Change is good

Disclaimer: This post features some interesting stuff I came across in my module.  It may require some extra brain power so read if, and only if, you’re in the right state of mind for something heavy 😉

Day 2 of my module: I covered the transtheoretical model of change which lists the stages individuals undergo when making a lifestyle change, specificially to their eating and exercise habits.  At the risk of stating the obvious, you have to be willing to make a permanent change, rather than hold on to that ‘I’m going to be super strict till my birthday/till I lose 5 pounds/etc’ mentality.  It’s a hard message for some people to accept, but if they are not willing to make lifestyle changes, it’s unlikely the weight loss will be maintained.   By definition, change refers to acquisition of new behaviours or cessation of existing or old behaviours.  Two stages of this model really stood out to me: pre-contemplation and relapse.

At the pre-contemplation stage, people are not really considering the possibility of change and hence aren’t in the right frame of mind.  Usually, they have no interest to attend a formal weight-loss group or a one-to-one session, and if, by chance, they do it’s due to persuasion by others. People in this state of change will be unsuccessful with losing weight or taking up exercise.   It’s analogical to that whole horse and drinking water scenario: others can motivate you and provide you with infinite advice, but no one can physically do the work for you.  If only I had a penny for every time my mom tried to get me to lose weight way back when I was a kid…I would have probably accumulated enough money to pay for lipo…JUST KIDDING!I guess that explains why I’d still sneak in cookies despite her ongoing nagging :roll:…I literally had no drive at that point in my life.  Nobody can help you if you can’t help yourself. 

A few months ago, I briefly blogged about the importance of ‘drawing a line.’  Relapses** are a natural part of any change process.  We all binge every now and then, and that’s okay.  It’s quite similar to a revolving door process whereby you mess up and feel that you’re back to square one.  But a temporary blip does not need to become permanent.  Rather than use it to affirm your belief that you will not be successful, recognise that each change attempt makes you a bit stronger and more knowledgeable the next time you try.  Overall, I do consider myself fairly healthy, and have been for the past few years.  But truth be told, I will eat mindlessly sometimes…and trust me, when I want to push the boat out, the fat girl in me comes out :cool:.  That doesn’t, by any means, make me feel like a failure or give me reason to give up.  I just enjoy it and move forward. So long as it doesn’t turn into permanent behaviour, it’s no ‘biggie’ :lol:. 

Despite our great intentions to lose weight and the numerous targets we set ourselves, things don’t always go as planned.  But when you put it into perspective, reasons behind our successful/not-so-successful attempts seem to become that much clearer. 

**The theoretical term is ‘relapse’ but I’m going to refer to it as a binge/mess-up as ‘relapse’ conjures an image of an alcoholic or drug addict 😮

2 thoughts on “Change is good”

  1. Khush uv re-motivated me! I was beginning to lose hope because i’ve relapsed this summer 🙁 and today I gave in to the truffle mac at il Baretto 🙁 I couldnt resist! Which was SO unlike me before but now you’ve motivated me!! I miss you

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