Because I lost weight gradually, my eating habits aren’t so much ‘diet’ now but instead a regular lifestyle. I also love exercising (especially running) and work out 4-5 times a week, which helps a lot in keeping the weight off. People always ask me if I have ‘cheat’ days but I can genuinely say that I don’t feel the need to as I enjoy ‘healthy’ foods, and actually crave them (I don’t think I can go through a day without at least 1 apple). That’s not to say I’m some kind of self-confessed martyr. Like any other female (excluding the few abnormal ones 😀 ), I absolutely love desserts and chocolate. However I just don’t have the urge to indulge in them on a daily basis.
As of now, rather than following any particular diet, I eat whatever I feel like (fortunately these foods tend to be nutrient-rich). However I do make a conscious effort to eat a balanced diet by basing my meals on: ½ vegetables, ¼ carbohydrates, ¼ proteins (more about this later). I tend to stick to:
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Afternoon snack
- Dinner
- After-dinner snack/ ‘dessert’
My only 2 rules per say are to run a minimum of 16 miles a week and to write everything I consume down. My beloved Blackberry could not have made the latter any easier: I just have a weekly memo and add to it daily/throughout each day. Writing it down makes me more aware of what I am eating and also think twice.
Great blog. Keep up the great work.
Amazing advise 🙂