The joys of womanhood

Despite being a major tomboy when I was growing up, I love being a girl for the most part.  However there are some  aspects which come with the package of being a girl which I wish I could change.  For starters:

Water Retention

Of course water retention does occur amongst men, but it’s less frequent due to hormonal factors (damn you, oestrogen!).  Jokes aside, I know I can’t be the only one affected by water retention.  When you’re working out regularly, eating meticulously (for the most part at least), yet your jeans keep getting snugger and your face is puffing up, it’s disheartening.

Water retention can occur for a variety of reasons but in my case, it’s currently due to a change in medication…which is clearly playing havoc with me internally. I know Google is not always the most reliable source but until I meet with my doctor, it’s the only way to keep myself sane.  Here are some tips I came across which help reduce water retention:

  • Limit your intake of foods high in sodium (a.k.a. salt): Our bodies rely on electrolytes, primarily sodium & potassium, to carry out our bodily functions.  When too much sodium is present, the body dilutes it with water in an attempt to restore the balance.
  •  Increase your water intake: It may seem counterintuitive but water flushes out excess fluids in the body and salt in your body, instead of storing it.
  • Eat foods with diuretic properties:  Food is always my number one preference to tackle body issues.  While there is a long list of foods that can help reduce water retention, here are a few:
    1. Bananas, apricots, & avocados are rich in potassium, which helps regulate your body’s fluid levels
    2. Green vegetables, seeds and nuts are high in magnesium that can also help
    3. Yogurt & high fibre foods (e.g. whole grain cereal, whole grain rice, oats)
    4. Water-rich foods are also another way to increase your fluid intake such as pineapple, broccoli, cucumber and watermelon
  • Exercise often to keep your blood circulating and hence prevent tissues from accumulating too much fluid.  As the body heats up, it’ll sweat away excess fluids and salt and hence restore the balance.

 And courtesy of my sister:

  • Take apple cider vinegar tablets

She has been taking these for the last few months and has only benefited.  Although I wouldn’t ever start medication without professional advice, this is an exception because it’s natural.  While vinegar can be made of all sorts of things, apple cider vinegar comes from pulverised apples.  ACV carries a huge range of benefits but in the case of water retention, consuming ACV (either liquid or tablet form) can help drain the excess water & fluid retained in the body.  It exhibits natural diuretic properties and in addition maintains the potassium levels in the body.


I am hoping my doctor will prescribe something to help sort out my fluid levels  once and for all, but until then, I am going to make a more conscious effort to incorporate the above.

Have you ever dealt with water retention? What helped? 

24 thoughts on “The joys of womanhood”

  1. Great post! Figure training focuses a lot of eliminating water retention. I am supposed to keep salt to a minimum (100mg or lower) and I have to drink at least 120 oz of water a day. At first I felt like i was having a water balloon baby, but after few days my body adjusted and I’m feeling good (not to mention the benefit to my skin and “regularity”).

    I would also echo the ACV. I drink 2 T in a glass of water with a couple drops of lemon stevia every morning 30 mins before eating.

    1. I am so bad when it comes to my skin (in terms of washing my face/products) but fortunately it’s naturally glows- can only attribute it to water and healthy fats! Glad to hear you are a fan of ACV!

  2. I get the WORST fluid retention. I can gain 3 kgs before that time of the month! And it’s not just my belly that swells up, it’s everything lol. I just try and drink lots of water and herbal tea, and wait for it to pass. Interesting about the ACV. My father loves the stuff. I think I”m going to give it a try!

  3. When I used to actually get a period, the fluid/water retention was just the worst for me! I would gain about 8 pounds in water, sooo attractive I know haha. Water and caffeine have helped me through those times, and cucumbers, watermelon, and other h20-based produce

  4. Definitely agree with reducing salt intake! I can definitely notice a difference when I start eating more high sodium foods (read: any of my family’s cooking 🙂 ). Interesting about the ACV, I’ve heard of it being used in detox-ish type diets before but never as a way to reduce water retention, may have to check it out.

  5. I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award! Please check out my most recent post for the rules and if you’ve already received this award then don’t worry about doing it again. Keep up the great writing!

  6. Girll i feel you! Especially the part of working out and your jeans still feeling snugger…ahh! I agree on sodium intake which makes a big difference. I’ve never tried ACV in tablet form….but I’m sure all of these methods will have a positive effect in flushing it all out!

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