Broccoli & Cheddar Soup

As much as I would rather be too hot than too cold, I occasionally miss the feeling of winter.  Although the temperatures were still relatively mild while I was in London, it was such a treat to relive some cold-weather sentiments including:

  • Winter clothing & accessories, especially boots & layers
  • The crisp air hitting my face every time I stepped outdoors
  • Clutching a hot drink while walking in the cold


  • Heart-warming bowls of soups & stews
  • First few signs of Christmas, courtesy of Selfridges

While Mumbai is currently too hot for any of the above, eating soups has recently been an exception.  I’ve been down with the flu this past week , which I’m guessing a combination of travel, change in weather & exhaustion.  As much as I hate being ill, I’m using it as a humbling reminder to slow down every so often- there’s only so much our bodies can take before they start to rebel.  Along with popping pills (very much GP-approved), I’ve been trying to keep my vitamin intake high.  While vegetables hardly scream β€œcomfort food” when you’re sick, they’re much more appealing in soup form.  To keep things souper interesting, I’ve been switching up flavor combinations.  So far I’ve had:

  • Lentil Soup a.k.a Daal
  • Tomato & Basil
  • Hot & Sour
  • Mushroom

And my current favorite:

  • Broccoli & Cheddar Soup


Before you give me credit for being adventurous in the kitchen when I’m ill, hold up a sec.  My activity over these past few days has solely involved me moving from my bed to the sofa in the living room and back…with a few bathroom breaks thrown in.  This recipe is courtesy of my madre.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did:

Broccoli & Cheddar Soup – makes 2 large bowls (or 4 side portions)


  • 500g broccoli, cut up into small florets
  • 1 medium leek, finely chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 3-4 cups vegetable stock
  • Β½ cup grated cheddar (=40g)
  • Salt & freshly ground pepper


  1. Place a large pot over medium heat & coat with nonstick cooking spray or 1 tablespoon olive oil.
  2. Once the oil has heated, add garlic.  As it starts to release a fragrance, add in the leeks & sautΓ© for 2 minutes.
  3. Add the broccoli, and allow it to cook for a further 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Pour in the vegetable stock, salt & black pepper and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat & simmer until the broccoli has softened, about 15-20 minutes.
  5. Transfer soup mixture to a blender & whizz until it reaches your desired consistency.  Add soup back to the pot to heat up.  Towards the end, stir in ΒΌ cup of grated cheddar.
  6. Divide soup into bowls and garnish each bowl with the remaining cheddar.
  7. Serve hot.

For what it’s worth, I did stir in the cheese towards the end πŸ˜‰

What’s your favorite part about winter?

What’s your favorite soup combination? 

30 thoughts on “Broccoli & Cheddar Soup”

  1. Argh, hope your on the mend- I’m guessing it does have to do with the travel, but also one extreme to another- every time I travel and return home I used to constantly get sick- mainly due to going from cold weather to hot or vica versa!

    I have never had broccoli soup before! Granted, I’m not a huge soup fan although when I eat out at Japanese I always start with Miso soup or at Thai, the Tom Yum!

  2. Oh Khushboo – hope you start feeling better soon! The flu is no fun and you are right, it seems to strike when we are just worn out. I know here in the US they have some magical concoction that makes you feel 100% at the doc’s. Few yeas back when I was down with the flu and could barely stay upright I dragged myself to the doc’s (noting else seemed to be working)only to be given an injection of meds that had me wanting to do a jig as I walked out!

    Soup is what we have eaten for most of this week – yesterday I made “everythingbutthekitchensinksoup” which had carrots, celery, ginger, onions, garlic, turmeric, tomatoes, pumpkin puree, tom paste, adobo chili in chipotle sauce, handful of chocolate chips, chicken, beans, potatoes and corn – was surprisingly great!

    1. Thanks Shashi! Whatever those doctors in America I have, I want IN! This soup sounds so random yet so delicious…very intrigued by the addition of choc chips :)!

  3. Sorry to hear you are feeling sick! Sending healing vibes your way!
    It must be something – so many around me are at home on bed!
    I am not a soup fan, but in winter I crave it once in a while. Broccoli and leek are definitely my taste!
    PS. I love the new layout!!!

  4. Aww poor girl πŸ™ I really hope that you start to feel better soon! A lot of people around here seem to be coming down with something, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps away from me.

    Soup is a perfect sick food, though… and just a perfect fall food in general. One of my favourites is probably a curried apple pumpkin soup that I make, but it’s been forever since I’ve had broccoli or cauliflower soup, so I really need to give those a try again.

    1. I’ve tried butternut squash and apple soup before but I’m loving the addition of curry powder- will have to try it out πŸ™‚

  5. Hope you feel better soon! It is definitely that time of year where everyone seems to be sick. SO many of my co-workers have been sick and I’m extremely paranoid that I’m going to catch something. I’ve been loading up on Vitamin C and washing my hands like a crazy person.

  6. I honestly miss winter weather a little too. Miami is pretty tropical and warm year round. The chilliest it got last year was 60 degrees F.

    And all of the soups you mentioned sound delicious. I love minestrone soup – something about the combo of beans, veggies, and pasta that’s too good to pass up.

    1. Agreed about minestrone soup! I think it’s the vegan/vegetarian equivalent of chicken noodle soup when you’re down with the flue- so comforting :)!

  7. I would have to say my favorite part about winter is snuggling up in blankets with hot drinks. Either that or the holiday season. Otherwise I hate all of the snow we get here!
    I’ve been on a soup kick lately too. I’m glad it’s not because I have the flu though! Get better soon! My favorite is french onion… yum!

  8. Aww, I hope you feel better soon lady! Soup is always my go-to when I’m sick as well…magical healing properties πŸ˜‰ I can’t even remember the last time I had broccoli cheddar soup…it’s always a good way to go though!

  9. Oh I hope you’re feeling better soon. There’s nothing worse than feeling sick, but good for you for taking it easy and listening to what your body needs. I always think the very best thing when your sick is rest, usually in the form of sleep. Soup is second on the list and third is caring parents who make it for you. I’m glad you tossed cheese in that bowl too. πŸ™‚

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