Priya, London

I had been following Khushbu’s stories for a while, specially her Manifestation Mondays series – they were my fav and I was absolutely hooked. Would always look forward to them for that extra boost of positivity during the pandemic.

When I reached out to her and decided to sign up for the program – I was clear about one thing, I’m going to come out with tools to help shift my mindset and energy to higher vibrations of positivity! And boy did she equip me with that.

Even months down the line I’m glad I signed up with Khushbu as I’ve become so much more mindful this year about my thoughts, my actions and my energy and have definitely seen the universe deliver in so many ways! They say magicians never reveal their secrets.. with Khushbu, you’ll realize not only does she reveal them but also helps you turn into a magician for yourself!