Twenty questions

Happy 12/12/12!  Don’t forget to make a wish at 12:12 PM (or AM if it hasn’t already passed in your time zone). I’ve been in London for exactly a week yet am still jet lagged…if the whole “It takes one day for every hour time difference” theory held true, my body clock should have readjusted itself by Monday.  I guess the silver lining is that I am experiencing the best kind of jet lag: waking up early means more time to make the most of my day!

Because I’m still feeling kind of groggy but not tired enough to sleep, today’s probably a good time to fill in this Health & Fitness Survey that I saw floating around a while back:

1.  What did you eat for breakfast?

Greek yogurt topped with a chopped apple, Bran Flakes, almonds, cinnamon, honey & vanilla extract.

Breakfast just got a lot funner 😉

2.  How much water do you drink each day?

At least 3-4 litres daily. I seem to be constantly sipping on green/peppermint tea while I’m at home– it’s the only way I can keep warm!

3.  What is your current favorite workout?

Walking!  I haven’t run or lift weights since I left Mumbai and I can’t say I miss either.  Despite the jacket & gloves, it’s been a refreshing change  of pace to go back to the basics & just walk…some days in Hyde Park, others on the streets but as long as I’m moving, it’s all good!

4.  How many calories do you eat each day?

I stopped counting calories/points a while back.

5.  What are your favorite healthy snacks?

  • Cottage cheese/Greek yogurt with applesauce
  • Almonds + raisins
  • KIND bars
  • Veggie sticks with peanut butter
  • Finn crisp with cheese

6.  What do you usually eat for lunch?

My meals have been all over the place this past week, but usually my lunches involve veggies, eggs and/or quinoa.

L’Eto (Wardour Street, London)

7.  What is your favorite body part to train?

My back!

8.  What is your least favorite body part to train?

Biceps, which is ironic as they’re an assisting muscle in back exercises.

9. What are your “bad” food cravings?

I’m a huge believer of the whole “Everything in moderation” mantra so the term “bad food” makes me cringe.  But for the sake of this question, I will have to go with dessert, especially ice cream.

10.  Do you take vitamins or supplements?

I take a vitamin B injection once every 4-6 weeks and although I’ve been slacking lately, I usually take apple cider vinegar supplements daily.  I should also be taking calciferol (vitamin D) supplements once every fortnightly but I keep forgetting to  #whoops.

11.  How often do you eat out?

On a regular basis, 2-3 times a week but while I’m in London, it’s been daily…sometimes even twice a day.

One of the few home-cooked meals I’ve eaten this past week!

12.   Do you eat fast food?

Does sushi count?

13.  Who is your biggest supporter?

My madre 🙂

14.  Do you have a gym membership?

Yup, but I’ve put it on hold over December while I’m away.

15.  How many hours of sleep do you get each night?

On average 7-8 hours, which is an ideal amount for me.

16.  Do you have a “cheat” day?

If you read my post on cheat days, you would know my sentiments towards “cheat” days.  And if you didn’t, the answer is NO!  I rather satisfy my cravings as and when they come, not 5 days later!

17.  Do you drink alcohol?


Chillin’ with the Queen 🙂

18.  Do you have a workout buddy?


19. What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a healthy lifestyle?

While I could probably devote a whole post to this question, I’ll try & keep it brief: I look better on the outside and feel better on the inside.  Mentally & physically, I am in the best shape of my life.

20.  What was the last healthy thing you did?

I increased my serontonin & dopamine levels…i.e. I laughed!

 What’s the last healthy thing you did?

45 thoughts on “Twenty questions”

  1. Loved this! I’m with ya on ice cream as my main source of cravings–whoever invented it is my hero hhaha
    And the last healthy thing I did was lift! I’m currently sitting with jello legs 😉
    Have a happy Wednesday!

  2. Making a wish at 1212 ;). I love these surveys! Makes me want to do them one of these bc it tells a lot about yourself!! Thank you for sharing yours!! I’ve been drinking A LOT of tea….and hot chocolate lately too. I can’t say it’s my favorite, but I sure do work on my biceps a lot. However, I have nothing to show for…I want me some guns! And yes, everything in moderation!! 😉

      1. Good morning, Khushboo!
        I had planned on it but got sidetracked… now it’s too late…no longer 1212 :(. However, I do want to do these surveys. I shall be on the lookout for the next survey that you fill out. I am watching you…haha
        Hope you have a fantastic day!!

  3. STILL so awesome about you & the queen! And oh my gosh, so much agreement to there being NO bad foods! If you want it, it tastes good, and you have it in moderation? Then do it, and enough with the “good/bad” and rules and all that. And I don’t know who can recover from jetlag after one day, it takes me at least three!

  4. Darn I missed 12:12 pm by just a few minutes! 😛

    And yay for walking! It’s my current favourite workout too. For the past 3 years blogs have brainwashed me into thinking that I need to be doing vigorous workouts all the time, so I’m glad to have broken free of that mentality. Walking is awesome!

    1. You and me both…it’s so easy to get set in that mindset that workouts have to be intense to count! So glad we’re both over that phase :)!

  5. omg, everytime you post pics of Oxford Street, I’m sad. I wanna be in London too! 🙂 Aren’t KIND bars the BEST? Try the dark chocolate with cherry, and i love blueberry pecan. Last healthy thing, hmm… breakfast yesterday – toast with pb and banana. Indian food for dinner, but it was homemade and light. Does that count?

    1. I love both those flavors! I want to find the Chocolate & Peanut Butter variety! And homemade Indian food definitely counts 🙂

  6. I gotta get better on the drinking water and sleeping enough thing!! I love going for walks too… even in the rain! I actually find it soothing to hear the rain against my umbrella…. of course this is only fun, if you’re dressed appropriately. 😛

  7. I think this survey, more than any others I’ve seen, provides great insight into “a day in the life.” Like you, I sip tea constantly throughout the day–especially during the winter! My current favorites are banana nut bread and ginger, although I’m also a huge fan of peppermint (especially when my stomach is misbehaving!). I know we share a mutual love for soy cappuccinos as well. 😉

    The picture with you and the Queen is fantastic! For a second I thought it was real! Or is it?! 🙂

    The last healthy thing I did was I took a bubble bath and ate a couple squares of Lindt dark chocolate (yes, *while* in the bath). It was totally indulgent and lovely.

    I hope this week brings fewer feelings of jet lag! xoxo <3

  8. Fun survery! The last two healthy things I did was start my morning off will a legs session in the gym and to end my day of on a healthy note I’m sipping a glass of red wine – always good for the heart.
    We’re so alike in sipping hot drinks all day – I think from the moment I wake up there’s a glass of hot water or green tea around me.

  9. Does giving in to my cupcake obsession count as healthy? No prob not..soo..I ran 4 miles yesterday. YAY! HAHA. P.S. your answer to the alcohol question was perfect..yep.

  10. I’m a complete sucker for learning about people’s health habits, and I loooooove your approach to things. You know how much I love my walking, and I have to say that walking around a city like London would be a dream for me – so much to see! Although I guess I shouldn’t be talking, since I’ve been doing a tonne of walking around Vegas, and there’s definitely no lack of interesting things around here.

    1. Haha thanks Ameena. I have been making a list of all the restaurants I’ve eaten this trip- am happy to send you if you like (I’ll star the ones worth checking out)!

  11. Pingback: The most wonderful time of the year | Khushboo's Blog

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