My idea of a detox

Man don’t you miss the good ol’ days when each day away from work didn’t come with any repercussions?  Good thing Udaipur was more than worth it!

Along with catching up with work, I am really enjoying getting back into eating home-cooked, simple food.  Raiding the dessert bar regularly, cracking open a packet of chips right before bed, and sipping glass after glass of champagne last week only left me craving fresh, wholesome food by the time we boarded our flights home on Thursday.  Let’s just say that broccoli has never tasted so good ;)!  Although the food at every function was exceptionally delicious, excessive eating & indulging always leave me feeling so bloated and, for lack of better term, ick.

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What a drink!

Given the various “detox plans” and “nutrition tips” out there, the mere act of eating right has become overcomplicated to say the least. I could never live off soup, stay away from carbs like the plague, avoid mixing my proteins & carbs, stop eating after 7 PM, replace one of my meals with a protein shake…gah the list of craziness only goes on. Seriously, when/why did eating become as trivial as rocket science?  Going back to the basics has always worked for me in the past, and is hence my current “detox plan”:

  • Starting my day with a proper breakfast like a bowl of overnight oats with a side of egg whites or scrambled eggs with fruit & toast.  Whoever came up with the “Eat breakfast like a king” idea sure was on to something!
  • Eating plenty of fresh fruit & veggies: I know I sound like one of those crazy health nuts but both have been tasting AMAZING lately.  I can’t seem to be getting enough of salads, stir fries, apples and melon lately!

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  • Sticking with moderate portions of wholegrain, complex carbs like quinoa, rye toast, oats & brown rice.
  • Adding a lean source of protein to my meals like grilled chicken, seafood, chickpeas, and eggs.   Although I still do occasionally whip up protein shakes, I rather eat my protein than drink it.

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  • Aiming to fit in some kind of activity daily: Some days that has involved a long walk with my sister whereas other sessions are 20-30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill.  Whether it’s weights or cardio, intense or not, I’m just focusing on staying active.

I’m over those days of trying to find a quick-fix solution in terms of looking & feeling good.  Instead of eliminating food groups or eating packaged foods which claim to “beat the bloat”, I’d rather focus on choosing real, whole foods.  And you know what? Less than a week back, and I’m already feeling better 🙂 !

 How do you bounce back after a few days of indulging? 

39 thoughts on “My idea of a detox”

  1. Oh man, Indian wedding food is so good, but you’re right, it leaves you feeling anything but stellar! I like to bounce back by drinking lots and lots of water and eating more fruits and veggies. I’m not a detox person, but this…I can get on board with!

  2. Gah, love you and your reasonable-ness as always! So many people do the extremes–enjoy a good vacation, but then immediately leap into some weird juice fast or something. No, thanks. Just get back into the habit of overall good choices and regular eating and it all straightens itself out.

    1. Thanks Allie :)! I can almost understand why some people try to “compensate” after a holiday but I am much more a fan of the “eat, enjoy, move on” approach!

  3. I always feel pretty bloated and disgusting after eating out a lot or eating foods I’m not used to too. I think part of it has to do with allergies, and part of it because the rich food can be a little overwhelming to my system! I do the same to detox, just hop back into general healthy eating and my favorite foods. After a day or two I’m back to my usual self!

  4. Now this is a detox plan that I can definitely support! All of those crazy extremes are just… no. Common sense is the way to go.

    I love to indulge every now and then as well, but it’s definitely not the kind of diet or lifestyle I can adopt for a good long while because it eventually leaves me feeling pretty sluggish, and I start craving simple, healthy things like crazy. All of your strategies are ones that work for me too, in addition to drinking lots and lots of water and getting in lots of rest.

    1. Ohh yes thanks for mentioning sleep & water- big ones for me too! Along with water, I’ve been hydrating with a lot of coconut water…love it!

  5. Amen girl – I love your approach! And seriously, when did eating become such a complicated “task”? It’s morphed into something like a chore… I can’t stand hearing about or reading the latest “diet” gimmicks and thinking that people actually believe eating cookies all day is going to help them, or fasting 2 days out of the week will help them to shed the pounds… It’s all craziness! I’m a big supporter of a healthy lifestyle but that also means living, not depriving, yourself 🙂

    1. Reading some of the diet trends arounds makes me cringe! It really is all about finding a healthy balance between indulging and eating foods which nourish your body!

    1. As much as I love decadent desserts, there’s only so much I can handle before fruit starts sounding much more appealing!

  6. I’m not sure I could agree with this post any more. I like to indulge every so often, but usually end up overdoing it at big events like weddings, holidays (I have a huge sweet tooth), for me, the best way to recover is start eating whole non-processed foods again. If you give your body the food and nutrients it needs, it will take care of itself. No extreme detox diets needed which to me are just quick fixes and won’t sustain you in the long run. Love this post.

    1. Your approach is awesome, Meghan! Our bodies are smarter than we think- so long as provide the right foods, it’ll adjust itself :)!

  7. Yummm! Those fruits look so good! I find the best way to get back on track is just to get back on the usual routine – same healthy breakfast (for me that means green monsters again 😉 or oatmeal!), and once you start the day on a good note that means you’re most likely to continue your pre-holiday habits 🙂 sometimes it’s definitely easier said than done though!

    1. I’m with you about breakfast 110%- starting the day with a healthy meal sets the tone for the rest of my day :)!

  8. so funny, i’m off to indulge for a few days myself. i’ve been detoxing these past few days so i can look nice in my clothes. in general, when i return from vaca, i just eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, salads, smoothies, i’m basically back to my normal diet, i just avoid desserts, mainly cupcakes, for a week or 2. and then i’m back to my normal way of life.

    K – i haven’t had a cupcake for TWO WEEKS! Losing it!!!

    1. A fortnight with out cupcakes?? Blasphemy ;)! Hope you have a great vacay and make up for the cupcake hiatus ;)!

  9. This is honestly a great plan and the best part is that you are not being EXTREME with the foods you are eating.. which is what those dumb “detoxes and cleanses” are often about. This approach is one that is sustainable, does not leave you wanting more and provides your body with what it needs to feel it’s best. Great job with that balance m’dear 🙂

    1. Although those extreme approaches may work for some people, all it does is throw my energy levels and cravings out of whack!!

  10. I couldn’t agree more, it’s the best to eat simple and clean after a trip of indulgence. 🙂 I love your wholesome fruit and veggies plates. 😉

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