning to a bottle of wine by 7PM to take the edge off TO now being someone who no longer lets her emotions self-sabotage her from achieving her goals
The same kind of consistency that is REQUIRED if you are serious about manifesting safer relationships with people whereby you don’t need to preface every conversation with “Please don’t mention this to anyone…”
The level of consistency that will take you from seeing your business hit a new income high one month and then tank the next month TO now seeing your income consistently grow no matter what time of the year it is
Yeah… that’s what you’ll start to experience once you become a CONSISTENCY QUEEN, which is *exactly* what you’re about to do in Seal The Deal .

In true Consistency Queen fashion, we're saying GOODBYE to...
Going on to social media & seeing that your “friends” went for dinner last night yet conveniently forgot to invite you? THING OF THE PAST
Those days of freaking out as the month comes to an end because you’re nowhere near the income goal you originally set? YOU CAN FINALLY BREATHE
Every time you want to take action, some excuse kicks in and you find yourself quickly going off track i.e. procrastination gets the best of you? NO MORE
You’re so desperate to fit back into your old pair of jeans yet those sneaky bites, licks & tastes during the day have you constantly deviating from your diet? WE’RE CHANGING THAT ASAP
All of the above? Sorry I can no longer relate…and neither can you.
It’s time to step into your Consistency Queen Era and say hello to being someone who is able to maintain a level of alignment that makes getting what you want INEVITABLE. A consistent level of alignment that creates SO much momentum that manifesting what you desire becomes a no-brainer

It’s time for you to finally master the level of consistency that successful manifestation requires so that you can see it mirrored back to you in every area of your life, be it:
A dream client and/or business opportunity coming to you out of nowhere despite that just a few days ago, part of you was tempted to throw in towel because it felt like “Nothing was working”
The weight you’ve been battling with for the last decade finally coming off AND staying off..even better because you’re still able to enjoy a few spicy margs with your besties on the weekend & a couple of slices of toast with your eggs every morning
Finding yourself surrounded by people who speak highly of you even in rooms you never enter & the idea of them NOT bragging about you? It’s almost laughable

As someone who has completely overhauled every area of her life by being a Consistency Queen, I’ve been able to manifest outcomes that most people wouldn’t even dare dream about because they’ve instantly dismissed it as being “too farfetched”. Here’s the difference between me & most people…and the difference between manifesting ordinary outcomes & extraordinary outcomes:
When you master consistency, there is *nothing* you cannot manifest. This is how I’ve been able to perfect & simplify the process of manifestation, so much so that my clients are ALSO able to see results that logically just don’t make sense & well…it’s time to share my Consistency Queen Methodology with YOU: the step-by-step process for YOU to become a Consistency Queen:
Understand the concepts of manifestation – Here you gain a deeper understanding of what you’re doing & why so that you’re not constantly starting & something new every other day because of your motivation levels and/or schedule complications. Even in those moments when you’re not necessarily seeing the scales go down or the money is nowhere in sight, you’re still able to show up & follow through with your commitments no matter what so that you’re always pushing the needle forward.
Embody & apply these concepts to the areas of your life you want to change: Here we go one step beyond self-awareness. It feels good to be able to identify your weakness & limitations BUT if you aren’t actually changing these parts of you, it’s going to be impossible to see your life change in the way you desire. I mean, you can know that you are someone who struggles with vulnerability & expressing your needs because open conversations were never encouraged in your home growing up BUT if you want to actually manifest deeper & more meaningful friendships? It’s time to learn how to let your guard down.
To ensure you are able to finally manifest the sustainable fat loss, financial freedom and/or high-quality relationships ASAP, we outline a concrete game plan with actionable steps to help you move past the parts of you that you’ve been avoiding SO THAT you can break your pattern once & for all.
Create massive momentum so that you’re not only able to manifest your desire BUT, actually able to hold on to it long after it manifests. As someone who has lost 75 lbs, take it from me- losing weight is the easy bit. It’s the actual maintenance where the real work kicks in. Here we focus on building a solid foundation of habits to ensure that the weight you lose actually stays off. The money you manifest? It multiplies. The relationships you attract? They only get deeper over time.
Receive your desires – Think “Hey, hi, hello, you showed up faster than expected”
You don’t lack knowledge, you lack consistent implementation. And the only gap that exists between you and your desires is your level of consistency…and now we are about to change that around real fast in Seal The Deal
Get Ready To Master...
At this point you might be thinking: Is Khushbu reading my mind? Yes and no.
Ya see, I’ve empowered thousands of clients around the world for the last 12+ years to help them create 180 shifts in their bodies, their relationships & their bank balances.
I’m not here to waste ANYONE’s time. I know exactly what you need and exactly what you do NOT so that you’re able to manifest your desires VERY fast. And if you’re ready to meet me halfway, here’s what you can expect to master inside of Seal The Deal (aka your next move to not only manifest your desire but actually hold on to it so that it’s not something you experience fleetingly. Instead it’s your new NORM ):
Inside of Seal The Deal, get ready to:
Transcend your negative thought patterns that have you constantly expecting the worst case scenario & trying to figure out the “HOW” i.e. HOW your desire is going to manifest
Get rid of the umpteen manifesting techniques that are distracting you from the changes you actually need to be making
Stop consuming endless content around manifestation with little results show but instead, the changes you’ve manifested are SO apparent…to the point that even how you identify is so vastly different to prior starting Seal The Deal
Become someone who is immune to the fears & doubts that creep up to try and stop you from actually taking action (Spoiler alert: successful people also face fear & self-doubt, they just know how to keep moving forward no matter what)

Too Good To Be True??
Too good to be true? Not in my world. The idea of anything being out of reach doesn’t exist nor is it a thought we entertain *ever*.
Inside Seal The Deal, you’re about to:
Wave goodbye to those days of being emotionally all over the place i.e. waking up feeling so charged up but come afternoon, you’re losing steam and quickly back to your old ways
Get on first-name basis with SELF-TRUST and all its perks like being able to step into the unknown & take action on the intuitive nudges that come through even when a part of you is desperate to cling on to logic
Become a Consistency Queen whereby you are unwavering about the goals you set. You might pivot every now & then but you’re always moving forward because frankly speaking, mediocrity is no longer a standard you’re willing to entertain.

Walking The Talk
The vibe when you’re in my world?
From mastering consistency alone, I’ve created a complete 180 change in every area of my life, whether that’s
Restoring my period after it being absent for 4.5 years because of PCOS
Losing 75 lbs and actually keeping it off
Building a purpose-driven business which offers me more emotional fulfilment, time freedom & financial safety than I ever thought possible – ya girl can be on a beach in Mykonos, on a flight to Vietnam or at my desk in Dubai and STILL make money
Manifesting a really safe & secure network of friends all around the world that I know without a shadow of a doubt would have my back FULLY if I was ever in a pinch
Travel to bucket list destinations at the height of pandemic despite having every odd against me with all the bans & border closure
Most importantly:
I’m able to live a life in a sense of total ease, freedom & stability even in the midst of circumstances that would trigger most people into a downwards spiral
I’ve gone against the grain in every one of these areas in terms of what most people would deem as possible, not because I’m “lucky” or had anything handed me to on a silver platter.
Far from.
Let 2025 finally be the year YOU do the same, the year you finally see your desires become your actual reality because you’ve made consistency SO easy that it pretty much feels like a no-brainer.
Let 2025 finally be the year YOU invest into yourself to receive the shortcuts & customised guidance by someone who doesn’t just talk the talk…but who is a living embodiment of how quickly your life can shift when you actually are able to follow through with the changes that are REQUIRED in order for your desires to manifest…no matter what .
And while most people believe that manifesting big desires takes years & that you have to settle with what you ask for, that kind of chat is nonsensical in my world. Ya girl is THE Consistency Queen– when you learn how to master consistency to create the momentum required for your desires to manifest, *nothing* is off the table i.e. you can have it ALL…and you can have it all really freakin’ fast!
In fact, watch us *not only* manifest your existing desires BUT watch how we also set ourselves up to seal the deal over and over and over again to manifest whatever we want, whenever we want & however we want in 2025…AND BEYOND.
Now It's YOUR time:
You’ve made it this far, so here’s what I know about you…
You’re tired of your own BS. You’re fed up with constantly starting and stopping something new every other week.
You can’t bear the idea of reading another book about manifestation which all makes sense yet when it comes to actually implementing & sticking with? It’s a struggle.
You are fed up of watching others effortlessly manifest what you want.
You know that you want to experience more & you’re SO ready for more.
You also know that if you could finally just stay consistent, so much in your life would change.
And most importantly:
You also know that you can’t keep going on the way you have been…at least if you want to experience a different outcome.
And if that sounds like you, welcome to my world. It’s time to make you a CONSISTENCY QUEEN. Tell me your desire & let’s TRIPLE it…and the reason I can say that so confidently is because manifestation is nothing more than a game of consistency & momentum. When you learn how to play the game, life becomes SO fun.
And if you’re ready to meet me halfway to actually become the MOST consistent person in every room, get ready for the MAGIC we are about to create together
No-brainer consistency for no-brainer manifestations
Wondering What Being A CONSISTENCY QUEEN Leads To??....
The Nitty Gritty
Only the best for my Consistency Queens:
8 timeline-shifting & amplifying weeks together whereby you’ll be developing the habits, thoughts & identity that is required for you to tap into a completely new reality & access outcomes that are unlike anything you’ve ever received before
6 potent calls to help you understand how to not only apply the concepts of manifestation BUT you’re able to follow through with them on a consistent basis so that you can create the required momentum for your desires to fully manifest
A safe & supportive WhatsApp group that you can constantly plug into to address any queries and/or receive further guidance & support so that you can remain consistent no matter what
Upon signing up, you also receive access to various manifesting resources (e.g. meditation, workbook with various journal prompts, affirmation recording) to help you stay emotionally regulated, in a grounded headspace & fully anchored in your power to create changes REALLY fast – we’re about OVERFLOW in my world
Customised guidance by someone who doesn’t just talk the talk…but who is a living embodiment of how quickly your life can shift when you actually master consistency, especially in those moments when it feels far from comfortable or convenient
**If you’d like to add on private coaching calls, there is a VIP Upgrade Option- feel free to enquire for more details**