Life lessons learned from running

Running is a worldwide sport.  There are so many reasons why people run: weight loss, mental benefits, serenity, self-achievement, carbo-loading, it costs less than therapy, and so forth.  Whatever your reason is, chances are you’re getting more out of running than you bargained for.

During my long run yesterday, I started to realize how lessons learnt from running can be translated into life lessons..  Here are some of the parallels which I came up with:

  • Planning is key: From planning your meal beforehand to sleeping enough, creating the ‘perfect’ playlist and so forth, ensure all the conditions which you CAN control are in your favor.  Although luck does factor in, don’t let poor planning beforehand ruin your chances of coming out on top.
  • Change your mindset: “Whether you can or can’t, you’re probably right”-  Why thank you for your words of wisdom, Mr. Ford.  Half the battle is mental and mindset is a powerful thing.  It has the power to control you, persuade you, hold you back or get you through that wall.  Let it work for you and not against you…or in other words think positive.

  • The right music can set the mood
  • Don’t limit your achievements and possibilities by staying in a comfort zone: Keep challenging yourself and keep trying something new to grow as both a runner and human being.  And the next time you want to cry during your speed run, repeat after me: “You have to train faster to run faster.”

  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket: All those who only bought shares in Enron will know what I’m talking about.  As much as I enjoy running and would love to do so every single day, I also don’t want to risk injury or burnout.
  • Don’t burn the candle at both ends: Choose what’s most important to you and focus all your energy on that.  As someone who finds it hard to say no, I can vouch that putting too much on your plate is a recipe for burnout…and a stomachache ;)!  In terms of running, choose whether you want to improve on speed or distance and concentrate on one goal at a time!
  • Carbs aren’t the devil: I wonder if Dr. Atkins ever ran.  If so, I would love to see his glycogen stores! Eat carbs to be a faster, more efficient runner.  Eat carbs to be a happier and nicer human being :)!

  • Look at the big picture. Missed a training run? Had a sluggish run? Just couldn’t get into the groove? Life’s too short to worry about the small details.  Take a step back and ask yourself “Will it really matter a month down the line?”

What life lesson have you learned recently?

17 thoughts on “Life lessons learned from running”

  1. Patience is truly a virtue and can get you through a lot. And I learned that by being nice even when others are not, you almost always come out on top. 🙂

    GREAT post! I’ve come to learn some of the same things from running. And you’re 100% right, it’s all about your mindset!

  2. Eat carbs and be a happier, nicer human being! SUCH TRUE WORDS! I have been learning that lesson over the past year- just how much more pleasant I am with the presence of bread and cakes!
    It’s been a while since I have went for a run, but I must say I love that mental clarity/whoosh of sanity I get from it

  3. Aw I love this post. Running does relate a lot to life! I would say another one is not to take it too seriously all the time. You have to let it be fun!

  4. Haha GREAT line about Dr. Atkins. I love this post – great tips! I agree that planning is key and music can make or break a good run. Aside from being an awesome workout/supply of endorphins, what I love most about running is that It’s so character building – I’ve learned so much about myself in terms of perseverance and determination. Its also helped me appreciate my body so much more which isn’t something I get from any other sport/physical activity.

    1. Agreed on both points- in terms of distance/speed I’ve realised that I need to stop doubting myself–> with a little work, anything is possible. I’ve also gained a lot more respect for my body too. It’s strong and ‘serves’ me well almost always :)…it really is so much more than just being a particular size.

  5. Such a powerful and informative post lady. First of all YES to carbs! They are so essential and I shunned them for so dang long during the worst times of the disordered eating. Second, not putting all of your eggs in one basket is true too… otherwise you will surely get injured!

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