You can always count on Dr. Google

For the last 10 days, I have been experiencing a funky pain on my right leg.  It started off on my shin which I assumed was  shin splints.  It’s now progressed to my right ankle and any kind of high-impact exercise highlights the pain more.  I initially tried to run through the pain but it only made matters worse so for now I’m avoiding it completely.  The idea of a few  weeks off running sounds much more appealing than potentially months off.  In the meanwhile, I’ve been trying to R.I.C.E. as much as possible: Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.  I’ve also been wearing this sexy ankle support:

I am no doctor but from what I’ve researched Googled, it seems to be a mild ankle sprain.  Fortunately the pain is not severe to the point that I can’t work out at all.  For now, I have been sticking to low-impact exercises like the elliptical, swimming and walks in the park.  I’ve also been doing upper body circuits involving both free weights, machines and body-weight exercises like press-ups, tricep bench dips, planks and crunches.  It’s not ideal but I’m making it work.

If anything, this pain has definitely been the wake-up call I needed to respect my body beyond regular exercise.  There are so many ways to prevent injury from exercise but these are the 4 which I plead “guilty” to, and am vowing to adopt from now on:

1) Do not do too much too soon:  In the case of running, try to avoid increasing your mileage more than 10% per week.

2) Stretch, stretch and stretch: This is one of my goals for 2012: STRETCH AFTER EVERY RUN!  By improving flexibility, stretching can improve athletic performance and decrease the risk of injury.

3) Don’t push through pain: Coming out of your comfort zones is one thing but asking more from a part of your body than it can currently provide is another.  There are no prizes for enduring real discomfort so take it as a signal that something’s wrong and be proactive about it!

4) Regularly change your trainers: Working out in old or worn out shoes will not give your feet the support they need.  As a general rule of thumb, runners who log 25 miles per week should replace their shoes every three to four months. I think this is one of the main reasons for my current pain.  The worst part is that I actually had a new pair of trainers sitting in my cupboard…I was just too lazy to make the switch 😳 .
What precautionary steps do you take to avoid injury?

22 thoughts on “You can always count on Dr. Google”

  1. That’s no good!
    I had a wrist injury and I did exactly what you don’t recommend, I pushed through the pain and now I haven’t been able to play volleyball for 4 months! 🙁
    I usually stretch to prevent injury but I could work on having self discipline NOT to push through in certain situation.. 🙁

    1. It definitely requires a lot of discipline..I literally had to hold myself from the treadmill this morning…it was a mental debate between “one mile won’t kill” v “stop being so stubborn”

  2. Staying away from running during injury is the best thing you can do for you poor legs. I remember few months back, prior to my toe fracture, I had strained my hip muscles and rest was the only thing it needed!!!(apart from the icing and compression of course)

    1. Glad I’m not the only lazy one around when it comes to stretching! Isn’t it ironic that we can muster enough energy to actually exercise yet we feel too lazy to do the most mellow part and stretch!

  3. Hope you feel better soon! I always search google with symptoms but generally end up scaring myself with some crazy rare disease! I really need to change my trainers soon – I’ve had them so long! Merry Christmas 🙂

  4. Hmm.. honestly, I only work out a couple days a week.. and I HATE running. I just do the elliptical and i haven’t suffered from any injury. When I do lift weights though, I start low and build up, a few times I started with more weights and I ended up hurting myself.

  5. I’m definitely guilty of some of those myself! I’ve had some odd injuries/sprains surface since I’ve been taking my post-race rest and I think old shoes are to blame as well, which is why I’m trying to shop around for some new ones. Hope your leg gets better soon!

  6. I learned the hard way to not push through the pain! I fear I’ve permanently ruined my knees though – glad you figured this out before you have the same problems!

    Hope you had a great weekend my friend! Happy Monday. 🙂

  7. Awww I hope that yo get better soon – I can’t imagine not being able to run for such a long time!
    I have been lucky to avoid getting any serious injuries, but here and there I have felt some aches and pains, especially in my left foot. Whenever this happens I stop running for 2 to 3 days and cross train!

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