Getting comfortable

Comfort foods…

  • We all have at least one

  • They are foods that feed our tummy, nourish our souls, and soothe the psyche
Beyonce's favorite is Frenchy's Chicken
  • Comfort foods are an edible walk down memory lane
  • We can eat them repeatedly without wanting to throw our hands in the air
David Beckham tucks into pie & mash as soon as he lands in London
  • If you’re a female, your cravings for them go through the roof at least once a month 😉
  • Different strokes comfort foods for different folks
Eva Mendes's go-to comfort food: tuna sandwich with extra onions and Doritos smashed inside
  • Calories, sodium, fat, any kind of nutrition aren’t an area of concern with comfort foods
  • Chances are your mom makes it best…I know mine does
  • Pasta in marinara sauce and/or vanilla ice cream will forever be mine

What’s yours?

28 thoughts on “Getting comfortable”

  1. Ahhh comfort food! I have so many! Most notably: Chicken shawarma sandwiches with LOTS of pickled turnips (and with garlic sauce for dippage), chicken kathi rolls, Finnish meatballs & mashed potatoes, and my mother’s moussaka.
    Way to get me hungry so early in the morning! And smashed doritos in a sandwich sounds killer

    1. Oh man those all sound so good right now, especially the shawarma and extra garlic sauce! And I agree about the doritos- it’s the extra onions bit which kinda killed it for me…tuna + onions = keep that breath away from me!

  2. How I love food that make me feel oh so good inside. I heart, pasta bolognese, a good curry chicken and roti, lindt chocolate, cake (way too many to list), tiramisu and gelato.

    And my absolute fav. Green Curry chicken!! Thai food rocks. Indian food also. Gosh I love food way to much lol

  3. Mmm comfort foods… I feel like I have so many! Let’s see, the first ones that come to mind= tomato soup paired with a grilled cheese sandwich, a panini with the cheese oozing out, pizza (cheese theme much?!), ice cream, and SOUP!

  4. hmm this is a hard one, espeically from my past history with an unhealthy relationship with food. But I will have to say lasagne as its a food I remember eating from my childhood, and also mango random but its my favourite.

  5. Love this post.. cuz I love comfort food. Macaroni and Cheese hands down is my favorite. I also love chicken tenders with honey mustard. And pizza is good too. and of course, dessert. I’m BAD!

    your pasta looks pretty healthy. 🙂

    1. Hahah healthy pasta = more room for cheese…and ice cream :)! If you’re bad, it probably makes me terrible to admit that my fave kind of Mac & Cheese comes from a blue box..i.e. Kraft!

  6. I am a sweet tooth so it’s usually something sweet like ice cream, oatmeal cookies or french toast.
    But when I’m sick, I want rice porridge with miso and a egg. My mom always made it for me when I’m sick 🙂

  7. Mmm comfort foods! Pho is one of mine, as is any kind of delicious bread. Or nacho cheese doritos. I really go for the carbs when it comes to comfort!

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