Getting to know each other better

Hi, My name is Khushboo and I’m an Askhole .  How’s that to grab your attention ;)?  My sister emailed me this image with the subject line “This is so you“:

I wish I could argue otherwise but I’m guilty as charged.  What can I say…I’m a Gemini: we are fickle.  At the risk of sounding totally obnoxious and devoting an entire post to me, I thought I’d share a bit more about me…let’s call it “Getting to know each other better”:

  • I’m hardly superstitious, yet I’m constantly touching wood…even if merely a negative thought crosses my mind
  • If I’m adding milk to my tea/coffee, I always pour it before the water
  • I’ve been wearing the same Body Shop White Musk fragrance daily for the last 4 years

  • When I was growing up, I always envisioned I’d be an investment banker.  I’m more than relieved that’s not how things ended up.
  •  On week days I set 3 alarms

  • I am terrified of cats & dogs…more so of the former
  • I painted my toenails dark grey on Saturday and have since been regretting choosing such a morbid shade
  • I struggle to put on eyeliner #shakyhands
  • Most people find it hot when guys have a British accent…I personally prefer American accents

  • My name is originally spelled Khushbu….the “u” was later changed to “oo” because my mom thought it looked better
  • Hearing or seeing someone else brush their teeth makes me want to gag
  • Despite being in great health now (touch wood), I’ve had some shitty luck in the past: I was hospitalized for malaria when I was 3, I almost went blind when I was 16 because of accidentally wearing torn contact lens  and I got hit by a car while crossing the road when I was 18

Make me feel less self-centered by telling me something about you …

43 thoughts on “Getting to know each other better”

  1. ‘How you doin’? 😀 good to know you better blog lady,
    okay so here goes about moi –
    i graduated as an engineer, after 9 months of coding, gave up to be a copywriter in advertising… best decision ever.
    no matter how tired i am, or how sleepy/lazy , i am the one to make tea each morning – it’s my morning ritual, it keeps me sane.
    open washroom doors at somebody else’s place make me gag
    i love flea markets more than the malls
    i like shopping for food more than clothes
    on more occasions than one i dozed off while on the phone
    WOW i am obsessed with me or what?!!!

  2. Nothing wrong with a little self-centeredness, I mean, it is YOUR blog after all, and we’re here to get to know you anyway! And I’m glad you’re not an investment banker too ;D I will never be able to put on eyeliner neatly–thank goodness for makeup brushes and the popularity of the “smoky” look, I can just smudge that mess out and tell everyone it’s what I meant to do.

    1. Hahaahahaah smoky eyes must be the best make-up trend yet! It’s the look I go for after a night out…i.e. when I’m too tired to remove my eye make up properly!

  3. Happy to know i saw no surprises in this post – already knew all these things about you:) Especially that you are one serious askhole!!! Miss you – can nearly start counting down to see you!!! btw – hahahaha so much for choosing an out of the box polish – guess it was the first and last time!

  4. Love this! It’s the little random facts/quirks about a person that make me adore them, and you my dear are seriously one of my favorites 😉 I can’t believe that you’ve had so much bad luck with your health though! Getting hit by a car? Omigosh! Needless to say, I’m thankful that you made it through everything and are healthy and happy today 🙂

    Something about me… hmmmm… I suffer from annoyingly low blood pressure, so my doctor recommends that I eat a diet that’s higher in sodium and drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day. I thought it was kind of crazy at first, but it actually works! No more fatigue and lightheadedness. I guess I’m kind of lucky that I don’t have to watch the salt in my diet when the rest of the world seems to do their best to avoid it…

    1. I’m glad you found something to help with the low blood pressure…and what better way than coffee! I’m all for more reasons (ahem excuses) to add more cups to my day ;)!

  5. It’s so funny how you prefer American accents cus for me, that’s a “normal” accent living in North America!! 😛 Some random things about me:

    – I used to be afraid of house pets, cats, dogs, even hamsters… but now i’m ok with them. I especially like fat cats.

    – I have a fear of textured, clustered circles. Yeah, i know, it’s weird. Like bubbles that foam when you’re washing your hands make me feel uncomfortable.

    – The meme you posted about the accent is totally me!!! Actually people make fun of me cus when i go to Asian malls or restaurants, i always order with a chinese accent… even though, i’m not chinese. Hahaha!

    1. Haha you must have hated Venn diagrams in math class! That’s hilarious about the Chinese accent! When I lied in Nigeria, I unintentionally spoke in a Nigerian accent more often than not :D!

  6. Sable@SquatLikeALady

    You had malaria?! I am totally fascinated by malaria. My midterm project for Micro was about P. falciparum and my favorite charity is the Nothing But Nets campaign. If I had actually gone to college straight out of high school & finished in a timely manner (ie if I wasn’t still 45+ credits from graduating at the ripe old age of….mid-twenties ;-)) I wanted to become a microbiologist (PhD) and work with the WHO to eradicate malaria!

    Which parasite infected you? Do you remember your symptoms at all? How were you treated/cured?

    1. I wish I had answers for you right now but I was too young to remember what was going on! I’ll definitely ask my mom and let you know. For now, all I remember is that I was treated with a blood transfusion!

    1. Along with the 3 alarms, I hit the snooze button so by the end of it, getting up is just less painful than hearing all the racket!

  7. I consistently enjoy coming over to your blog and reading, you are always hilarious, informative and just awesome woman 🙂 I think it’s so interesting that you like American accents… me over here in the U.S. adores any other accent out there!

  8. Hahahahahahaha the part about you gagging when people brush their teeth had me dyinggg for some reason!! I am awful, but find it sooo funny when people gag!! Ahh I love cats!! I love the history behind your name, and I would love american accents..but I am they are boring to me ;).

    I am petrified of slugs..there..I said it.

  9. Khushhhhh.. I was your roomate and didnt know half the stuff.. and what da hec.. u got hit by a car.. dam woman.. I told ya over and over again.. dont walk and talk.. lol :p.

    i love ur website.. and the funniest thing is that I always end up reading your post in the underground on the way to work and I always giggle…. so Im pretty sure have freaked a few Austrians away.
    miss uuu

    1. Ponariii! Haha I knew I should have listened to you! And the worst part is that I wasn’t even on my phone! So glad you enjoy my blog, ex-roomie! 😀

  10. Ha, this made me laugh. I’m totally stealing the idea, btw, because I’ve been trying to think of a creative way to do a post like this!
    As for me, I used to want to be a sideline reporter and went to work at ESPN right after college. My career path has totally shifted since then though! And I’m afraid of birds. Weird, I know.

    1. Look forward to reading more about u! Would love to hear what working at ESPN was like! My BFF is terrified of pigeons!

  11. Hold up – wearing torn contact lenses can make you blind?!?? More details please!! I think I’ve only done it once… another time I tried to get a torn contact in, and it felt like stabbing pain. I was on my last pair of lenses and I had to go to a music festival with one contact in. This wouldn’t be such a big deal if I wasn’t *this close* to being considered legally blind! But scary stuff.

    1. Oh gosh Tara, take it from me…NEVER again wear a torn contact! I’ve become such a hygiene freak where my contacts are concerned! The torn contact caused an ulcer in my eye and if I waited any longer to see my optician, it would have ended up a lot worse than a week in hospital. Guess the unbearable pain paid off in some twisted way!

  12. GEEZ I better check my contacts!! I can’t believe you almost went blind! I feel ya on setting multiple alarms….if I had a dime for every time I dismissed my alarm and woke up in a frenzy an hour later I’d be a rich girl.

    1. Haha I must have had a bad experience in my past life…just the sound of someone else brushing stimulates my gag reflex!

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