Happy Holla-ween

Holler…ween!  Hope this year’s Halloween was indeed a happy one.  Over the weekend, a few friends and I made the last minute decision to go to a Halloween party.  Given the lack of time as well as my lack of creativity, thinking up an outfit was a bit confusing.  Whereas some girls use Halloween as a legit excuse to wear close to nothing, I used it as an excuse to channel my inner gangsta.  Guess who dressed up as Kanye West this year:

Kanye West & Pocahontas

Looking back, I don’t think I’ve ever gone overly out of my way  with Halloween outfits but I’ve somehow managed to go beyond the standard ‘witch’ or ‘catwoman’ fall-backs.  For example, as Halloween was quite big in my boarding school, I went as A Four of Hearts Card in 2005.

Bahahha check out my "poker" face

Just for the record, I know how to put on lipstick: the idea was to form a heart.  I am probably going to regret posting the picture above but it made me laugh…and thank the lord that times sure have changed.   In 2009, my friends and I went as policewomen…British policemen to be exact:

Thanks to Google, I may or not may not already have a few snazzy costume ideas up my sleeve:

Cereal Killer: Clothing should be kind of rugged and torn. Carry a bloody knife and have blood on your clothes. Attach labels or actual little cereal boxes all over your clothes.

Some random from Google Images

Self-Portrait: Wear a shirt that is light-colored enough for you to sign your name in the bottom corner. Make a picture frame out of cardboard or wood. When people ask what you are hold up your picture frame. The frame should be big enough so that from waist up you are in the frame and your signature is in the bottom corner like a portrait.

….and in case I’m once again super last-minute:

Sunny Side up Eggs: Wear all white. Attach a piece of yellow felt to your derriere. When people ask what you are bend over and say “sunny side up.”

Apparently Gwen Stefani is one step ahead of me

Other than a sugar/alcoholic hangover and costumes which comes with Halloween, this holiday also marks the end of the month.  On that note, peace out October, we’ve shared some great memories 🙂 ! In case you missed any of my posts this month, here is an October recap.





What was your Halloween outfit this year?

11 thoughts on “Happy Holla-ween”

  1. the cereal killer is hilarious!! i always want to dress up as a tree with a whole lot of friends and go as a forest… never has happened though. maybe this year in purim ( we don’t celebrate holloween but we have our own festival which includes dressing up). looking forward to seeing your costume!

  2. Cereal killer! Love it! I actually didn’t really do Halloween this year- now that I’m out of college it’s quite an effort to do too much for it (haha I’m lazy I suppose…and I’ve never been crazy about Halloween)- however I have been upping my wear-age of fur & Gucci this week so when people ask me “and what are you?” I just tell them “I’m the 1%” (in reference to Occupy Wallstreet 😉 Last year however I was Kim Kardashian- which certainly was good fun, and I have decided that next year I want to be Karl Lagerfeld!

  3. Hahaha the cereal idea really made me giggle! Love your costume of Kanye West but next year you have to be a “Gold-Digger” 😉

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