Blog posts > birthday cards

If you don’t understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.  ~Linda Sunshine

Proof my siblings were obsessed with me from day 1

Anyone who has a sister is more than likely to agree with that statement.  I’m sure any fellow sisters will also agree that the bond between 2 sisters can never be replicated (Sorry, Anand 🙂).  Even though my older sister Shyamla is one of the single most important people in my life, I am yet to introduce her on my blog. She is the girl who:

  • I would turn to first at the sign of a crisis
  • Shopped for me regularly during the days I lived in Lagos (she in London) and had “nothing to wear” to school dances
  • I asked whether _____ could get you pregnant (fill in the blanks using your imagination ;))
  • Needs to be pinned down before receiving a shot (not the alcoholic kind) yet considers acupuncture
  • Taught me that tea tastes better when you add the milk first
  • Claims that blending courgettes & broccoli in her smoothies ‘tastes delicious’
  • Can happily spend hours browsing the aisles of grocery stores with me
  • I want to share every workout/meal of mine with
  • Put up with my brat-attacks countless times in the past
My sister's engagement in 2009
  • Selflessly made it a point to celebrate MY 21st birthday by ordering a cake during HER wedding function
  • Spent years applying eyeliner on me even though my eyes water like crazy and I know she hated doing so
  • Never bats an eyelid when I borrow her jewelry/handbags/clothes/basically everything
  • Understands my nightly desire need for chocolate
  • The person that I look up to the most, trust with my life, am constantly inspired by and who deserves to have the best birthday today, next year, every single year to come.

Happy Birthday, K-Chatt!!! 

Hope your day is filled with lots of

Get loose With Goose....or just fall into a sugar coma

I smile because you’re my sister, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it…

Do you have any siblings? If so, are you close with him/her/them? 

14 thoughts on “Blog posts > birthday cards”

  1. Aww KT this is the sweetest post ever. Really brought tears to my eyes. And there is a better sister than…YOU!!! Love you loads x

  2. Posting too late …… Its too late for me to get a sister…. Problem its got too late to even get 2 daughters too, so ….

    Happy Bday to ur big sis anyways, so what if she has to deal with u!

    1. Hey! nice post…I myself am sandwiched b/w a younger bro and elder sis and so cud totally relate to many of the points above. Loved the quote : ” I smile bcoz you are my sister, I laugh bcoz you can do nothing about it!” 😉 My bday wishes to her!

  3. This is too sweet 🙂 I have a little sister four years younger than me and while we fought a lot as kids (and still sometimes have our headbutting moments), I know that she will ALWAYS have my back and me hers. A bond between sisters is a very special thing indeed!

  4. Pingback: Tuesday things « Khushboo's Blog

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