AM to PM Workouts

This is how I spent my morning on Wednesday:

I’m not doctor but I had a feeling that working out right after a blood test was probably not a wise idea.  Although evening workouts aren’t my favorite, it was my only alternative…and I actually really enjoyed my session on Wednesday.  Sure getting my sweat on first thing sets a healthy & productive tone for the rest of the day, but I’m finally seeing eye to eye with later workouts:

  • Extra time in bed: It was rather nice to not have to battle with the snooze button and then sleepily high-tail my way to the gym.  Being able to stay in bed with a cup of coffee and eat breakfast in my pjs on a week day felt somewhat like a luxury.  It should be noted that at-home blood tests are an option in Mumbai, so you know I immediately jumped back into bed once I cried uncle finished.
  • More energy:  I always have this mind block that I’ll be too tired & unmotivated to work out after a long day at work.  By the time 7pm came along, my legs were feeling so antsy from sitting all day and between the restlessness and the day’s eats, I ended up running faster than I have in a while.  Not a bad way to de-stress!

  • Change in environment:  I’ve been going to the same gym for 2 years yet merely going at a different time made me feel like I was in a completely new gym.  The evening crowd is more relatable (i.e. more my age) and the gym was buzzing!  Everyone also seemed more into their workouts, which is a heck of a lot more motivating that the treadmill strollers who frequent the gym in the morning.
  • Not pressed for time:  I hate being a clock-watcher, especially during my workouts, but I have no choice in the mornings.  To ensure I make it to work on time, I try to be in and out of the gym within 70 minutes max (stretching included).  I’m all about efficiency but at the same time, it was nice to be able to exercise aram se (Hindi for “without pressure”) and not be on a tight schedule.
Post-workout dinner: Frittata

That all being said, I have no intention to forgo my morning sessions.  For the most part, I like having my evenings open…plus it’s a shame to let the endorphin high go to waste by going to sleep shortly after my workout!  However I might start throwing more of these evening sessions into the mix to spice things up…what can I say, I’m cray cray like that ;)!

Are you an AM or PM exerciser?

36 thoughts on “AM to PM Workouts”

  1. I’ve got that slight luxury of not working, so I do my workouts at 10 am or 11am, as I like lol, but I def prefer morning workouts – I like having my afternoon and evening to myself without feeling guilty that I haven’t worked out yet 🙂

    1. HATE having a workout hanging over my head! 10/11 am is my ideal time to work out, which I tend to on the Saturdays I am working in the second half of the day! It gives me time to eat breakfast and as a result my workouts are so much better!

  2. I’m normally a morning girl… but my morning are later than most. My job is flexible, so I’ll get to the gym around 830a, which gives me time to wake up first.

    That said, I have to do an evening workout today and I’m not happy about it. This post was exactly when I needed to read in order to reframe! Thank you!

  3. I’m a PM kind of lady, I am not a morning person at all. I prefer not to speak to anyone in the morning for at least an hour LOL Mixing things up is a good idea…plus I like the company from friends in the evening. And I don’t have to deal with the intense sunshine….I am a weirdo lol

  4. I belong to the PM clan. Mornings,definitely am cranky and the thought of exercising puts me off! 😛 Am trying to squeeze in a small workout of 20 mins or so,just to set the healthy tone right at the start of the day. I hope to develop the habit soon 🙂


  5. OMG K.. NO working out after a blood test. You need someone like me in your life who just needs an excuse not to hit the gym. 🙂 Any slacker would tell you that. 🙂 I’m definitely a PM person.. can’t wake up for my life in the morning.

    OMG.. i’m so curious.. so do you actually make the stirfry at home, or your house cook?

    1. Haha it’s one of those situations where not being able to do something only makes you want it that much more! As for my stir fries, we have a good system going on: our cook slices the veggies, I cook, I eat, he washes up…can’t complain :)!

  6. I’m definitely am a morning exerciser. Sometimes I switch it up, but for some reason I can not imagine working out past 5 PM. I am too darned exhausted by that time hah

  7. Before I started grad school, I’d drag myself out of bed at 5am every single morning so that I could squeeze in my workout before work. I loved that I “got it out of the way,” but wasn’t a fan of waking up before the sun. I was always exhausted by 8pm too! (That doesn’t pose well when your friends want to go out to dinner/drinks etc. haha) I love my schedule now because I have classes in the afternoon and evening, which allows me to hit the gym around 11:00. It’s perfect! But it will only last until December; then I have to decide if I’m going to return to my 5am mornings or becoming a PM exerciser. Ahh! I’m like you though–I have much more motivation in the morning, so I’m guessing I’ll be returning to 5am alarms!

    1. I loved afternoon classes…purely because it catered to my preferred workout times haha!! On weekends, 11 am is my workout time too as it gives me enough time to sleep in, eat breakfast, digest and then have a great session (thanks to pre-fuel)! Enjoy your schedule till December :)!

  8. I enjoy exercising at any time of the day really but LOVE the feeling of working out first thing; it frees up the day and you have this “glow” about you! The evening workouts are get for stress relief.

  9. I agree sometimes switching up your workout like that seems kinda magical hey. I love working out in the morning as well I like to think it sets a healthy tone for the day….but sometimes the allure of that snooze button is too much for me to say no too and it end up being an evening workout! Haha hot damn that ecard is hilarious…hell yeah if gym peer pressure and people watching you makes you work harder, it’s a win right ?! haha 🙂

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