Brown paper bag: week 1

After last week’s post on packed lunches, I wanted to post a snapshot of one of the lunches I devoured this week. Before I share the ‘deets of my eats’ (yes, I went there :D), I felt the urge to show off my carrier of choice:

That’s right, no snazzy Lisa Frank lunch bag, no practical Coleman lunchbox but instead a reused House of Fraser plastic bag. ย What can I say, I’m classy like that ;). ย Don’t judge a book bag by it’s cover though because in it contained:

  • Turkey and Philly cream cheese wrap

  • And now for the best part of any meal, i.e. dessert:ย 

Kidddinggg….I settled for an ‘eat me in one bite’ miniature version of white Toblerone ๐Ÿ™‚

All together:

Not too shabby…I may have to repeat it tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰

What did YOU pack for lunch this week?

10 thoughts on “Brown paper bag: week 1”

  1. love this. can u give me some alternative vegetarian sandwich fillers? (pref things which are available in bombay!) thank u ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. The classic mozarella and basil? Same wrap I had but with grilled tofu instead? This sounds weird but mashed beans (chickpeas or kidney beans) are also excellent in sandwiches! Or another one for a Japanese twist: stir fried tofu with a drop of soy sauce- layered 2 slices of bread with peanut butter and top with lettuce (or beansprouts if you have) and the soy tofu?

  2. Hah I wish I had enough of a life (aka a job) to pack lunch! I’ve been eating leftover kebabs, hummus, the usual…I really need to go out to eat somewhere, I don’t want my readers to think I’ve killed off the food in lieu of fashion haha
    And your guacccc looks amazing. I need to drag a friend to lunch today!

    1. Hahah insulation??? Actually if i ate that whole bar on a regular basis, chances are I’d gain a layer of insulation if you catch my drift! Seriously get on it though- Toblerone is amazing!

  3. Tobleroneeee…mmm. But I’m not a white chocolate type of person, more like dark ๐Ÿ˜€

    I remeber there was a time in Bangalore when cream cheese was impossible to find…it boggles my mind how much American stuff are in the grocery stores now!

    And there are avocadoes as well? Sorry for sounding so ignorant even I just came back from India, but I’ve never seen them in the stores before!

    1. I don’t discriminate- I eat all chocolate ;)! Haha yeah it’s crazy how far India has come over the years- there’s so much available here, even avocados in the market! I’m not surprised you never came across them- they’re relatively overpriced so they prob keep it in the back- I must be one of the few suckers who are willing to get ripped off ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Pingback: Brown paper bag: week 4 «

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